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Surf Club Opener....

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so this is what it's like to drink... i was under control through my 7 hour surf club tour, but then d'jais knocked me on my ass.

i don't even know what i'm typing right now or how i got home. i do know that i woke up down the shore (still dressed in all my clothes, obviously), looked at the clothes i brought to go to work this morning and started laughing.

good seeing EEEEEEVERYONE. all smiling summer faces, real nice.

bus.. tigga's energy level was too much for me to comprehend and i think every time i saw you guys i had to take a piss. sorry for bein so shady. it's gonna be a long summer, u'll see more than enuf of doge.

chicken coup cluckens in FULL effect.

rose.. any afterhours??? u shoulda come to spring lake, these kids were goin til 5 or 6.

davey.. thx for the drinks. the smile on ur face when i told u kettel and club is worth this hangover right now.

digga.. i'm inventing a new term for u. it's not so much cross-eyed with you, it's more like inverted-eyed.

i have a question.. who shit in their pants yesterday? smelled like someone puked up 8 month old eggs at one point.

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Originally posted by neena16

It was great seeing the usual CP's out, you know who you are and I also met some new ones. I think Vega, slyonpromos, and victorsoto. It was nice to meet you. :D

correction...I thought I met slyonpromos but I think it was really axel-a-promos....:laugh: oops. all these promos I got confused.

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Ha, I like that, I mean I think id rather be a shy geek then a open geek..

But I sort of fucked up, with time and everything, trust me I was wandering around for 5 hrs or anything whacked like that...

I literally had to be there less an hour, I was late getting there and after a beer or two realized the time and remember the 6am start....horrible..so I jetted..

Oh trust me..I shall be known...lol

Im trying to gradually introduce myself..I mean last thing I need is to be bumrushed and raped by 20 women...then agian...maybe I do need that...oy

Ill catch you all sooner or later .....:eek:

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Good to here Efo....

I had the same inhibitions about introducing myself to peeps when I first met a few out....

Just wanted to assure you there are good peeps to meet... no need to be hesitant to show face and say hello...

Trust me hombre, Im far from the supershy guy Im portraying..

Im just whacked a bit, and Im cautious of whom I open up my inner circle too...lol.

You'll see, I wouldnt even be surprised if my first official CP debut was even with me dressed...I may streak in the surfclub or cherri or metro whereever...lol.

That would a trip..

To give you an idea, I have been know to wear old lady's nitegowns to clubs... very bizarre yet hell of an angle with the chicas...:blank:

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Originally posted by kelly0616

surf club yesterday was out of control!!!!

i had the greatest time:D

thanks to axel and ratpoison for everything!!!!

yes neena 16 i made to school this morning....hehe

this is going to be an insane summer:D

I'm glad sweetie.

After piro told me you two were going to Joeys after Surf. I was scared for you. :eek: Remember we still have all summer you crazy kids. :D:cool:

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Originally posted by axel-a-promos

thanx :(:D

it was nice meeting you also..

sowwwy :(

You have to give me some credit, considering the condition I was in at least I remembered meeting you.

I just didn't get the name right. :tongue:

It was nice to finally meet you hun. Next time I promise to get it right. :D :D

dondiezel will tell you, it took me like 3 times to even realize I met him. ;)

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Great seeing everyone! Im not gonna even attempt to name everyone cause i will definately leave people out...

but id like to give a special shout-out to the chicken crew and the Iron Brothers (how juiceheadish of us to flex and compare bi's in surf club!) :aright: ! Rock on! :rock:

and of course my wife-bitch... Miss Zee.. thankyou for everything babygirl! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!

i am soooo mad i didnt bring a camera... but in my condition i would have lost it.. so if anyone has any pics....pweeeeeeeze e-mail them to me @ hunnie818@aol.com :D

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

Sick as a dog never made it to work....

This is going to be a longgggggg summer... Sunday nights can be dangerous....

bad billy...very bad.

Good to see your bad ass last night.

Hope you feel better hun. :D

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just wanted to say a few things to some people....

Piro - "where is my shirt"

Dogekid - "How bad do the sneakers look"

Neena - "Where is Piro wit my shirt"

Rapture - thanks for the Merge VIP card...the collection is complete

I dunno bout you guys but those burgers were good as hell:cool:

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yesterday was insane....the first hour their was spent realizing that the summer has started....and how crazy its gonna be.....definately great seeing everyone and nice too meet some new ones......

neena im impressed....u remember correctly........it was nice meeting u:D

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osb!!!!!!!!!!!! all in good fun, but next time you are mangled, can we play pass the PO PO...............come on!!! its all in good fun.................

i can hoist ya up on my shoulders, pass you around the club like its your bar mitzfa............but be careful when we pass you to DONdeizel, i passed the MOO over to him and he turned blue with all the MASS moo has put on and he dropped poor MOO.........

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Originally posted by roddigga

i can hoist ya up on my shoulders, pass you around the club like its your bar mitzfa............but be careful when we pass you to DONdeizel, i passed the MOO over to him and he turned blue with all the MASS moo has put on and he dropped poor MOO.........

I musta left before the 2003 Guido Olympics started. Rod who won the pose down 'tween Bus and Moo?

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Originally posted by roddigga

osb!!!!!!!!!!!! all in good fun, but next time you are mangled, can we play pass the PO PO...............come on!!! its all in good fun.................

i can hoist ya up on my shoulders, pass you around the club like its your bar mitzfa............but be careful when we pass you to DONdeizel, i passed the MOO over to him and he turned blue with all the MASS moo has put on and he dropped poor MOO.........

It's all good, i know how to have fun. five-0 tossing on the beach is out of the question. remember i'm almost as old as sticky. It was good seeing you and DUMBDERO. I think I may have to show up more often this summer, maybe even a trip to tempts!

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OSB.............LOL good seeing ya too, hollaaa at me for DONUTS and COFFEE................no seriously ring me up we'll go visit KIRK tie him up and steal HIS sunday VENUE!!!!!!!!!1

NJ..........AHAHAHH HAH nice meetin ya kid, sorry i couldnt chat, i was on my water break and needed a time out!!! and plus i wasnt sure if you can understand DIGGAS weekend BLAH BLAH BLAH......................

and they never made it to the pose down, the BUS was too wacked when he left his TIGGAS house and put on 1 of tiggas BRAS!!!!!!!!! thaught it was his TANK TOP, apparently he didnt want MOO to see the bra he mistakenly put on!!!!!! and have MOO post pics of him in a BRA..................gotta love the BUS........

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