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South Beach R.I.P.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by thehog

hell yeah

You know my take on this

If there were no Space then the guest DJ's would be spread out over the diff. clubs. As it happens to be now Space has like 80% of all the good guest DJ's on lock down. Going to the same club gets really borring. That and the doorman and bouncers are complete pricks.

YEah Saleen go give some of those bums a carton of cigs to burn that focker down.:D

naw, LP is the type if shit goes back, they'll get a storm of jewish lighting....

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Washington Ave clubs are dead. The best clubs on South Beach are Maze and Nerve. Downtown is cool too.

Sometimes I get so frustrated, I just want to walk down Washington Avenue with an MP-5 and eradicate the whole lot of them. Thugs and more thugs.


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It's going to get worse before it gets better my comrades.

When I went to Maze when Stryke and RF were playing (very good both of them), I was stunned by how the second floor hip hop room was packed! Although there were not a lot of thugs... except for the 3 rappers who were yelling on three overjuiced cordless mics... the place was jumping.

I'm willing to place a bet that there were more people on the second floor of Maze than in the main room. Why? The music. Thugs love hip hop and will run well-mannered clubgoers out -- I've seen it happen at Level, Spin, and lets not hope Maze.

As more and more clubs on the beach start playing hip hop, more and more degenerates are going to start showing up.

I guarantee you that this summer there will be a record number of shootings, stabbings, fights, and all the owners and promoters will wake up and smell the coffee.

That's when the beach will revert back to primarily dance music.

Maybe they will come to the realization that "live electronic music" is the next step, in any city, and they'll start booking accordingly.

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I have to disagree with spinstar even though I hope you are right.....

Ask any club owner, club bartender or anyone trying to bring in the cash its the hip-hoppers and the homo's that bring in the big dollars on a consistant basis...

Hip-hoppers love to drink and look like they are rich (bling bling) at clubs either spending every dime they have or stole....

The gays are just always down for a party and drinking and drugs so they give away the money, they are just happy to do it, they tip big...

Its just economics for the beach at this point and who could care less who gets shot during all the events like memorial and stuff, its the thugs killing thugs anyways.... :blown:

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There's going to be no further restrictions on liquor sales at nightclubs on South Beach...this measure only applies to outdoor clubs south of sixth street, due to complaints from the residents of the condos there.

For the forseeable future it's 5 AM.

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The beach night life will not be around in 4 years. It's going to be a place for the rich to hang out, and they will be putting up signs on the causeway that state "If you don't make $150K a year Please Make a U-Turn and head back to the City of Miami.!!

Last night I when by the beach, At first I was surprized that there was traffice.. but then saw that the cops closed most the lanes to scan the cars coming in.

I remember back in 1998, we would head out to the beach and traffic will be all the way by space to get into the beach with all lanes open,, before all the BULLSHIT started with Laws, 18 and over, 21 and over, no after hours.!!! I mean yeah it had some bads with lil punks but the night life was fun and full of surprizes...


2% of the clubs at the beach are fun! 2FUCKING %

I look at it now.. and it's all staged! Looks like a fucking movie.

It's like ridding a ride at Universal Studios twice.... you go for the first time and it looks cool, but u go again and you see how it resets and does the same thing over. Thats how I see the beach... like everyone had a cue or role to play there... no more surprizes, no more fun, no more meeting some crazy girl and getting wasted and getting in on the beach. Nada! nico! Shit!

If your in a groups of 6 or more, they call u a gang or mafia! and fuck with you... If u are alone, ur a drug dealer!


At least the day time is still some what fun!

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Originally posted by crystalmethod

Did I read that right?

The beach might have a 2am restriction on alcohol?

No offense, if that happens, Sobe is /really/ done then.

And I thought no smoking in NYC was bad... 2am alcohol would be like a knife in the heart.

Hey Steve! Long time no post for me... :cool:

From what I heard, *new* liquor licenses will be limited to 2 am. Existing 5 am licenses are cool and can be grandfathered, so unless the club fucks up and has it revoked and has to reapply, they can serve up until 5 am.

This of course has potential for abuse by the city - wielding the threat of revoking the license over something silly and forcing the clubs to reapply, the city can go on twisting a lot of arms in a lot of ways. Kinda like NYC under Guiliani...

Whether this is true at least partly or entirely, I don't know. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Attomic - you're right about the hip-hoppers. We'll probably sell more Hennessy over Memorial Day weekend than the rest of the year combined.

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Licensing practices will not change, any new licenses will be the standard 5 AM ones.

The whole debate is about opening up new outdoor venues in the area south of sixth street...the city specifically said at the commission meeting that the existing liquor laws will not be changed.

Whether the beach 'exists' or not in 4 years is up for debate, but the liquor laws aren't changing for better or for worse any time soon.

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

Last night I when by the beach, At first I was surprized that there was traffice.. but then saw that the cops closed most the lanes to scan the cars coming in.

I remember back in 1998, we would head out to the beach and traffic will be all the way by space to get into the beach with all lanes open,, before all the BULLSHIT started with Laws, 18 and over, 21 and over, no after hours.!!! I mean yeah it had some bads with lil punks but the night life was fun and full of surprizes...

Might have something to do with the 50 cent's concert in Bayside - the afterparties were on the Beach. I see it as the cops are trying to keep the hip-hoppers, thugs, etc. off the beach; similar stuff happened over springbreak - Miami Beach's finest were out in full effect on the beach chasing students with beer coolers, whereas normally they'd not care... I guess it can be a safety-promoting measure of some type, I just don't agree with the concept of selectively coming down on a specific group... who's to say that tomorrow some bigwig living in the Continuum penthouse won't sway the cops to chase out the clubbers... oh, forgot, looks like he already has!

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Well as someone who has recently moved to South Beach I must admit that I was surprised at all the thugs I saw walking around on Washington Ave. What amuses me is that most of them aren't even going into the clubs but just walking around yelling at all the girls and spooking out the tourists. If club owners insist on catering to this crowd than they are certainly shooting themselves in the foot. As of now there's already a supersaturation of hip-hop parties and with probably more to come. I think that over time with all the thugs causing trouble some of the clubs will go back to playing dance music. Like everything else in life everything goes through cycles. Right now everyone's just trying to cash in on the whole thug, bling-bling, champagne, gold tooth and FUBU wearing, Escalade driving bullshit. I hope it'll pass one day. If not I might as well move to Overtown and pay a lot less in rent.

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Guest saleen351

lets go back to saleens econ class 101

Supply and Demand

Right now as I see the hip hop thug scene is pretty much in equilibrium.. Meaning, qs=qd... Soon with a few more parties and nerve going hip hop qd will exceed qs thus pe shifts to the left thus lower profits and prices...

for you latin fucks that means soon, there will be too many hip hop parties and not enough hip hoppers...

and that is sweet music for our hears....

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Have there been any incidents so far that make you all bemoan hip-hoppers' presence on the beach? Because ZNO did just open last weekend in addition to the other parties that were already going on.......

As a househead, I totally agree with most of the points you all make; but as a black woman, I will have to remind you all that not every black male you see wearing athletic gear and pushing fancy vehicles are thugs. Most of the execs that make millions of dollars wear and drive the same thing. And while I know the behavior is what determines that label, be mindful of lumping one group of people together based upon what they wear.

I could just as easily assume that all you tan, buff motherfuckers are gay when in fact you just look good and take good care of yourselves! :laugh:

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Actually, South Beach isn't dead, thank you very much. There are still great clubs out there and we still get great DJs.

Just in the past month: Steve Lawler, James Zabelia, Luke Fair, Hernan Catteano....

The people make the club scene great....the music the city brings makes the club scene great. Who cares about the actual clubs? Just go out there and enjoy yourself and the music because after all, that's what it's all about, isn't it?

And by the way, 2 greats are coming this weekend on Friday: Layo & Bushwacka!, thanks to cooljunkie.com

I don't think Maze is that great. I've been there 4 times and I've only had a good time once.

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I agree, I've had a blast the past two months.

Pod, you say ZNO is a joke because they test their sound during the day? When should they test it.....in the evening the night before or what? Just curious.....gotta ask the South Beach Spokesperson. I've learned more from you than the rest of the people I've met! LOL

It's not whether the beach is dead or not; it's whether the club patrons are "unsavory characters" that contribute to its downfall. I've read nothing but good reviews about the different parties you all have attended, house and otherwise. Outlets like this board are what really promote them and bring out the crowds you want to attract. Keep up the good work and enjoy the fun that you are having now, even officials know where their bread is buttered. What do you think they'll do with spots that only cause them a bunch of problems?

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