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Originally posted by koky

oh & did i ever tell you about that time i was walking home from the store ?? & i saw 3 guys beating the crap out of an old lady ... & i was like "fuck" !! should i jump in , should i not ? :confused: so finally i said "fuck it" !! & jumped in .. you shoulda seen the ass whoopen the 4 of us gave that lady !!

:eek: :eek: LOL :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by shroomy


Does no one realize what I am talking about?

The people or Iraq were getting beaten down by a bunch of megalamanic thugs, while the whole world watched and did nothing.

All the anti-war folks are saying that it is acceptable because it is not happening in their country or to their faith or we are only helping because we expect a reward ($$$) or whatever. I don't give a fuck what the reason, we needed to help. While it is a valid point that there have been many other times we should have helped and didn't or have done the wrong thing in the past. But that doesn't make what we are doing wrong now.

People are people around the world and deserve the right to have a reasonable chance for life, no matter how they choose to worship God, or live their lives. It is just too easy, to dismiss the people you don't understand as different and less than human, but they are not.

and of course I am right......and of course saleen is mistaken... what is new? :)

the issue is more complex then that. which is why you have outrage, against this war globally. I could debate this for hours, and already have. the bottom line is we have created an international cluster f*ck in Iraq, and in that region of the world. a region of the world, which has always been volatile. what we do in Iraq from this point forward, will have long term effects on that region of the world, and dramatically influence the worlds view of this country. failure to recognize the same, could come back to kick us, in the arse over and over again.. :)
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