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do you "trust"?


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in a relationship... shit, i can´t bring myself to it. it sucks big time cause it´s just damn stressful...

well, i guess it has SOME foundation. you would need more than two hands to count the number of girls with boyfriends i fucked without them ever having a clue... maybe i should see a professional about this... damn this sucks big time...


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I think I am way too trusting actually. Whenever I meet someone I like to look on the positive side and *feel* sincerity.. however down the road in relationships it gets a little hazy. sometimes my trust would waver or i would second guess. but then again my last boyfriend was a huge player before he met me.. but i was the one that settled him down... right.. :rolleyes: so maybe my background is not a good one to judge.

its definitely tough because you hear about people cheating on each other left and right, and of course you don't want to be that ass thats blindly smiling while your partner is out hooking up with someone else. no one wants to be that person, so i think alot of times we put on a defensive and guard just to make sure that won't happen-- yet in the process we end up accusing or being overly guarded of our partner and that just caiuses more problems.

I think when you find the right one though, things will just flow and you will trust that person completely. I think when a certain connection is made and its meant to be, everything will fall into place.

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Originally posted by karisma

I think I am way too trusting actually. Whenever I meet someone I like to look on the positive side and *feel* sincerity.. however down the road in relationships it gets a little hazy. sometimes my trust would waver or i would second guess. but then again my last boyfriend was a huge player before he met me.. but i was the one that settled him down... right.. :rolleyes: so maybe my background is not a good one to judge.

its definitely tough because you hear about people cheating on each other left and right, and of course you don't want to be that ass thats blindly smiling while your partner is out hooking up with someone else. no one wants to be that person, so i think alot of times we put on a defensive and guard just to make sure that won't happen-- yet in the process we end up accusing or being overly guarded of our partner and that just caiuses more problems.

I think when you find the right one though, things will just flow and you will trust that person completely. I think when a certain connection is made and its meant to be, everything will fall into place.


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Good topic.

That normal defensive reaction, where trust burnt the first time, adds layers and layers to a wall blocking others outside, making it ten times more difficult in following relationships, is viscious and self-destructing.

I mean I wont go into detail but myself, like probably many others on this board, has been burnt beyond decency, we are talking bricket here of well done ya know.

Anyways, for about a year, maybe a bit more I was alone with myself because I couldnt trust nada anyone.


Then I simplified it...and realized that its easier to trust everyone (relatively and scrupiously) to a point, that gives you a more positive start to a relationship, then of course experiences either build or tear down that allready established bond.

Granted I know this angle allows more potential for heartbreak, mistakes of honesty, etc etc..

But the same time, if it goes well it could short cut a stronger bond with that person in 1/10th the time.

Ever lend 100 bucks to an aquantance of whom you hardly know?

Or even when I was bartending I picked up the tab a few times when the costumer was short on cash...and luckily, they all came right back.. as soon as they said...etc.

Its all about risks..and for me, if there is a positive potential with taking a risk..I will take it.

Cause ...well..thats just what I do...


yours truly...

the "risk taking" ranting rambler...

Mr Eccentricmofo

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Originally posted by babbo

trust everyone based first on instinct, then on deeds. words play small to little part. trust until the first time trust is breached, then trust is damaged, or broken imho naughty??

Why do you keep putting my name ?


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Originally posted by damack

people who don't know how to spell shouldn't try to use big words.

Everyones has a KRITICAL OPINYUN.

If you cannot appropriately start off your post, with a capital letter.... well if grammer was a prereq. for this board most wouldnt type at all.

As far as my official (not really sweatin your ass) response....


hav a nice dae...

spunky brewster:hat:

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