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Synchrodestiny (print it, read it, amaze yourself)


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What's up y'all? I know I've been kind of annoying lately, but trust me...there's a reason for it...I have been given the freedom to do as I see fit by God almighty...aleluya!

Now...let me share this with you, print the following text annd read it when you find yourselves a time of peace...behold the power of Synchrodestiny :eek:


by Deepak Chopra

From time to time, we?ve all experienced coincidences that seem to be endowed with special significance. Perhaps the phone rings with a call from a long-lost friend just as you?ve been thinking about that person. Or you keep hearing a certain word or phrase in your reading and conversation. Or something that you dreamed suddenly appears in real life. The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung coined a word to describe these moments of meaningful coincidence: synchronicity.

A synchronicity is a coming together of seemingly unconnected events. If you focus your attention, you may recognize that your life is shaped by those moments of meaningful coincidence. You may even be able to nurture and participate in those moments in a positive way. Together, this awareness and intention make up what I call your SynchroDestiny.

In any aspect of life, attention and awareness foster growth. Whenever you focus your attention on a subject or phenomenon, the object of your attention will grow stronger. The more you become aware of meaningful coincidences in your life, the more often you will encounter them. Moreover, meaningful coincidences are well worth your attention. According to Vedic tradition, there are two characteristics that define a person on the path toward enlightenment: First, a sense that worries are disappearing. Things may go wrong, but they don?t bother you anymore. Second, in every area of your life, you become aware of a growing number of synchronicities.

Most people experience at least one coincidence in their lives during a single day. If you do not, don?t worry. Just cultivate an attitude of relaxed attention and intention. Nature is built on an infinite number of coincidences, and their presence in your life will soon become apparent.


Although synchronicities may seem like events that just happen by themselves, SynchroDestiny is definitely something that must be learned. But this shouldn?t seem at all intimidating. After all, many things that we take for granted in our everyday lives are actually learned behaviors and responses. Even the nature of the physical world is something that we learn during early childhood. We are told that the whole truth about things is available to our senses. Thus, when you look at a table, what you see is exactly what?s there in space and time. It?s a piece of solid matter composed of smaller pieces of solid matter all the way down to the level of subatomic particles. This is a materialist interpretation of reality. It?s the way almost everyone lives day in and day out.

But there is another philosophy, according to which the world that we perceive through our senses is only a version of a deeper reality. The Greek philosophers Socrates and Plato, for example, taught that the world of our senses is a distortion, a mirage-like shadow playing across a wall. Many historians believe that the Greeks were influenced by spiritual thinkers from India, where the idea of a deeper reality has a very long history. In Sanskrit, the word maya refers to the illusion that we perceive the true nature of things through our senses. But we?re really seeing only a very selective aspect of reality. That?s because beyond the manifest physical universe, there is a field of energy, information, and intelligence that orchestrates and governs the material environment. This ground-state of creation is the conscious energy field.

The conscious energy field does not exist independently of our perception of it. In other words, reality is a two-way street. We are both transmitters and receivers of information. We are both the creation and the creators of the conscious energy field. We are participants in a consciousness-created universe. This doesn?t mean that there?s no external reality, or that the universe literally takes place inside our heads. What it means is that the physical universe has no qualities or attributes in the absence of a conscious observer.

For example, we see color as an attribute of physical reality. When we look at an American flag, we see red, white and blue. When we look at the grass, we see green. But colors are not really inherent to the reality. Instead, the phenomenon of color is a response made by the human nervous system to stimuli from the environment. We experience color as if it?s happening outside us, but we?re actually projecting it from inside us. Color does not exist in the absence of our observations. We create the phenomenon of color in the conscious energy field. And we can create other phenomena as well, including meaningful coincidences.


The power of intention is a critical factor in all areas of life. Simply by intending to create synchronicity in your life, you can nurture that result. In Vedic teaching, there is an important concept relating to spiritual evolution and the role that cosmic intention plays in our lives. This is the concept of dharma, and understanding what dharma means is essential to bringing synchronicity into your life. Dharma is a Sanskrit word that refers to the natural path a person is intended to follow through life. Your dharma is your destiny ? but it is destiny without any hint of compulsion or force. On the contrary, your dharma is the path of least resistance. It?s the course that is most right and most nourishing ? that brings you the greatest fulfillment and the most happiness.

Each of us has a gift, a special purpose that we alone can give to the world. This is our individual dharma. We are meant to discover and share this unique gift. When we do, we have achieved our true purpose in life. If you are in harmony with your dharma, you will always remain anchored in a sense of purpose and meaning.


To begin, just look around at the environment you?re in at this moment. Pick out a certain detail. It may be the color of the wallpaper of the room you?re sitting in. It may be an image on a magazine cover. Keep the image clearly in mind for a moment. Now listen to all the sounds that are in your environment. Is there a conversation going on in the next room? Is there a radio or television playing? Is someone using a loud lawnmower outside your window? Pick a sound and hold it clearly in your mind. Next, pick out some object that?s nearby and touch it. It can be a coin, a book, or even a cat or a dog. Whatever it is, touch it with full awareness, feel its texture, and pay attention to whether it?s hard or soft, cold or warm. You?ve had three experiences ? one of sight, one of sound, and one of touch. Now give each of those experiences a one-word name. If your experience of sound was of a baby crying, for example, you could call it ?baby.? Over the next 24 hours, pay attention to how those words reappear in your life ? and to the memory of the sensory experiences linked to them. As you look for those words and sense-memories, you?ll discover a series of synchronicities associated with them. If you turn those words into omens through the power of intention, you?ll encounter a series of meaningful coincidences derived from those omens. This is truly an exercise in using SynchroDestiny. It can also be a step toward enlightenment, a step toward a richer understanding of your destiny and how mysterious and magical your life really is.


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