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NO gunshot wounds on Lynch

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from the sydney morning herald..


Rescued PoW had no gunshot or knife wounds: father

April 4 2003, 9:06 AM

The father of rescued prisoner of war Jessica Lynch today said she suffered no gunshot or knife wounds at the hands of her Iraqi assailants, contrary to reports quoting a US official.

In a televised press conference from his home in Palestine, West Virginia, Gregory Lynch said he and his wife had spoken to her after she underwent surgery at a US military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany.

An examination revealed the 19-year-old private had "no multiple gunshot wounds or knife stabs" Lynch said, adding that there had been "no entry whatsoever".

The Washington Post, citing a US official, reported that Jessica Lynch had "continued firing at the Iraqis even after she sustained multiple gunshot wounds and watched several other soldiers in her unit die around her in fighting (on) March 23".

Lynch said: "The doctor has completed one surgery on her back. They have released the pressure on a nerve and realigned all the discs and put plates and stuff in it."

The surgery was performed "because she didn't have any feeling in her feet", Lynch said, and doctors were confident they had corrected the problem.

He said she would undergo further surgery tomorrow for fractures to her legs and right forearm, adding: "She's in real good spirits."

A supply clerk with the 507th Maintenance Company, Lynch was rescued in a pre-dawn raid on an Iraqi-held hospital in Nasiriyah, where she had been held for more than a week.

Iraqi forces ambushed Lynch's company after it took a wrong turn last month near Nasiriyah, a city in Iraq's south.

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doesn't it bother you though that they would say that, even though it's not true? doesn't that alarm you at all....proves the military makes up its own version of what's going on, of course they're not going to say everything they're doing, especially since they have proven so with cases in the past in laos, vietnam, panama....cia bullshit covert operations for the wrong reasons....

if they can twist that little piece of information around like that, what else do you think they can twist to their advantage....?

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I think it is more disturbing that there haven't been any gun shot wounds found as of yet. It makes you wonder what exactly was done to her, or what did she go through to be in such a bad condition. To the point that she had to undergo surgery to try and bring back sensation to her feet. It is very sad she may be in fact paralyzed.

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Family of POW: She Wasn't Shot, Stabbed

Thu Apr 3, 7:52 PM ET

By ALLISON BARKER, Associated Press Writer

PALESTINE, W.Va. - The father of rescued POW Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch said Thursday she was in great spirits following her first surgery and said doctors told him she had not been shot or stabbed during her ordeal.

"We have heard and seen reports that she had multiple gunshot wounds and a knife stabbing. The doctor has not seen any of this," Gregory Lynch Sr. said. "There's no entry (wounds) whatsoever."

Lynch said his 19-year-old daughter, who is at a military hospital in Germany, had surgery on her back.

"She didn't have any feeling in her feet," he said outside his home in this West Virginia hamlet. More surgery was scheduled for Friday on her fractured legs and right arm, he said.

The family spent several hours with Pentagon officials discussing her time in Iraq. They hoped to learn more about what happened on March 23, when her 507th Maintenance Company convoy was attacked after making a wrong turn in southern Iraq.

Also waiting for news are family members with loved ones in the 507th, based at Fort Bliss, Texas: Seven soldiers remained missing Thursday, five were listed as prisoners of war and two others were confirmed killed.

The military has said 11 bodies were found during Lynch's dramatic rescue from an Iraqi hospital Tuesday, and some were believed to be Americans.

Gregory Lynch said he had not discussed his daughter's captivity with her during telephone conversations. He and his wife did not immediately elaborate on what they discussed with military officials.

"They have successfully done one surgery on her," he said, smiling as he joked about pink casts for her broken limbs. "There will be other surgeries. It's going to take time and patience. She's in real good spirits."

Lynch, a supply clerk, was rescued from an Iraqi hospital in a daring nighttime raid by U.S. commandos acting on a CIA tip.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Lynch shot several Iraqi soldiers during the firefight and kept firing until she ran out of ammunition even after suffering several gunshot wounds. Pentagon officials declined to comment on the report.

According to a military reporter with the First Marine Expeditionary Force, Marines were led to Lynch by an Iraqi man whose wife was a nurse at the hospital.

The man, a lawyer from Nasiriyah whom the reporter identified only as Mohammad, said he peered through the window of Lynch's room.

"I knew then I must help her be saved," the man was quoted as saying. "I decided I must go to tell the Americans."

The military reporter said that after Mohammad told Marines about Lynch's whereabouts, he returned to the hospital to gather intelligence, including the number of Iraqi troops guarding the building, the layout of the building and the room in which Lynch was kept.

Mohammad and his family have been granted refugee status and have been taken to a secure location, the reporter said.

Lynch left Iraq on a stretcher with an American flag folded across her chest, and arrived at a U.S. air base in Germany late Wednesday for treatment at the military's Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Members of the medical crew that accompanied her on the 8 1/2-hour flight to Germany from Kuwait said she appeared clear-headed, smiling and alert, but didn't discuss her plight with them.

"She must be as hard as nails," said Air Force Capt. Shean Galvin.

"She doesn't know what kind of uproar she's caused right now," her brother, Greg Lynch Jr., said. "She's definitely a hero. Whether she realizes it or not — not only to our family, but to the whole nation."

Lynch joined the Army after graduating in 2001. Her brother enlisted the same day, and their 18-year-old sister, Brandi, will report for duty in August.

The family said they are not sure when Jessica Lynch will be flown back to the United States. They decided against a trip to Germany.

"We want that to be on Jessi's terms," her father said. "When she is ready, I'm sure she will let us know and we'll be on the way."

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Originally posted by sassa

doesn't it bother you though that they would say that, even though it's not true? doesn't that alarm you at all....proves the military makes up its own version of what's going on, of course they're not going to say everything they're doing, especially since they have proven so with cases in the past in laos, vietnam, panama....cia bullshit covert operations for the wrong reasons....

if they can twist that little piece of information around like that, what else do you think they can twist to their advantage....?

they weren't the ones who stated she'd been shot and stabbed repeatedly. I believe it was reporters who made t hat rumor up, and reported it as fact.

the military does it's own thing. they're not bothering you, so give it a rest. I'd be more worried about the media's ability to twist and manipulate information.

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This is not some big conspiracy/cover up. The media reports BS all the time b/c reporters make their own speculations, there's nothing exciting going on so things get glorified, rumors get started, etc. I remember reading on CNN's website the day after 9/11 that they had found the front end of the plane with the charred bodies of 2 of the hijackers inside - god only knows where that info came from, but it wasn't true and the story was later recanted, as was this one.

Besides, it doesn't matter if she was shot/stabbed or not, she was still tortured enough that she required immediate and fairly involved medical care - the point being that the Iraqis are committing war crimes by torturing POW's.

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Originally posted by sassa

doesn't it bother you though that they would say that, even though it's not true? doesn't that alarm you at all....proves the military makes up its own version of what's going on, of course they're not going to say everything they're doing, especially since they have proven so with cases in the past in laos, vietnam, panama....cia bullshit covert operations for the wrong reasons....

if they can twist that little piece of information around like that, what else do you think they can twist to their advantage....?

why would it bother me? they wouldnt make up something like this, b/c people would eventually find out. it makes no sense for them to make such a statement, anyways you know how hear-say is.....

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Originally posted by sassa

doesn't it bother you though that they would say that, even though it's not true?


The Washington Post reported Thursday that Lynch shot several Iraqi soldiers during the firefight and kept firing until she ran out of ammunition even after suffering several gunshot wounds. Pentagon officials declined to comment on the report.

it says the paper reported and not the pentagon......just another weak attempt to slander americas efforts.....

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media always makes things up. kinda surprising why some will take as fact stuff that conservative or liberal outlets have to report.

a lot of stuff about this war will never be known and others will only be known after lots of years pass by.

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