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have you ever run over an animal?


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it was january of last year, but it still haunts me whenever i see a seagull. maybe it's why i suddenly developed such a love for birds, now that i think of it; somewhere in 2002 birds began to stop me in my tracks - i'd stare at them and marvel at how gracefully yet cavalierly they handle their ability to fly. i wonder if they'd trade it with us for our ability to run - those that can't, anyway. so many different birds, and i'm fascinated by them all. don't call pigeons "rats with wings," please; they're actually doves, and the only reason why they're dirty is 'cause they live in dirty cities. of them all, though, owls, are my favorites (of course :D) .

but back to the seagull. i killed a seagull last year in a sav-on parking lot :( . i was backing out of my parking space when i heard the most horrible squeak/cry. i looked in my rearview mirror, and there was a bent gull, with his gull friend - the friend gently pushing him with his beak to see if he was ok and finding him lifeless.

i cried, i really did. but what could i have done? i didn't see the birds in my rearview mirror, and what were they doing at a mid-city sav-on in the first place?

i had horrible luck all last year, and i wondered if it was payback for that.

when prince first changed his name to that weird symbol, he said it should be pronounced as "the sound of a dying seagull." it's good that prince changed his name back, 'cause no one should have to hear that.

has anyone else here ever run over anything?

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that's why i don't step on insects...don't kill spiders, etc...

except mosquitos and annoying flies... they're a menace.

i feel your pain though...i stepped on my pet chick once when i was a kid and felt bad about it for months...:cry:

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I think I ran over a bunny once...

The city where I hang around after still has some undeveloped parts. As such wild animals like squirrels and rabbits habitate those areas, and sometimes cross over to the developed areas. I swear the bunny jus jumped into traffic from out of nowhere. I tried to brake and swirve around it. By the time I stoped a few hundred feet away, all I saw was white fluff on the ground. My heart pounded, and sank to my stomach with guilt. Not knowing what had happened to it, I assumed the worst. I prayed and chanted for the rabbit's life before I moved on :(

whats wrong with those wascally wabbits??? :mad:

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Originally posted by tequiza

...whats wrong with those wascally wabbits??? :mad:

some animals are more street-smart than others :( .

every time i see a kitty about to cross my street when a car's coming, he/she always turns around and goes back to the curb. they're all smart cookies in my neighborhood catrush.gif .

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