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i'm watching something on mtv about sex and they brought up the subject of guys sleeping with lots of girls... all of the guys they interviewed agreed that the more girls they have sex with, the more respect they get from their boys...

my question is, what about what us girls think? no way in hell would i even be interested in a promiscuous guy. i find that disgusting and such a turn off... i understand friendship is more important than some fling, but fucking a bunch of girls to impress your friends just seems twisted to me... and i would think it's self-depreciating, but i guess since casual sex is "cool" then it's ok...

and i know this whole double standard issue about male vs female promiscuity has been done to death, but seriously it's the same thing... if girls are sluts for fucking 50 guys, then guys should be sluts too for doing the same...

just wanna know peoples opinions on this... i think it's sad people value their bodies so little

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So what am I not supposed to have an opinion

Should I be quiet just because I'm a woman

Call me a bitch cos I speak what's on my mind

Guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled

When a female fires back

Suddenly the target don't know how to act

So he does what any little boy will do

Making up a few false rumors or two

That for sure is not a man to me

Slanderin' names for popularity

It's sad you only get your fame through controversy

But now it's time for me to come and give you more to say

This is for my girls all around the world

Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth

Thinking all women should be seen, not heard

So what do we do girls?

Shout louder!

Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground

Lift your hands high and wave them proud

Take a deep breath and say it loud

Never can, never will, can't hold us down

So what am I not supposed to say what I'm saying

Are you offended by the message I'm bringing

Call me whatever cuzyour words don't mean a thing

Guess you ain't even a man enough to handle what I sing

If you look back in history

It's a common double standard of society

The guy gets all the glory the more he can score

While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore

I don't understand why it's okay

The guy can get away with it & the girl gets named

All my ladies come together and make a change

Start a new beginning for us everybody sing

[Lil' Kim:]

Check it - Here's something I just can't understand

If the guy have three girls then he's the man

He can either give us some head, or sex her raw

If the girl do the same, then she's a whore

But the table's about to turn

I'll bet my fame on it

Cats take my ideas and put their name on it

It's aiight though, you can't hold me down

I got to keep on movin'

To all my girls with a man who be tryin to mack

Do it right back to him and let that be that

You need to let him know that his game is whack

And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got your back

But you're just a little boy

Think you're so cute, so coy

You must talk so big

To make up for smaller things

i love this song :)

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Not all guys think it's cool when their boys are sluttin' around. I know I wouldn't be proud of myself if I did.

Maybe I thought it was cool when I was a teenager, seeing some of my boys hooking up with as many chicks as they can, but I think as you grow older (at least for me anyway) you quickly learn that it's quality not quantity.

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linabina, great song, I agree! :tongue:

Honestly, I don't really care how much play a guy gets. If I know a guy that keep seeping around with random chicks, w/e it doesn't bother me, I just won't give a shit. But I ain't touching him, that's for sure!! A guy does not at all look any "cooler" in my eyes if he gets layed every weekend by different girls. But I guess in the eyes of his boys, that raises his status?

mssabina, I agree with you. Sometimes, it really does surprise me how little people value their bodies. While I do not really think sex is such a huge deal, it isn't exactly casual either. People should respect themselves more than to sleep around. Ok, I mean alot of us have had a one night stand once or twice or w/e in our lives.... and that's ok, it happens. But to let it happen, say every weekend or so, that's just gross...... why do some do that? Do they really not respect themselves to that degree??

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A lot of men love the satisfaction of having many women and not getting caught...its like a thrill or something.

I think that once a cheater, always a cheater (for about 85% of promiscuous men). Lots of teens cheat, but I think once they hit 25 and up where they are able to have a serious relationship with someone, and they continue to sleep with a lot of women, chances are they are not the type to settle down, and will CONTINUE to play with lots of ladies. They are more satisfied with variety rather than a steady someone.

Women are just as bad too sometimes. (im sorry to say)


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No, I definitely wouldn't judge men or women any differently when it comes to the promiscuity factory... I do not consider it desirable... but I also feel that people should live their lives as they see fit, and as long as it's not interfering with my happiness, please, feel free to sleep around as much as you want. I also try not to judge others by their past... because, hell, we've all got one of those...

And btw, just because someone has a colorful past doesn't mean they will never be able to settle down... I've seen quite a lot of proof to the contrary.

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This just reminds me of another example of how television tries to set an example and show us what is kool, or what is in vogue.

That's just ridiculous. I look at someone who sleeps around a lot just the same, if not lower, than somebody else.

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I totally agree with you Sabina. I've always found guys that sleep around a to be turn off. If they sleep with that many girls, they probably aren't very careful, and I think that's kind of scary :shake:

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i think both would be sluts then....

if a guy sleeps around with a lot of women, he might get looked down upon by others, but he still manages to find more.

same with girls, if a girl is sleeping around and is considered a slut, she still manages to find more people to sleep with.

so just as some girls look down on male " sluts", the guys do the same on girls.... so both are the same, only depending on whos lookin at you..

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