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DT @ space jan 6


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Danny Tenaglia is coming back to Miami for another 12 hour set @ space on jan 6. That's great news and of course, I'll be there. In his latest global underground cd (excellent cd) in the sleeve notes you can read the following:

"…..One thing I know for sure is what type of gigs I don't want to play at. No more stereotypes for me. I play for people that come out for the music first. I refuse to be an accessory to a party.

No more playing at clubs for designer or in-fashion crowds. No muscle or bimbo heads, go-go boys or girls, no interruptive shows that break the flow of everyone's groove, no all-mostly-music-industry-people-who-don't-dance, stand around and gossip, or have envious pusses on. Those days are over. My choice is for people to play for are like the ones who are at Vinyl every Friday. Male, female, young, old, black, white, gay, straight, purple red and yellow… As long as everyone is gathered in unity, all for the love of the beat-beat of the drums, then I am in all my glory.


Peace & Love, Danny Tenaglia"

AMEN I've read in this messageboard many complaints about the admission policy at Space and I was just wondering what the door policy will be that night… or these sleeve notes are just bullshit, something nice to say besides thanking God and Mom (I know it's not!). I also have to admit that I went to Space a few times and I've always been able to get in (and I'm not a muscle or bimbo head or go-go boy or girl).

Peace & Love, Pancho Deejay.



[This message has been edited by panchodeejay (edited 12-15-2000).]

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My sentiments exactly.....IF DT is there I'm definately there...but not if I have to go in my 3 piece suit. That is why I can't stand the club scene in Miami anymore. It's all about who you know and what you wear. If your not in slacks, WHO CARES? I'll definately be outdancing anyone who goes in their slacks and shoes as long as I'm in my wind breakers and my sneakers. It's all about the music.

PS. If you like DT that GU CD is a MUST!!!!


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

Duuuude your crushing my head!

[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 12-15-2000).]

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I think a number of us will be at Space to hear DT (both on the 6th of January and when he's back in March as well), and I for one don't mind setting aside jeans for the night /to/ hear him. Putting on a pair of khakis and docs isn't all that much a task -- and it certainly isn't a sacrifice of any sort either.

Then again, I've been at Space in cargo pants and t-shirts as well... Pretty hard for me to get upset about dress code when that's the case. (And, given that, I certainly can't see myself putting up a fight to be able to wear umbros, a wife-beater, and sneakers, either.)

Regardless, the Space dress code stuff is getting pretty old/lame. (Kinda like the whole O.J. and Elian bullshit... watch the shit for lack of anything else to do... seems as though everyone's clinging to a non-issue just so that there's something to bitch about. I'm sure once the next "fun" topic steps forward, we'll see an end to this dumb one.)

Three piece suits, yeah,


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I agree dress codes suck, but it is a reality we have to live with. I am not a big fan of Space; as I belief some of their polices lack logic. However, I put that a side For DT. It’s the music and the vibe; that makes it happen. I think a majority of us would go see DT any place.. He creates the music and we create the vibe. When those elements come together it’s a beautiful experience… Just my $0.02…




[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 12-16-2000).]

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i for one plan on being there i have never heard DT's set before.... but i have heard nothing but good things when is name is mentioned .... so if anyone is planning a trip to space.... let me know or if there is going to be any kind of list i'm in....




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Guest genevieve

No lists for DT! Last time he was here I got put on the Global Underground list and the door people decided to make it a very select night!!!


Staff- Miami


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I'm gonna be around for tht DT encore @ space!! I'm defenetely gonna enjoy it! I've been lookin fwd to DT in FL for a while now...

I hope I can get to see some clubplanet hedz there!! cwm35.gifcwm1.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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