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important question..

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is it important (and if so, how much?) to the outcome of this war that we either a) provide evidence that Saddam and his sons are dead or B) apprehend Saddam and his sons if they are still alive? Or will this war still be considered a victory even if Saddam disappears off of the face of the earth without a trace? Just trying to spark some good discussion..

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

is it important (and if so, how much?) to the outcome of this war that we either a) provide evidence that Saddam and his sons are dead or B) apprehend Saddam and his sons if they are still alive? Or will this war still be considered a victory even if Saddam disappears off of the face of the earth without a trace? Just trying to spark some good discussion..

It is very important that either we prove that we killed Saddam and his sons or capture them. A major component of this war was to hold Him and sons accountable for the atrocicitys(sp) that they commited against their people. Bush today announced that exile is not an option for him, that we already gave him a chance to do so.

However Saddam will not allow himself to be captured alive. He would rather die. In his mind if he dies he is a marytr to his people and the Arab world.

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Originally posted by jesseh49

It is very important that either we prove that we killed Saddam and his sons or capture them. A major component of this war was to hold Him and sons accountable for the atrocicitys(sp) that they commited against their people. Bush today announced that exile is not an option for him, that we already gave him a chance to do so.

However Saddam will not allow himself to be captured alive. He would rather die. In his mind if he dies he is a marytr to his people and the Arab world.

Ok but what happens if Saddam and his sons slip away somehow.. Its certainly not easy to track down 3 people in a city the size of Baghdad and it is feasible that they are out of the country already..

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

Ok but what happens if Saddam and his sons slip away somehow.. Its certainly not easy to track down 3 people in a city the size of Baghdad and it is feasible that they are out of the country already..

Then we will go after them. Saddam is not a person like Bin Laden. He will never be happy hiding in caves or bunkers for the rest of his life. This is a man who lives in Palaces with gold showers and thrives on huge parades honoring him. Just look at Iraq how many pictures and statues of him there were.

Other countries aren't going to be as fast to harbor him as they would be Bin Laden. They know he is a pain the ass and don't want to deal with him, or the threat of the US. Syria is one country that may be willing to deal with him, however they know they are on our shit list and that would be one more reason for us to invade their country. Chances are at this point they won't take him either.

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When it is all said and done, I really do not think it is important to know wether we kill him or not because the objective would be complete to remove him from power. However, if we did kill him ( which I think we did) it removes him for taking up a leadership role with ,say, terrorists. It also makes him pay for his crimes (so to speak and I use it loosely).

As for him been caught, it would never happen because 1) to him life without power is not worth living and 2) it is thw worst disgrace the man could think of, to be held by US troops. (you know he has had nightmares about it) He rather eat a bullet than let come to that.

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