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Shut Up Already About Company B's

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Originally posted by wmessano

Are u fucking serious KOSTA? You are so pathetic...no u did not hurt my feelings or get me pissed off...U are a fucking joke...get a life...I don't give a shit what u say or think...for the last time, I was just stating my opinion...and are u never NOT on the fuckin computer...make urslef useful and do somethign else ASSHOLE...:mad:


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Originally posted by vibethursdays

Kosta u pecker...it s agirl that posted so it's hard ofr her to be a prick? Back down to what? Listen buddy when we meet ill knock your head off. I'm twice your size o bald one. Keep talking your coimuter shit. See ya thursday....


This is alittle off topic, but is anyone else haveing trouble reading what this guy posts?? It takes me an hour to decifer what he wrote. It almost painful:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

This is alittle off topic, but is anyone else haveing trouble reading what this guy posts?? It takes me an hour to decifer what he wrote. It almost painful:rolleyes:

him and DoublePlay1970 are long lost Post brothers

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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

This is alittle off topic, but is anyone else haveing trouble reading what this guy posts?? It takes me an hour to decifer what he wrote. It almost painful:rolleyes:

I don't wanna hear any coimuter shit from you OK buddy.

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Originally posted by wmessano

Are u fucking serious KOSTA? You are so pathetic...no u did not hurt my feelings or get me pissed off...U are a fucking joke...get a life...I don't give a shit what u say or think...for the last time, I was just stating my opinion...and are u never NOT on the fuckin computer...make urslef useful and do somethign else ASSHOLE...:mad:

Suck a dick and choke on it. You want me to get a life. Im sitting here getting you all worked up and your gay friend dennis and you want me to get a life. I wanna see if your faggot friend has the balls to come to Metro tonight that would be marvelous. Why dont you join him?? I got some champagne waitning since Company B's will be dead tonight. hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.

And cosmicgate youre totally correct It takes like 2 or 3 times reading his shit to decipher what he wrote and you still cant understand his intentions.....and he's trying to play it off like he works at Paine Weber yeah maybe as a janitor.:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by thehype

that earthquake you were talkin bout that was goin to happen in Cali; rumor has it just got redirected and is goin hit Company Bs 2nite

hahaha It hit last week oh no that was the cops yeah I guess its gonna hit this week. Hopefully with the plate techtonics the plates will shift a hole will open up in the earth and swallow that place and the loser dennis that works there.

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