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About that time??


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Why is it when you are 25-27 and dating someone for a while, everyone asks when you are going to get married? I'm 27 and my boyfriend is 26, we've been together about a year and a 1/2 and people asking when we are going to get married. Yes, we do talk about it but we are both happy with the way things are now. And what is good or right for one person is definitely not right for another. I have a friend who got engaged after a year of dating someone (her first boyfriend ever) and all she talks about is the wedding- it can get annoying. And because she got engaged so soon, she thinks everyone else should also- it's so annoying:rolleyes:

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I know exactly where your coming from.

My boyfriend (27) and I (24) have been together for 3 1/2 years. We are always being bothered by friends and family about gettting married. We want to be completely prepared when we have our wedding. These days couples have a hard time staying together so we want to make sure that when we go through with in that we are ready and prepared. We have been saving money for both the wedding and a house. Even though I know that we will probably get engaged soon it still makes me nuts when people push us on marriage. Let it be, everyone has their own way of doing things and there shouldn't be pressure to change that.

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Thank GOD most of my family doesn't think that way. The last time I was asked "so when am I going to see a ring on that finger?" my grandmother butted in and said "How do you know she wants one?!" :laugh2: I think that so many people in my family have rushed into things, with disastrous results, that everyone else has a cautious attitude about marriage.

But, who knows... I've only been with my boyfriend for 7 months... hopefully once a bit more time has passed, the pressure won't be on *cringe*... :rolleyes:

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