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just the truth..what is your view on...


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i would agree with everyone here, i have nothing against anyone who chooses this lifestyle. however, i don't support gay marriages or gay adoption... you need the ying and yang to balance things out mentally for children, i think....

and gay marriage...sorry, but there really was a reason why there is an adam and an eve...

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i could really care less.... it doesn't effect me whether you like hairy man-ass, or a shaved box... just do your thing... i've got bigger fucking problems to worry about than where you stick your cock when no ones looking....

people need to get a fucking life... if you don't have something more important to focus on than someone elses sexlife, you need to go into the bathroom, fill up the tub, put a cement neckless on and dive in....

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i just want to know how your views would coincide with what you think a society should be like...

like marriage and adoption as i mentioned. should these be worried about when it comes to gay couples? should gay couples get benefits...and all that...

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Originally posted by atomicapples

why do you care about all this crap?

face it.. no guy will marry you...

and no girl will either...

and stay with your fat friends and eat cheese cake...

yeah whatever you say. fuck off little boy.
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Originally posted by sassa

i just want to know how your views would coincide with what you think a society should be like...

like marriage and adoption as i mentioned. should these be worried about when it comes to gay couples? should gay couples get benefits...and all that...

i don't see a problem... they just have to have all the normal background checks everyone else does for adoption.... i can see how some might say it would be wierd for a kid to have 2 fathers or 2 mothers growing up... but a large majority of our families aren't exactly "normal"... thats just life... a kid adopted by a homosexual couple who had a background check done and everything will probably grow up more healthy/normal than most of us...

they should definately be allowed to marry, i think its a bit insane that they can't.... but i guess we haven't quite purged the puritan government that once existed... :(

bottom line is... any 2 humans should have the same rights as any other 2 humans... regardless of beliefs, gender, prefference, blahblahblah, you know the drill....

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Originally posted by atomicapples

your fat friends...

is it a touchy subject?

shutup for 5 minutes... this is the first interesting thread i've seen on cp in weeks... go make a new thread to try to get her to marry you so you can stay in this country...


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I have no problem with homosexuality.....I'm very liberal.....I support gay civil unions, just bc it's not fair that they can't receive the same benefits w/out some kind of union as the straight couples can have....

As for gay couples adopting.....still not sure how I feel about that yet.....While I do feel a child needs both a mother and a father, it's all case by case, bc some homosexual couples can probably provide a loving and safe home, so why shouldn't they be able to adopt children? There are probably countless heterosexual marriage homes that are anything but loving and safe......

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Originally posted by sassa

homosexuality? pro or con? why and why not?

i am pro-happiness... whatever makes you happy so be it... if youre homosexual, good for you... if youre hetero good for you... whatever you are, is irrelevant what is relevant is that you just accept ppl for who they are and not judge them for what they are...

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Originally posted by sassa

i would agree with everyone here, i have nothing against anyone who chooses this lifestyle. however, i don't support gay marriages or gay adoption... you need the ying and yang to balance things out mentally for children, i think....

and gay marriage...sorry, but there really was a reason why there is an adam and an eve...

First of all, who says that there was an Adam and Eve? and secondly, do you really think it would be worse to have two daddies, as opposed to a divorced, unhappy marriage between and man and a woman?

Over half of all marriages end in divorce. That can't be too good for the children of America.

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i don't think the lack of one male and one female caretaker is what hurts children emotionally in the case of divorce. the anger and sadness they witness would be inherent to ANY relationship that ends badly, be it between male-female, male-male, or female-female.

there are well-adjusted children who have only known one parent, and maladapted children raised in two-parent homes, as people have pointed out.

why is it that one *needs* both a mother and a father, anyway? because it's "natural"? that's a weak argument, considering that humans have been doing highly "unnatural" things with themselves and others for years and we accept it as a part of being sophisticated beings that can go against the way things originally were. who cares what things were like "back in the day?" that isn't NOW, and it wasn't necessarily BETTER than now in many ways.

hell, if your household consisted of you, two moms, 5 dads, and a monkey but was LOVING, RESPECTFUL, AND SUPPORTIVE, you'd be better off than most of America!

in my opinion, the more SOCIETY makes a big deal of the lack of a mother and a father, the more children in that kind of situation will be confused and hurt.

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Originally posted by jimk29

First of all, who says that there was an Adam and Eve? and secondly, do you really think it would be worse to have two daddies, as opposed to a divorced, unhappy marriage between and man and a woman?

Over half of all marriages end in divorce. That can't be too good for the children of America.

it doesnt matter if its male female, male male, female female, or not even your child... its not gender or blood that keeps a family together its love, understanding, caring, happiness... if youre capable of conveying these feelings and are able to care for a family support a family financially, who says its wrong??? just because both parents are male, or both are female or theyre adopted??? c'mon pls... lets get serious here... however in the same vein... this next generation of children (i guess that would be our children... ooooh how scary~!) have a lot to over come, 3 generations have yet to overcome racial difference, now they have to over come homophobia, and interracial relationships... our kids might have it rough... it might be difficult for other kids to understand and or accept why jonesy has two dads, or why janesy has two diferrent race parents... but its nothing that CANT be overcome, and its just another thing that will make us stronger....

(not sure if this makes sense, im not really all here today... sorry)

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Originally posted by joeg

i could really care less.... it doesn't effect me whether you like hairy man-ass, or a shaved box... just do your thing... i've got bigger fucking problems to worry about than where you stick your cock when no ones looking....

people need to get a fucking life... if you don't have something more important to focus on than someone elses sexlife, you need to go into the bathroom, fill up the tub, put a cement neckless on and dive in....

BRAVO!!! :clap2: :clap2:

I also agree w/what most everyone else has said about gay marriages and adoption... totally for it, for all the reasons already mentioned.

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I have no problems with gay marrages or addoption, but I don't like gay pride parrades. If you're homosexual fine, be homosexual, but that doesn't mean you have to get on a float and march down the street with a bunch of guys dressed in drag, dressed up like the village people, and making out with each other. Sexuality (homo or hetero) should be a private thing between consenting adults, not put on display for evrybody to see (especially children). I get the impression that gay pride parrades are for the sole purpose of pissing off people that are offended by homosexuality, and that's not right.

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