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Israeli Troops Storm School, Kill Two Palestinians


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RAMALLAH, West Bank - Two Palestinians were killed and several others wounded when Israeli occupation troops thrust into the school of Qurawat Bani Zeid northwest of Ramallah in the West Bank on Thursday, April 24, and opened fire on students.

"Osama Hamdulla, a 24-year-old taxi driver and a father of four, and Fakhr Ezzet, 18, were shot dead by Israeli occupation troops in two army jeeps who stormed the school," school employees told IslamOnline.net.

"They broke into the school from the four directions and opened their fire on the students who were spending their break in the yard," they said.

For his part, the director of Salvit emergency hospital, Dr. Naeem Sabra, told reporters that Ezzet was shot dead in his heart and Hamdullah in his pelvis.

Azmi al-Remawi, the director of the school, accused the Israeli troops of committing "a plotted crime in broad daylight" against innocent students, noting that the school had come under intensified gunfire.

"They killed Ezzet, who just finished his exams, in cold blood," he said.

"It is the 150th Israeli incursion into the school since the beginning of the 2002-03 academic year."

The Israeli occupation army was not able to comment immediately on the shooting.

This brings to 3,177 the total number of people killed since the start of the Palestinian Intifada against the Israeli occupation in September 2000, including 2,393 Palestinians and 726 Israelis.

Also on Thursday, the Israeli army abducted two Palestinian fighters of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, as they were driving in a car on the edge of Jenin, Palestinian security sources said.

The men, who were not identified, allegedly had Kalashnikov assault rifles, the sources said, adding that their car was blown up by the Israelis, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The Israeli army also abducted four “wanted†Palestinian activists, armed with Kalashnikovs, when their car was stopped in the Gaza Strip.

In a separate incident, a Palestinian was seriously wounded by a bullet in the stomach when Israeli troops fired on stone-throwing demonstrators south of Jenin, the sources said.

Knesset Speaker Blesses Settlement Project

On Tuesday, April 22, the right-wing speaker of Israel's "legislative" council (Knesset), Reuven Rivlin, laid the foundation stone of an "illegal" project to build more Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Rivlin, a close associate of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, visited the settlement of Shiloh, 10 kilometers (six miles) north of Ramallah, to take part in the inauguration of a new neighborhood under construction.

Sharon said in an interview on April 13 that Israel, as part of the peace process, would have to relinquish some areas closely associated with Jewish history.

"We are talking about the cradle of Jewish civilization. Our whole history is bound up with these places. Bethlehem, Shiloh and Beit El," Sharon claimed.

Rivlin said he visited Beit El, saying he traditionally spent the Jewish festival of Passover in settlements.

Sharon has long been a "champion" of the settlement movement in the West Bank, although a new international peace plan (roadmap) which he says he accepts "in principle," calls for a freeze in settlement growth.

A crowd of around 100 settlers and their families turned out to greet the Knesset speaker in a festive atmosphere as he poured cement and laid the first brick in a show of solidarity with the Jewish settlers.

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