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FUEL.....HERE WE GO.......


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its sunday afternoon now and I am thinking about the events of last night....I was so pysched to check out the new club Fuel...around 330am drove to downtown, parked my car...strut bravely past Space's open doors on my way to Fuel..there was a small crowd assembled in front...OVER ONE HOUR LATER...I got so pissed off I went on down to SPACE....i dont know what the hell they think that they were doing..but, they had like 3 people in the club and they were keeping everyone out...it didnt help matters that when the curtain opened the entire crowd could see how empty it was...desptite the small goup that actually got in, there were a lot of very pissed off people...and the attidudes fromt he people at the door..by far the worst that I have experienced...

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Hey SgtFury,

I had almost the same exact experience you did.....I got there around 4:00AM eager to see the new club in town...I never got in, but I've already decided Fuel is not for me...For someone to keep me waiting outside an empty club is not my idea of a good time and not a good way to introduce a new club....I went over to Space where I stood in line for a couple minutes and then got in and the place was slammed....I guess Space continues to be old reliable..it was bangin'!



KINGSTREET smile.gif

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Similar experience here. After a wonderful nite at Shadow Lounge; I went over to Fuel. Stood in line about an hour; to get into a club, which was for the most part not to full. The club itself is nice. I am no sound engineer, but the sound system needs some major tuning up.. Any song with vocals in it sounded very distorted, and was just too loud. It was obvious David Padilla was not their last night; the music was god-awful. The front door staff seemed a bit overwhelmed. I respect that this was just a test run for Fuel. I am hoping they will iron the wrinkles out. Just to make it clear; I am not trashing Fuel. I am just hoping; that my next experience will be a more pleasant one. In spite of my experiences last night, I believe Fuel has a great deal of potential. Only time will tell.


Sobeton cwm36.gif

[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 01-28-2001).]

[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 01-28-2001).]

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well, first i heard fuel was going to open their doors for free this weekend.... then i heard they were charging $25 a head which made no cents to me if they are going up against space.... needless to say we just had an afterhours at the house instead... had more fun that way..... yeah syversin.... cwm20.gif




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It was amazing to see how angry a lot of people became at the door. I have been to a few club openings and I have never seen so many people walk away so pissed!! David Padilla was scheduled to spin and when he walked outside and saw what was happening...he tried to talk to the management..became frustrated and went home..when you have Space right down the block, it makes no sense to piss off your customers..

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Turbosound is sort of second string...EAW Avalons and Nexos are tops for club installs nowadays. The reason the 'rave' community fell in love with them is they have a helluva low end for the power you input...plus they're cheaper than EAWs or Nexos.

Let's clarify one thing though, Phazon is not a 'brand' as such. What Phazon does is select drivers, processors, eqs, mixers, etc, for each club it configures. The Phazon install in Twilo is primarily EAW based, whereas crobar's is based on custom boxes (assembled by Phazon) with JBL drivers inside...

I doubt Fuel's much taunted Turbosound rig can lay waste to the Phazon Inc, installs at crobar and Twilo, or Level and Space's phenomenal Avalon setups...

It's unfortunate that Fuel sorta 'flopped' on it's dry run. I hope they get their ducks in a row for friday.


(ps-does anyone know the name of the contractor who configured Level and Space's sound systems?)

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Who's that person that said they had a top of the line 'turbo' sound system installed ranting it was the best sound system in america easily beating the famoso phazon??

Also heard the terrace at Space was rocking until 11 am. When those parties start going well into the afternoon hours, it might be able to rub shoulders with the real SPACE in Ibiza.

Can't wait to get my ass down there. First thing Im going to do is work on my tan and eat some good cuban food.

Anyone know who the djs at fuel were? Some of you mentioned that the music was awful? Was it trance or house?

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