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Difference btw. dance moves and sex moves.


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Now i can definitely see the similarity btw. dance moves and sex moves. I wouldn't say ALL dancing is like sex, and not all sex is like dancing, but there is certainly a relation.

What im really disgruntled at is , in the last 10-15 years, pop stars have just been getting gross about it. And they seem to be uniting the 2 into this sleezy production of who can be more seductive than the other

Im not going to name any names, but when pop stars choose to wear clothes that show more skin, and do it in a trashy "ho" way, they just seem to lose their talent.

It's like there's a competition of who can be raunchier.

Call me old fashioned, but i just don't get this trend :blank:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Now i can definitely see the similarity btw. dance moves and sex moves. I wouldn't say ALL dancing is like sex, and not all sex is like dancing, but there is certainly a relation.

if dancing is like sex then why am i not having sex on a speaker in the middle of the night.:(

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Sex sells... and most of the pop bullshit that's out sounds exactly the same as the song before it... there has to be something to make it stand out from the rest of the cheese. There's so little substance to most of the music nowadays, it's all about gimmicks. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

...What im really disgruntled at is , in the last 10-15 years, pop stars have just been getting gross about it...

this is the crap i'm not into. it's not the clothes that bother me that much, but when choreography consists of dry-humping, i'm not down. i wonder if that encourages the guys who do that on dancefloors :worry: ; a lot of men in clubs these days think it's cool/sexy/acceptable to just walk up to women and start rubbing their erections on them :mad: .
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Originally posted by bigsteve8

Hmmm. . .I think the first guy was talking about Christina Aguilera. . .

well, she's one, but there are others i had in mind. Take Mariah Carey for one.

Remember when she used to be that sweet girl? Even when she made emotions, she was nice. Now she's such a showoff, that movie Glitter was terrible :yuck:., and i don't find her as appealing as she used to be just cause she's gotten dirty.

Blahh, hopefully this is just a trend :what:

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Originally posted by weyes

this is the crap i'm not into. it's not the clothes that bother me that much, but when choreography consists of dry-humping, i'm not down. i wonder if that encourages the guys who do that on dancefloors :worry: ; a lot of men in clubs these days think it's cool/sexy/acceptable to just walk up to women and start rubbing their erections on them :mad: .

That too!

I've seen girls cry over shit like that. It's a shame.

I mean , it's one thing to dance close with someone, especially if you know them. But i see some people in a sandwich when they don't even have the mayo or the mustard :eek:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

well, she's one, but there are others i had in mind. Take Mariah Carey for one.

Remember when she used to be that sweet girl? Even when she made emotions, she was nice. Now she's such a showoff, that movie Glitter was terrible :yuck:., and i don't find her as appealing as she used to be just cause she's gotten dirty.

Blahh, hopefully this is just a trend :what:

i just hope the bad boob job isnt' the start of a trend. how can such a great singer, with so much money, have such bad boobs? it looks like she has to wear a wonder bra just to keep them where they're supposed to be.

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Originally posted by entheogen808

i just hope the bad boob job isnt' the start of a trend. how can such a great singer, with so much money, have such bad boobs? it looks like she has to wear a wonder bra just to keep them where they're supposed to be.

hahahah. This is true .

Also with Lil kim (ree please forgive me)

But she's getting so much work done. Boobs and i just found out her nose. If you see the new issue of King , you'll see her with a new nose job, and she just doesn't look the same.

She used to be so cute. Now she looks just different :shaky:

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