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ATTN: DNICE and all Celtics fans/bball fans

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Unfortunately the C's can't just cut Vinnie out of the equation...the NBA does not allow that they have guaranteed contracts and he would sue and it would cause more troubles, so we are stuck with him for three more years at max value...now I believe Pierce and Walker are both up for new contracts after next year..one might be in two years...but they are both going to want top dollar as well and they are gonna want more than Vinnie but wont get it due to time spent in the league....so let's pause for a second here and evaluate the situation....

Baker - 13.5 mill (to sit in alcohol rehab or ave. 4 pts 3 boards a game)

Walker - 10-13 mill (hopefully he'll realize the situation they are in and will take less money..the guy might complain about calls alot but he is a class act and deserves more respect)

Pierce - 9-12 mill (top 3-7 guy in the league any team would take him away for that type of money, plus new teeth once a month gets expensive)

those figures based upon salary cap figures from http://members.cox.net/lmcoon/salarycap.htm

so three out of 12 players taking up minimum 32.5 million dollars...with a salary cap that year of what looks to be around 48-50 million a year dont hold up to good....throw in delk, battie, mccarty, williams, brown (whos gonna ask for max value after next year as well)...now 8 players are over maximum salary level with 4 spots left and a hefty luxury tax if you go over....so whats your other options..unfortunately trade one of them..get something in return and rebuild the right way...it sucks i go to like 20 games a year with my cousins company but wallace and gaston fucked the fans for a while....now if i was in charge heres what our starting five could have been this year with my draft choices since about 1993(assuming draft spots unchanged)

PF- Walker


SG-Tracy Mcgrady, Bobby Jackson, Desmond Mason, Quentin Richardson, Richard Jefferson

PG- Eric Snow, gilbert Arenas, Tony Parker, Jamaal Tinsley

C-Theo Ratliff, Brendan Haywood, Malik Rose, Earvin Johnson

the latter three positions we passed on these guys for the likes of Acie Earl, eric montross, junior Burrough, steve Hamer, chauncey billups, ron mercer, jerome moiso, Joe johnson and joe forte who are all not with the team anymore and we ultimately ended up with your man vinnie for these players..yes i am very bitter about the whole situation but we must live with it now and realize the bait we have with walker and pierce...sorry this was so long...any ?'s id be glad to answer them...and if your fav team has fucked the fans like this id love to hear your case and how you would have fixed it if in charge.....(note to self send this to ESPN)

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3 more years buddy, that's right 45 more million wasted dollars...really makes the new owners look like smart investors, don't it??? Shit i can average a couple points and a few boards a game amongst them giants for a mere 120,000 a year...you think they'd be interested in a 5'10 white boy...i could be the next Earl Boykins out there......

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Originally posted by clubrat88

3 more years buddy, that's right 45 more million wasted dollars...really makes the new owners look like smart investors, don't it??? Shit i can average a couple points and a few boards a game amongst them giants for a mere 120,000 a year...you think they'd be interested in a 5'10 white boy...i could be the next Earl Boykins out there......

Fawk it, I wont expect much from the Celts the next years then.... :mad:

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