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Saturday Night Pre-Game!!!

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Iron Brothers....

I would like to give you all fair warning... and time to prepare...

Tigga has been bouncin off the walls all week in anxst of Saturday night...

I had to sedate her with 50mg of Xanex and a shot of Nubane last night, just to keep her in house....

I was woken this morning to Tool blairing at high decibals, only to see my girl at the foot of the bed doing supersets of push-ups and crunches!!!

Every rep ended with a clap of the hands and a call out to the Iron Brothers...

"One for Stacked... One for mine own... One for Bigtime.. One for mine own...."

These kept going right up until she kicked it of the house on her way to the gym to get some cardio in this morning...

The girl really is an inspirtation...

I finished off my last 2cc of test, and shuttled out of the house this morning around 6am, hit the gym for a quick shoulder workout, and got to work early today....

I hope you guys are ready!!! Tigga is coming out with a vengance this weekend!!!

She has a new tank which reads...

"Hold my protein shake while I kick your man's ass!!!"

Digga... Dondero... the WWF tag team event will be continued on Saturday afternoon.... get ready!!!!

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I am so fucking amped up for this weekend its not even funny...

I tried to run three people off the parkway this morning because they were holding me up.....

Nothing more satisfying than running some hump wanna be tough guy jammin to New Kids on the block, off the road on the way to work...

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thats right boyz...holla!!! tigga and bus are kickin much ass this saturday at the jersey shore...TEAM SHORT BUS is gettin' pumped!! we are so ready.. digga and dondero we are so going round 3 for the Ultimate Fighting Champ!! : ) xoxoxo tigga

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Lookin forward to meeting the other Armani....

I always brag about having the fucking best support staff on hand... Tigga is a tough cookie...

Anyone who can hang my schedule and split personality is a tough cookie...


I hate to be a prick and talk down on any clubs...





XS, Tempts, Merge are the places to be this weekend...

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I am Deko'ed out as well..I couldn't have said it better there bus...Jersey shore this weekend...rock on like christian rockstars..wait a minute wrong message board ooops!! all those crunches, push ups while calling out the iron boyz realy gets to a tigga...holla !!! we getting CRAZY this saturday night..yeahyeahyeah!! xoxoxo tigga

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a little jersey shoulder over here at my desk...tigga is bouncin over here.....peeps lookin at me like I am crazy or something wait a minute I am ...that s why we get along soooooooooooo well yes? oh wait i am doing the meat head dance cant barely move my arms nor the torso...lolololollo xoxo tigga

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i was wondering when you were going to give them a shout out!! they be waiting for you yes???? down for anything now let my mind wonder and ponder that for a second....hmmmmmmmmm let me think of something bery bery bery sneeky sir..I vill get back to you xoxox tigga

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Yeah...Bus...The Stacked is all "geared" up and ready to take the stage...Oh yeah Bus...before I forget the cookies have been ordered...

Pregame will begin at my Ortley Beach Mansion...around 6....

I expect all Iron Brothers to show face...Bigtime...battled some hardcore depression yesterday and was ready to throw in the IRON GAME...after a 2 hour stand on the 40th floor...the Bigtime backed away from the ledge and shed a tear....hit a double bicep pose and walked away like a man....

Bus...& Diezel....the weather report for tomorrow is Cloudy with a chance of Testosterone....

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hey stacked its tigga cant wait for the party looking forward to it tell your hottie hi and cant wait to hang......

we do the dance at stacked's pas and check with the bigtime about his carb intake was for the week yes?

i do my little tigga dance and jam yes? xoxo tigga

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I will bring my cookie kit to the party...

I love downing a few grams of cookie before going out on the town...

The poor slinkies... what a bleak future they have with all of the krew out on the town this weekend...

I might hire one just to carry my gear and supps around the scene this weekend...

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thats ok...me still lub ya!!! ; )

nice and dont forget our little friends that we ingest that give us that bright eyed bushy tailed look? and 8 of those.. i am an AN-E-MAL!!!! yes??? bus and I cant wait to rock the cazba at your pad yeahyeahyeah!!!! xoxo tigga

P.S. great combo by the way....tigga is soooooooooo bouncin over here....

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