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My WMC Review... (what I remember)

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Thursday I land at 11:00AM- Check into the Rooney Palace and Z looks as if she was completely shot already (she arrived 3 days prior).

Meet Unclebuc and Lock16 at Billboards Live- Roof party. Sick party, lots of ny/nj people there, I maybe waited a good 10 minutes before I lit the roof up w/ one of the monster Kentucky Blue Grass Hydro joints I brought.... The bouncer just looked at at us and laughed.. Crippled the whole place. DJs were Sheldon Romero, Shawn Ink and some broad.... All played great. At 8-9ish I completely blacked out and then woke up in my hotel room (somehow) at 5AM- I thought I missed the night but Buc informed me we were going to an after hours party at Sky Lounge- This place was sick, I had the best time of the weekend here from 5:30 till noon. Great music- I heard Ziggy for the first time who was on point. Mark Amatooooooochie ripped the patio appart at 9AM, his rimix of the Doors "The End" got a huge pop. Get back to my hotel room and the room next door had beats ripping very loud. I knocked on the door and smoked the whole room up despite not knowing anyone there.....

Friday- I oversleep for Clevlander and Shelborne- Wake up at 5 PM and eat enough Sushi to make Godzilla jealous. Fri. night I hit Manage for Jonathan (what was I thinking, I should of went to PVD at space) Jonathan was good, not great but good. The place had no AC that night everyone lost a good 5lbs. of water weight. Highlights include Tooch buying 2 bottles of Vodka and chilling upstairs. Great time, I knew one song so once again all new music.

Sat. My body was feeling completely shot. I was so wasted the prior 2 days I forgot my hotel had a pool. I passed out there for 6 hours including sleeping straight through a rain storm w/ sunglasses and walkman on. Sat. night I hit Manage again, I really wasn't into it b/c I was beat. Tooch was on point again, Ziggy was ok, and then Shawn Ink destroyed the place..... Great time but only so fun b/c of my body saying "NO".

Sunday- I lay in bed 24 hours straight....... till Mon. morning, fly home and go straight to work....... ahhhhhhhhh life

This was a great vacation, but not cheap..... still well worth it..

Lots of people I chilled w/ on this board (not gonna name you all) but everyone it was a damn good time........


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Originally posted by angelicious


what ya do, just get back

Unlike you, I don't come home and hop on the net and post my life..... The excessive drinking and recreational items really took their toll on me....

so to answer your question- Yes... at least mentally....

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Guest beatjunkie

that I witnessed....

1. DT- He unleashed the secret weapons.

2. Sander Kleinberg on terrace on space-- he went off; the energy level was impressive

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Originally posted by StArBrYte

sandman I had a great time hanging out with you... let me just say that the bluegrass saved me many mornings/afternoons!!! Thanks a million!!! :D

I can't believe you slept through that 15 minute hurricane... hahaha

Puffing w/ cool girls like you is as good as it gets..... Glad we met and chilled...

Yea, it wa a hurricane not just a shower. I woke up soaked and useless.

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South beach was crazy sick.....

I still can't believe you went to JP over PVD.....PVD is the sickest dj I have ever heard. He just drops hard ass beats on top of hard ass beats....it didn't stop.

The highlight of my trip was cooking an egg on my friends back as he layed there sun burned and all.....

*NOTE*- The reason this is the highlight cause thats all I can remember!!!!!

I have to say that Ink and Tooch turned alot of heads down there. people who were hearing them for the 1st time went bananas over them....

Sandman.....First Vegas, then South beach....Whats Next????



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Originally posted by thesandman

Unlike you, I don't come home and hop on the net and post my life..... The excessive drinking and recreational items really took their toll on me....

so to answer your question- Yes... at least mentally....

i hear ya on that...i just got back to normal monday (a few days ago) i felt lost and traumatized when i got back...hey, i think you were hangin with me and a couple of the other chickens, at sky

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great seeing u down there...big ups for u and Lock Dawg (asnd your bunny) comin to Billboard and Sky--thanks for the kind words


ur the true def on an animal...drinkin straight up absolute like it was just another day--till next year my friend...ur outta control!

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Originally posted by marktooch

ur the true def on an animal...drinkin straight up absolute like it was just another day--till next year my friend...ur outta control!

Tooch, thanks for putting me over like a champ......lol I forgot that I was drinking straight vodka till you posted it. I may make that my signature.....

G420- DJ Pride, yes thats it...... girl ripped it at Billboards

siciliawoman, I have met you before but never sober so reintroduce yourself to me...... I remember your cute but thats it...:tongue:

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