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Syria Has ‘Weapons Of Mass Destruction’: Bush


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FUCK bush :bigfinge:

"Asked by a reporter whether military action might be taken against Syria, Bush said: 'Syria just needs to cooperate with us.' .."

WASHINGTON - In a fresh escalating confrontation, the United States accused Syria Sunday, April 13, of possessing chemical weapons, charged that its nationals had engaged U.S. troops in Baghdad and warned against allowing senior Iraqi leaders to escape through its territory.

"We believe there are chemical weapons in Syria," President George W. Bush.

Stopped short of threatening U.S. action against Damascus, Bush's comments to reporters in the White House were clearly intended as a “warning†to Syria, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Asked by a reporter whether military action might be taken against Syria, Bush said: "Syria just needs to cooperate with us."

"It must not harbor any Baathists, any military officials who need to be held to account for their tenure" in Iraq, Bush told reporters at the White House, reported.

"Bad" Mistakes

This came shortly afterwards U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said that many Syrian nationals were killed in fighting overnight in the Iraqi capital and others have been taken prisoner.

"There are a number of non-Iraqis who are in the country, particularly in Baghdad we find ... A lot from Syria, most from Syria it appears," he said.

Asked if they were involved in fighting, Rumsfeld said, "Absolutely. In firefights, a lot of them got killed last night."

Rumsfeld also reiterated charges that senior Iraqis have escaped to Syria, and that some have stayed there while others have moved on to other countries.

He declined to say what Washington might do if Saddam Hussein were found in Syria.

"The last thing I would do would be to discuss that," he said in a television interview, stressing that if the missing Iraqi president turned up in the neighboring state, it would show that "Syria would have made an even bigger mistake."

"The (Syrian) government is making a lot of bad mistakes, a lot of bad judgments in my view," Rumsfeld said in an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation."

U.S. intelligence has previously claimed, without providing any proof, that Syria possesses stockpiles of the nerve gas sarin and is believed to have an active biological program.

Rumsfeld said earlier that the United States had reports that some of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction may have been sent to a neighboring country, but would not identify the country.

Ready For "Inspections"

The Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, which has openly called for the defeat of U.S. and British forces by Iraq, earlier dismissed charges from Rumsfeld that it allowed night vision goggles and other military aid into Iraq.

The Arab country's officials emphatically denied that it was harboring members of the regime or had weapons of mass destruction, and said Washington was seeking to divert attention from the chaos and lawlessness that has followed the collapse of the Iraqi regime.

"We will not only accept the most rigid inspection regime, we will welcome it heartily," said Imad Moustapha, the number two in the Syrian embassy in the United States.

Rumsfeld declined to comment on a report in the Washington Times that two top Iraqi scientists involved in its weapons of mass destruction program had taken refuge in Syria.

Saddam heads a U.S. list of more than 50 Iraqis wanted by U.S.-led forces.

Targeted in at least two "decapitation" air strikes during the 23-day-old war, his fate remains a mystery.

U.S. Army General Tommy Franks, the commander of the U.S. forces, said U.S. forces have samples of Saddam's DNA.

He said he believed it would be possible to identify Saddam, "unless remains were removed" at the site of recent heavy bombings in a residential area where Saddam was believed to be meeting with his top intelligence officials.

"The appropriate people with the appropriate forensics are doing the appropriate checks," Franks said in an interview with CNN.

Contrary to U.S. expectations, Iraqi forces used no chemical or biological weapons in the war, and so far none have been found.


Also Sunday, Secretary of State Colin Powell warned Damascus it would be "very unwise if, suddenly, Syria becomes a haven for all these people who should be brought to justice, who are trying to get out of Baghdad."

Syria has been on the “U.S. list†of countries supporting terrorism for many years and some conservative hawks in Washington say that after Iraq, the United States should set its sights on "regime change" in Syria and Iran.

No one is explicitly advocating force against Syria or Iran but conservatives inside and out of the U.S. government hope the Iraq war will signal to Damascus and Tehran that seeking weapons of mass destruction may be “hazardous to their healthâ€.

In Beirut, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin said on Sunday the time was not right for the United States to raise pressure on Syria by accusing it of aiding Saddam's collapsed regime.

Villepin said after meeting Lebanese leaders the international community should focus instead on rebuilding Iraq and reviving Middle East peace efforts.

Meanwhile, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak spoke to his Syrian counterpart by telephone about the situation in Iraq hours after Bush's accusations.

FUCK bush :bigfinge:

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I can't wait to see Bush and the boys squash that cockaroach in Syria.. It won't come to that quickly.. Iraq is a lesson to the world that we will not tolerate a terrorist sponsoring regime let's see if they are taking notes..

They will be given a chance to take their foot out of their month so they don't catch a foot in the ass... My guess they fold and give up Sadam and his cronies and all will be well but if they don't geuss where that MOAB is heading ....

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Something for war-hawks to understand.


U.S. Allies Also Have Chemical Weapons

Mon Apr 14, 6:21 PM ET

By JIM KRANE, AP Technology Writer

The Bush administration cited Iraq (news - web sites)'s alleged stocks of weapons of mass destruction in its decision to invade. President Bush (news - web sites) now says Syria, too, owns an arsenal of chemical weapons.

But the list of countries with likely chemical, biological or nuclear weapons programs is not confined to nations Washington may consider hostile. It also includes such U.S. allies as Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, India and Taiwan.

"The allegation is, we use weapons of mass destruction as an excuse when we have it out for other countries," said Jon B. Wolfsthal, deputy director of the Non-Proliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "We tend to look the other way when it suits our interest. That decision has come back to haunt us."

Israel's nuclear weapons program is thought to include about 200 warheads deployed on ballistic missiles and aircraft, Wolfsthal said. In 2000, Israel placed nuclear-tipped missiles on three submarines, pushing its capabilities beyond those of declared nuclear states India and Pakistan — and possibly even China, Wolfsthal said.

In a strategy reminiscent of Iraq and Afghanistan (news - web sites), Israel is believed to store nuclear missiles on mobile launchers in caves, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Israel is also believed to stock chemical and biological weapons, according to the Carnegie Endowment and the Monterey Institute of International Studies, which track such issues.

Israeli officials do not comment on the country's nuclear weapons potential.

Egypt, another leading U.S. ally, is believed to harbor chemical weapons — including deadly sarin and VX agents — along with, perhaps, an offensive bioweapons capability, according to the Monterey Institute.

India and Pakistan have publicly tested nuclear weapons. They are also suspected to be engaged in chemical and biological weapons research, according to Carnegie and Monterey.

Taiwan, another staunch U.S. ally, probably maintains a chemical weapons program and may have a biological research program, according to Monterey.

Saudi Arabia has bought nuclear-capable intermediate-range missiles from China, though the Saudis are not believed to have unconventional warheads to put in them, Wolfsthal said.

Wolfsthal said the Bush administration would be shortsighted to single out Syria, North Korea (news - web sites), Iran and Iraq. Ignoring proliferation among allies like Israel and Pakistan has allowed the technology to spread further, he said.

Israel is known to have aided South Africa's now-defunct nuclear program. Pakistan is believed to have cooperated with similar programs in North Korea and Iran.

Other countries with current chemical and biological weapons stocks or research programs include Russia, China, Libya and Sudan, according to the Carnegie Endowment.

The United States and Britain, both among the world's seven declared nuclear powers, developed their own chemical and biological weapons in the past. Britain has destroyed all such stocks, and the United States is still eliminating the last vestiges of its chemical weapons, said Amy Smithson, a chemical and biological weapons researcher with the Henry L. Stimson Center, a national security think tank in Washington.

The United States still develops small amounts of weapons-grade chemical and biological toxins in order to defend against them, Smithson said.

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thank you normal..people are quick to point the finger at every small developing country that is in the process of making these weapons...but no one is quick enough to realize that we have a damn lot of those kinds of weapons ourselves...

if other countries used the same stupid assumptions and rhetoric/propoganda as we did, we would be invaded and occupied as well for having nuclear weapons... and trying to use them....oh wait, the US did that already over 60 something years ago....

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Originally posted by mkutlass

If your comparing the US to Saddam's Iraqi..................YOU NEED TO READ YOUR HISTORYs BOOK over again.

you can't compare, but you can see differences and similarities...no doubt about that.


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Originally posted by sassa

you can't compare, but you can see differences and similarities...no doubt about that.


The simularities are the US, it's allies and it's hostiles possess chemical/bio-logical weapons. The difference is the Iraqis gassed the kurds, the US experimented with them on their own soldiers. The simularities are the US and it's allies possess nuclear arms and tested them. The difference is no US ally as well as hostile nation ever used them to attack a country. The US did.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

The simularities are the US, it's allies and it's hostiles possess chemical/bio-logical weapons. The difference is the Iraqis gassed the kurds, the US experimented with them on their own soldiers. The simularities are the US and it's allies possess nuclear arms and tested them. The difference is no US ally as well as hostile nation ever used them to attack a country. The US did.

Hey loon Iraq didn't gas Iran in the 80's???

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Originally posted by sassa

thank you normal..people are quick to point the finger at every small developing country that is in the process of making these weapons...but no one is quick enough to realize that we have a damn lot of those kinds of weapons ourselves...

if other countries used the same stupid assumptions and rhetoric/propoganda as we did, we would be invaded and occupied as well for having nuclear weapons... and trying to use them....oh wait, the US did that already over 60 something years ago....

we do because we can. :D

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Originally posted by frenchbread


and you don't think that's wrong?...

you would if integrist countries had the largest armies in the world...

p.s.: how can you even put a smilie after that?...unreal...:jawdrop:

look man if you want to break it down to the simplest level.. its darwinism at its best... survival of the fittest.. and not for one second will i deny that i am very glad that i am a citizen of the most powerful country in the world..

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

look man if you want to break it down to the simplest level.. its darwinism at its best... survival of the fittest.. and not for one second will i deny that i am very glad that i am a citizen of the most powerful country in the world..

then don't preach it's for the good of the iraqi people, or whoever else...

you're a HYPOCRITE...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

then don't preach it's for the good of the iraqi people, or whoever else...

you're an HYPOCRITE...

you might have wanted to use "a" instead of "an". the H isnt silent.. but i never said it was for the good of the iraqi people.. thats a great result of our actions, but not why I believe this war is justified.

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

you might have wanted to use "a" instead of "an". the H isnt silent.. but i never said it was for the good of the iraqi people.. thats a great result of our actions, but not why I believe this war is justified.

sorry about the "an"...i corrected it...

but since we're down to that, you might want to take a good look at that: '

it's called an apostrophe..try using it once in a while...

you pro-war people are funny when it comes to the reason why we've preemptively attacked iraq:

you guys bounce more than a ping-pong ball between the all-chinese and all-belgian champions...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

sorry about the "an"...i corrected it...

but since we're down to that, you might want to take a good look at that: '

it's called an apostrophe..try using it once in a while...

you pro-war people are funny when it comes to the reason why we've preemptively attacked iraq:

you guys bounce more than a ping-pong ball between the all-chinese and all-belgian champions...

sorry about the missing apostrophes, but Im not going back to correct it. Unless its a formal document, Im not worried about my short-hand. Thanks though! :D

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