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Danny Tenaglia: Quarterly resident @ Space


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Monday Night March 26th @ Space. Got it highlighted on my calendar, undoubtedly it will be another one of DT's monumental 12-14 hour sets, He's going to have to work hard to top last year ("cameras ready prepare to flash" what a FRENZY we all went on, I remember that set like it was yesterday) but if anybody can pull it off, Its Danny T.

CYA Their...

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Word up Rene..

Yo, Sun Feb 18th Deep Dish @ Space. I think it will be mostly us hardcores their that night. Should be an awsome vibe..

I don't care what all the Space bashers on this board got to say. All I know is that Space is the only club in the history of Miami-nightlife that has put us in a "World Reknowned" status. Taking the initiative to regularly fly in top DJs and pay them up 20k per gig, and we still got a bunch of posers that don't appreciate it, instead bash them cause they got a flashlight in their face, boo hoo...WAC MFs.

Hats off to Space, All their residents and their promoters.

Keep it up guys, their are alot of veteran Clubbers in Miami that know this scene far too well, and can appreciate what your doing....

Now lets all go out and buy some vinyl......

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While I don't echo the sarcastic reply left by Urei above, I do agree completely with you about sticking up for Space. For all the shit they get, including mine smile.gif they have consistently offered us more top talent than any club in South Florida. For most clubs It's a rare treat to hear a top name, at Space it's just what they do. I've heard nothing but great things about Edgar V and his massive sets. So let's support the club that supports the scene.




A r t i s t r y

"An artist takes many different colors and after putting them together, creates something beautiful. We are, as DJ's, artists as well. The music is our paint and the people are our canvas."

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Yeah man, I definitely know what you mean..

But then we'd need a coat check, baby powder(you old skools know what I'm talking about), floor wax, no liquor(god forbid), replace the Avalons with JBL 2395s above massive berthas, have trouble catching your breath on the dance floor due to chest pounding basslines yet still be able to carry a conversation(Thank you Richard Long RIP), Replace their MP2016 with a you know what, eliminate the VIP areas(never happen), start the evenings at 100bpm(too many people would complain, we're not their yet), be able to tell the two big black guys at the door that your on the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> and they let you in without glancing at a sheet of paper, just cause they beleive you.etc.etc.

I know what you're saying man, been doing this shit a long time but hey, in time, mayby we'll even have a real underground scene too right..

Yo, Space has revived what little hope I had for the Miami club scene, and they're doing it just fine as it is...


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Yo Sylverstein,

I wasn't being sarcastic, if you had ever traveled outside of Broward county you'd know that this is common procedure at most Top nightclubs, Vinyl,MOS,Yellow,Twilo just to name a few...


what up yo... baby powder on the dance floor, damn you must be true old school NYC style. I heard they used to do that at the Paradise Garage and still do at Body and Soul. Now that is taking dancing seriously.....

You a House Head?

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Dancing, my friend, is what all this is about.

I don't know if I'd call myself a Househead, I do love House Music and have loved it since 1982 when most of it was still being refered to as disco. But I enjoy quality dancible music in general, just don't take me over 135BPM. Thats when you loose me.

Thats when the dancing stops and the hand waving back and forth at the DJ starts, not my style I like to dance, not point at the DJ back and forth......

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If I misconstrude your above reply as sarcastic, then I apologise. While I by no means want to get in a DJ pissin contest with you it's clear that you know nothing about me and when you begin to "assume" things you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me." I've been spinning since 1985, from 1996-1999 I lived in England for 3 years promoting Big Bang Productions which ran a successful night at The Cutter in Ely, Cambridgeshire and was listed in Mixmag Magazine. I was pre-selected by mix tape subsmission for two of Britains annual DJ Competitions. DJ Culture & Plasa 98. I took 2nd place at the Plasa 98 Mixing Comp. held in London Sept 98 and I'm competing in this years WMC DJ Spin-off. I would love to show you my talents as well, this Friday I'm playing Deco Drive in Hollywood, come out and hear my set and tell me then what you know about me not what you think about me. I can't understand why more DJ's down here don't get together instead of simply trying to climb to the top by themselves. I'm simply trying to enjoy the ride and entertain as many people as possible along the way.

We cool?



A r t i s t r y

"An artist takes many different colors and after putting them together, creates something beautiful. We are, as DJ's, artists as well. The music is our paint and the people are our canvas."

[This message has been edited by syversin (edited 02-07-2001).]

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I agree with all you guys SPACE KICKS ASS!!!

Nobody can compete....They have Danny Tenaglia, Deep Dish, Carl Cox and Paul Van Dyke all as exclusive residents..

On Fridays they have Edgar V.,probably the best trance Dj in town and on Saturdays they have Oscar G. who has DJed all over the world and now we have him every week in our home town....what club can compare???

Not to mention KILLER sound and lighting, 4 rooms and staying open till noon!!!

SEE YA AT SPACE smile.gif


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Apparently, we cool.




A r t i s t r y

"An artist takes many different colors and after putting them together, creates something beautiful. We are, as DJ's, artists as well. The music is our paint and the people are our canvas."

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i have to diagree with aztec-mystic when he/she said "space is the only club in the history of miami-nightlife that has put us in a world reknowned status"...if thats what you think then you're not as "old school" as you think mate! goovejet gave us a "world reknowned status", was booking A list dj's and had big residancys way before space was ever around! they consistantly booked the A list dj's and have gotten more "special thanks" in more cd sleve notes from more A list dj's then any other club in the US besides maybe spundae/nikkita & twilo...space can't even come close to compareing with groovejet in this area and as far as "educated, up for it vibe's go...goovejet was and still is king!!

on another note, cobar has booked just as meny A list dj's (and just as offten to) as space has! ok, granted crobar has no major residents outside of luis diaz...but they have brought deep dish 2 times, digweed, anthony pappa, john "quivver" graham, jimmy van m., danny tenaglia, little louie vega and meny others and this is not includeing who they've brought during the conference.

space is a newbe! they have alot to prove before they can be compared to the likes of groovejet! and they can start by learning how to tell the diffrence between someone who is there to see a certin dj and someone who is just there because it's just cool to be there! i only ever go there when a big dj is there or when my mate jon cowen is there! and even then it's agenst my better judgement! their door staff doesn't seem to know the diffrence between these 2 types of clubbers and thats whats hurting their vibe! not enough educated dance music fans are being allowed in...why i don't know...maybe it's because they're not all rich with fancy cars and models for girlfriends! the last couple times i've been there (for the renaissance party back in november and for danny t. in january) the vibe has sucked! everyone just standing around trying to look cool and having no clue who the dj is or whats going on!! this is not only my opinion! the dj's that where there on the night of the renaissance party have all expressed the same feelings! i asure you you never had this problem at groovejet or when crobar was doing their "bang wednesdays"! once they fix this MAJOR problem then i will go back and re-think what i've said here but til then...not a chance!!

so to say space is the be all end all of miami clubbing is very naive! and very untrue!!

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Its funny how it is always people, that do not go to Space regularly or only go to Space on special events, that bash it...Also it always seems to be people who have had a hard time getting in...

Groovejet was very cool but I dont think you can compare it to Space..and believe me there were plenty of people at Goovejet because it was the cool place to be also..Space pulls in thousands of people every week and that number increases when there is a big guest DJ, obviously all 4000 people arent going to be dance music purists, alot of people are just out to have a good time (and hey, whats wrong with that?)

Groovejet was a fun little club but to compare it to Space?? I dont know about that.

Crobar I think is a better comparison and they have had great guest DJs but the reason I give Space the advantage over them is because Space brings these guests on their main FRI & SAT nights..It seems like Crobar doesnt want to scare off their weekend touristy glitz and glamour crowd with good music so instead they bring all these guests on Mondays and Wedensdays...

I have a question...How is it that door people should be able to identify these cooler than cool elitist dance music experts upon sight? What are the characteristics they should be looking for? Maybe its the ones that dont meet the dress code , are in a large group of men, and refuse to ever pay a cover because they are above that....




KINGSTREET smile.gif

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i didn't say groovejet was a bigger club or that they could pack more people in, i didn't say groovejet had a better sound system...how could they compare to space in the above? space is 100 times bigger then groovejet was so of course they're going to have more people there! thats just common sense and a silly arrgument on your part!

what i was saying was that groovejet NOT space gave miami a "world reknowned statis"! it has been talked about and honored by more A list dj's and dance music mags. then will ever take notice of space. and that is because groovejet was one of the first clubs in south beach to bring major talent on a regular basis. and because the "vibe" at groovejet was second to none!

now, i admit i don't go to space that offten, i've only been there maybe 10 times since they've opened. i am always in dress code when i go out! i have no problems with dressing up to go to a club! so that isn't and issue here! but it is easy to see that club space is not a place thats about the music! they are a club thats about how you look, about how much money one has and about who you know! it's the only club that i've ever been to that puts you in a line and then goes through that line and picks out who they feel like lettng in! never mind if you've been standing there for an 1 or for 5 minutes! it akes no diffrence at space! and whats this "if you have no girls with you then you don't get in" shit?!?!?!? thats the stupidest and most discrimitory rule i've seen at a club in a long time! now i'm not gay but danny tenaglia is and when he comes to play one would think that the crowd was going to be mostly gay men right? wrong!! at space they seem to think that men don't have as much of a right to be there as womam do! go figure! yes they've brought a few A list djs but a club thats about the music will not only bring the A list DJ's but also want the crowd to be an "up for it", "avin'it", educated crowd! space doesn't seem to care much about that.

as for how you tell the diffrence between someone thats there for the dj and someone whos just there to be seen..it's next to impossable i will admit. there's just this excitment in the air around those that know whats going on! you can also tell be the age of a person and how someone carries themselfs. when a 50 year old man walks up in a armoni (sp?) suit with a girl that is def. an escort or stripper on each arm...you tell me, is he there to see danny tenaglia?? i don't think so! and it seems that these are the types of people space like. then of course you have the clubber who just wants to go have "fun" and roll their heads off somewhere! the majority of the people that go to space fit in this catagory. they are clueless souls who think that in order to have a good time you must get fucked up! never mind who the dj is...who cares! as long as they can find a roll!!

i'd stay that maybe 2% of the people that go to space on an given night are there for the dj!

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to even mention groovejet and space in the same sentence is a joke. cool people hanging out at groovejet...just to be cool? bro, where you in that venue the last 2 years that it was open? the only night i saw "cool" people hanging out there was that night in may 99 when sasha played for one of the groovejet anniversary parties. that place looked like liquid exploded in there. all showing up to "hear this chick sasha i read about in the weekend section of the herald". i've been to space on nights when they have no "A-list" dj. i've been to groovejet when 100 people showed up to hear jimmy van m, when nobody knew his name. and you know what? those 100 people had it much better than the 4000 people who show up at space to have a look around at all the zoo animals.

give it a year after the initial "new cool place to be" attitude wears off and space will be better, maybe even legendary. but as of yet, they can do better.

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Originally posted by marick:

...when a 50 year old man walks up in a armoni (sp?) suit with a girl that is def. an escort or stripper on each arm...you tell me, is he there to see danny tenaglia?? i don't think so! and it seems that these are the types of people space like. then of course you have the clubber who just wants to go have "fun" and roll their heads off somewhere! the majority of the people that go to space fit in this catagory. they are clueless souls who think that in order to have a good time you must get fucked up! never mind who the dj is...who cares! as long as they can find a roll

Hrm... when deciding whether or not to respond to such lovely words, I find myself stuck between a roll and a hard place. Do I (a) side with the above, standing behind such an educated and well-thought-out evaluation of Club Space, (B) take the insult with a frown, tucking tail as I'm labeled as a clueless soul who has no taste in music, is obsessed with rolling myself into "fucked up" oblivion, and spends my time at Space tucked away in VIP with a host of gals from Solid Gold givin' me them oh-so-venerable lap dances they're known for, or © shrug all this shit off as more garbage from someone whose opinion, in the end, really doesn't mean all that much to me.

Anyone want to take a shot as to where I'm gonna fall?


Granted, © came pretty damn close... but that was until I stumbled across <b>(d) Take it elsewhere, bucko; I'm so over this.</b>


[This message has been edited by rene_martinez (edited 02-08-2001).]

[This message has been edited by rene_martinez (edited 02-08-2001).]

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Groovejet heads,

Not only did I frequent Groovejet the last two years but I went to the same venue when it was the Cave and the truly legendary Boomerang before that...The crowd at Boomerang was 10 times more "up for it" than Groovejet ever was...and I liked Groovejet..

As far as this world-renowned status you guys claim Groovejet gave Miami I think you guys are getting a little carried away...Long before Goovejet even opened there was Warsaw with David Padilla who brought guests such as: Larry Levan RIP (a true legend), David Morales, Frankie Knuckles, Tony Humphries, Masters at Work etc..THAT'S A LIST!!!

It sounds to me like you guys are young and Groovejet came at a time when you guys were probably just starting to really get into the scene and therefore it made a big impression on you guys....that's understandable....but believe me there was alot of shit going on here way before Groovejet....

As far as Space, just the fact that they were the first ones to take a chance on the Downtown area will guarantee them pioneer status. Once all the other clubs follow they will always be regarded as the innovators, for that alone they deserve credit.As for my argument being silly ,I think you misunderstood.I wasnt saying Space is bigger and more crowded and thats why its better..My point was that when you have ten times the people, the ratio of knowledgeable clubbers is going to be different..For example when Danny Tenaglia plays at Vynil every week for about 700 people the percentage of knowledgeable clubbers is more than when he used be the resident at Twilo where a couple thosand people would go every week...Now would you compare Twilo to Vynil...I dont think so....and by the way Twilo does have a dress code and they try to keep a decent male/ female ratio....and while I'm on the subject of Danny Tenaglia there is a reason why Danny moved his legendary WMC party from Groovejet to Space (which by the way every single publication was raving about that party)And there is also a good reason why Danny has agreed to a residency at Space (his only residency outside of Vynil)

Danny Tenaglia, Deep Dish, Carl Cox, Paul Van Dyke, Pete Tong, Darren Emerson, Taylor, Timo Maas, Gatecrasher and I can see SPACE IS THE SHIT! Why cant you guys see that???


KINGSTREET smile.gif

[This message has been edited by kingstreet (edited 02-08-2001).]

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CLUB MARICK....coming soon!!!!





NO 50 YEAR OLD MEN (sorry Junior Vasquez)







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