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I hope everyone has been fattening up their lambs in the backyard, called their yiayias and are set for a long night of singing and eating tomorrow. Sharpen your slaughtering blade and oil up your spit and have a happy Easter.

Demetrios C. Corn

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...my dad killed mary's little lamb and we're all set...

arni kai patates

kokina avga

....he's even making margaritsa....

...and for any cypriots that know what i'm talking about, my theia made some flaounes as well...

Christos Anesti!

(a little early but what the hey)

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u damn greek WEIRDO'S!

All night I've been trying to relax, rest up and watch movies.....all I hear are some evil chantings from the Greek Orthodox Church on the corner, and a whole shit load of Greek men and women shooting their loud mouths off as they walk up my street to church.

WTF...as if Astoria is primarily Greek or something! :rolleyes: Fucking loud mouths!

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Originally posted by marcid21

u damn greek WEIRDO'S!

All night I've been trying to relax, rest up and watch movies.....all I hear are some evil chantings from the Greek Orthodox Church on the corner, and a whole shit load of Greek men and women shooting their loud mouths off as they walk up my street to church.

WTF...as if Astoria is primarily Greek or something! :rolleyes: Fucking loud mouths!

skase re malaka.....

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Originally posted by phatman

...dont take it out on us if you got fuckin stuck home on a friday night miss cranky pants....hater...:tongue:

i'm allowed to hate. I dated a Greek dude for four years....I'm practically part of the gang! :D

PS... FYI Pangelid, I was teasing. ;)

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Originally posted by marcid21

i'm allowed to hate. I dated a Greek dude for four years....I'm practically part of the gang! :D

PS... FYI Pangelid, I was teasing. ;)

i know :) ...sarcasm intended, plus when a greek curses it doest really mean anything....its like embedded in the language

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so in all seriousness, can someone explain to me the whole deal of Greek Easter?

I was on my way out Sat. night...passing by the church on the corner, and there was something quite ceremonious going on.

There were people lined up, going into church from each side of the st. ( the church is in the middle of the block). Everyone was in their Sunday best, and carring these things, kind of looked like red cones upside down on a stick.

There was beauiful music playing on speakers, and a podium in front of the church, decorated with Greek flags, lights, and the cross covered in flowers.

Inside the church was beautiful...and really, the whole seen was pretty mesmerizing.

So...explain you guys....

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At midnight they celebrate the rising of Christ by singing songs (some of them soon to be remixed, possibly by me) and lighting a candle then going home and eating (you're supposed to fast from meat and dairy for 40 days) That's about it. Hang out with the family. Tell tall tales of the olde country and get drunk. That's what I did anyway.

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Originally posted by marcid21

, and carring these things, kind of looked like red cones upside down on a stick.

LOOLOLOLOL Now thats funny

actually they're candles with these little cups to hold a wax and shit. Our Easter ... ITS ALL ABOUT THE LAMB BABY! oh and drinking wine.

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