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My Saturday Space 34 Review


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get there like at 12 with trouble & my brother... get to the front ready to get in like at 12:40 & guess what ? they close the list & no more password.. totally a crock of fucking shit !! FUCK YOU 4 that space !! well , whutever... so we go in & catch the begining of zabielas set.. i never seen this guy spin before but let me tell you... his set was nothing short of phenomenal... FUCKING SICK !! I really enjoyed this guys set.. the only problem was i couldnt even dance.. place was packed & they didnt open the patio till like 2:30 or 3... i left like at 3:30 cause i couldnt stand the sausage fest goin on in there.. so i only heard lawler for a few mins..my conclusion is , YES !! I MISS THE OLD SPACE !! too bright in the new one :cool: :cool: <--needed shades to be in there.. peace out , koky

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You forgot to give poor Jackie back her purse and money. :eek: Meet her at Lime Bar around 3 or so hehe :)

I had a blast though. JZ and Steve rocked it. :) Could care less about the sausage fest, I can always count on some girls saying hello to me. I go to Space for the DJs. I want to see girls, I go to a beach club.

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Originally posted by pod

You forgot to give poor Jackie back her purse and money. :eek: Meet her at Lime Bar around 3 or so hehe :)

I had a blast though. JZ and Steve rocked it. :) Could care less about the sausage fest, I can always count on some girls saying hello to me. I go to Space for the DJs. I want to see girls, I go to a beach club.

i threw jackys purse away & took out & wasted all the $$$... i looked for her like crazy before i left but couldnt find her .. & yeah i think ill be at limebar later ;):D
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Originally posted by diegonyc

how long did zabiela play for?

any standout tracks, remixes, or re-edits?

i made it in like at 10 to 1 & he was already on the decks.. & he got off like at 3:10...as far as tracks ... i never heard any of em ... best part also was watching this guy work the decks... trully amazing !!
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He must've played for like 3 and half hours almost. He was wicked bouncin b/w acid , tech-house, breakbeats and even some good progressive madness. There was something about 'a brand new vibe' he just kept looping this vocal. Went upstairs for a bit heard Roland he was good as usual. :)

A couple of standout tracks one being Music Please by King Unique omg .. that track destroyed the place. Diego from Space on the horn and everything. :)

Good seeing the CP out in force. Koky, Danny , Leo , James , Joe , Biz , Rocky, Roland and some non CP as well Carlos , Tom and his brother.

Next week is a must for all of you. Stryke and OG in the main room. With Jimmy T opening up the main room?

All Stars of Miami :)

Nice One.

See you all next week.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by koky

get there like at 12 with trouble & my brother... get to the front ready to get in like at 12:40 & guess what ? they close the list & no more password.. totally a crock of fucking shit !! FUCK YOU 4 that space !! well , whutever... so we go in & catch the begining of zabielas set.. i never seen this guy spin before but let me tell you... his set was nothing short of phenomenal... FUCKING SICK !! I really enjoyed this guys set.. the only problem was i couldnt even dance.. place was packed & they didnt open the patio till like 2:30 or 3... i left like at 3:30 cause i couldnt stand the sausage fest goin on in there.. so i only heard lawler for a few mins..my conclusion is , YES !! I MISS THE OLD SPACE !! too bright in the new one :cool: :cool: <--needed shades to be in there.. peace out , koky

glad you enjoyed the sasuage fest and tanning booth they call the main room.... Atlest the door issues are fixed:laugh: Did you happen to see my pic at the door:D

Jimmy T good lucking opening the patio next week, after that I hope the place burns to the ground and reopen the old space..

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get to Space around 2:00am smooth entry. go right to the mainroom place is packed. James Zabiela is tearing sh*t up. this is my second time hearing him, and I was as impressed as I was the first time. he brings a ton of energy, and his track selection just flows really well. he can easily hold his own in the mainroom. get this kid a residency! :) checked out Roly’s set a bit on the terrace, very nice as usual. although I would like to hear Roly bang the beats a bit harder, as he does inside. I think the pepz out there can handle it, because they are not the Bellini crowd.thank god ! :D I’m really feeling the vibe, going on the terrace with Lunar Sessions. props to the Lunar Sessions crew.. head back in to the mainroom, Steve Lawler is just coming on. he forgets the build up, and starts slamming a way. there where periods where he slowed it down a bit. overall the beats where fast and furious all the way through. I would have to say.. this was the best mainroom set I have heard from SL, he didn’t hold back as in the past. he let it go !:cool: caught the beginning of OG’s set, which as usual was on point. OG kept the energy going following Lawler. unfortunately for me my legs where killing me, from dancing like a maniac for most of the night. so I left pretty early, plus my crew was MIA. :(

now my Space 34 review :: this was my first time back since conference. too much work, and to little time to party. that won’t be the case any longer. :D anyway I like the building, and the sound. the lights, which people seem to have issues with, never really bothered me.

what did annoy the f*ck out of my friends and me. was the constant shuffling of people all over the place. it seems that there is not, any coordinated way, for people to get from one area of the club to the other. thus you will have people walking and shoving their way, right in front of you when you’re on the dancefloor.:mad: I think putting some type of barrier, around the dancefloor would help. but really I think taking out, the bathrooms on the right side, and opening the area up. would allow people to maneuver between the mainrom, 2nd floor, and terrace a lot easier. thus relieving a lot of the congestion; which gets created on the dancefloor. which makes dancing, and exercise in frustration. also doing what was done, in old Space Red room, on the left side where the hip hop room is. would achieve the same thing on that side. my other issue is the second floor. I understand VIP is profit center; however having it comprise ¾ of the secondfloor is simply not necessary. particularly when the only way, to get to the bathrooms on the secondfloor, is walking through the ¼ of space left in front of the bar. which again leads to congestion. opening up one side of VIP, again will allow pepz to spreadout a bit more on the second floor. so you don’t have that cluster f*ck ; which occurs on the secondfloor currently.:(

anyway tis true I miss the old space, but the bottomline is the new Space is better in every respect.. :) they just need to control the traffic flow a lot better… ;)

see everybody on the dancefloor next week. .. :bounce:

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So I have never been to the new Space 34. Luis kindly gives me and my friend club courtesy!! Thanks Luis. I walk through I think 4 rooms, all pumpin', all very tight. Then I'm up to the patio. I grab a couple beers and dance for an hour and a half straight with 2 pretty girls. Only heard Ivano play one song. It was nice to hear different music on the patio. Then 8 30 I walk home (I only live 5 blocks away) It was the finisher of a perfect night. Yuerba Buena at the 73rd sttreet band shell, killer house party on palm island and great hospitality from Space. A plus night all the way around. Now off to the beach and pass out on the sand.

Joe Budious


nice to see you Carla and Marcos!!!

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Hey Saleen, they have guys in jump suits waiting for you with guns at the door...... better hide!



what do u people mean by the main room was bright..... how so... too much white light? bar light? or just too many fixtures on the same time?

I say they lay a big glass floor in that hole on the 2nd floor so people can dance on it and look down at the main floor, give the place more room and give u a sence of floating.

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People are bitching and moaning because they're using 575 watt fixtures at full output. They're all used to the old Space, where the array consisted primarily of MAC 250s and 300s, which are 250 watt fixtures. The Robe fixtures in Space 34 all take the Philips MSR 575 watt lamp.

Doesn't bother me in the least, and most people aren't bothered by it either.

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LOL, well house heads are real the lounge type... Like that low glow of light white shipping on a martinii,

Also the light are higher up then the old space and higher mean wider ligh beam so it may be a bit bright. But again that all lands on programmer and programing. Trance heads love lighting, house people, soso...

Also bring down that truss with 575Watt Fixtures at 100% is a drunk mans nightmare! like having 50 cops with flashlight in ur face...


So Pod... how is the sound? when its paked in the house... is it a clear sound, is the bass hard hitting?

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Sound is definitely top-notch...even when it's full. Saleen may say it sounds to be except in the middle of the dancefloor, but that's true of almost any club. Stand near one enclosure, you'll get whatever is spewing out of it, be it the right or left channel.

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The systems are neck and neck so to speak...I think they've made some improvements in the past week or so to the Space rig.

Lights, well it depends on the programmer...my only complaint about Maze's lighting is that he uses way too much fog...there's a fine line between creating particulate matter to cause light beams, and gassing out the whole room constantly...it was so bad at one point my (brand-spanking new with phase-matching autofocus) camera had an issue locking onto a subject 10 feet away!

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Guest saleen351

but sound wise hands down, old space with new speakers would be better than the new one... space should have caved in and went with funktion one...

and nerves system is just run of the mill..

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Amazing beats last night.. James Zabiela.. very funky, mad deck skills... a little different than usaul sat's at space..... I enjoyed it alot!!

Mr. Lawler threw down a great set.. (thanks for the comped entrance steve).. Bangin away on his drums!!! dark/dirty

--COMPLAINT:::: MR. PUIG!!!! The Crackheads/homeless people in the area around Space are killing us!!!.... Had my car broken into.. and stereo stolen last night!! I am sure you guys can spend all that cover charge $$$$ on a few extra $8/hour security guards in golf carts to make sure your patrons are safe!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

--We should feel safe when coming to Space!!!, Not, making a mad dash from car to front door to avoid being harassed/robbed by crackheads!!


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Technically it's a police matter for the homeless. If the cops didn't hang out in front of the club all night, there'd be no problem with the homeless.

Miami Ave is really bad...2 weeks ago me and a friend parked there, and some homeless guy was skulking in front of my friend's van...he wouldn't move unless we paid him, so my friend just started to move, and then he finally got out of the way when he realized 2 tons of Detroit iron was gonna mow him down. Either that or I was gonna grab a mic stand from the cargo hold and kill him.

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Originally posted by pod

Technically it's a police matter for the homeless. If the cops didn't hang out in front of the club all night, there'd be no problem with the homeless.

Miami Ave is really bad...2 weeks ago me and a friend parked there, and some homeless guy was skulking in front of my friend's van...he wouldn't move unless we paid him, so my friend just started to move, and then he finally got out of the way when he realized 2 tons of Detroit iron was gonna mow him down. Either that or I was gonna grab a mic stand from the cargo hold and kill him.

yeah the bums on the side of space is a big issue. i saw like 3 cars getting broken into last time i was there...

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