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How many days have you gone without sleeping...

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Sorry, i'm lacking sleep severally... and I'm getting more and more aggitated... so im venting....

It seems that every day I have additional work to do and less time to do it in... now I have less than a week to make a fuckin DVD... learn how to program it and have it done by the end of the week... yeah... right.... grrrrrrr, nope, no sleep for me... not this time... And since I don't have the nessasary software i have to do it in a lab!

In addition to two websites... yeah, sure I have them done... they are all ready to go... no they're not ready to go because i was working on other things that you told me to do first!!!!

Oh, and you want me to color correct as well as make video antialias when the original footage was lost!!!!!!

No prob....

I can do everything....

Oh, yeah and a Flash game! Right... script it and be sure it works fine... ok... will do.. have some lasers shooting and things moving and etc and etc and etc....

Ok, i think i'm done bitching for now.

I hate mondays....

I just hope I'll be able to get all of this done on time! somehow...

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I was trying to take a nap today and you know when after fidgiting you finally fall in to a deep sleep... well, i was in that deep sleep for two seconds until my landlord rang the bell and wanted to show the apartment to some people... can't you call first... so I had to get up that instant wake up my roomate and start cleaning the house as fast as possible... but since we're moving its kinda hard cause there are boxes everywhere....

still no nappy or sleepy .....:(

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as a child i was left in the woods by my parents.........................

i was 12 at the time and it was the summer after i finished the boyscouts, so i was able to learn to survive on the woods by myself.........................................

my parents tried leaving me, we camped out in a campsite right outside of egg harbor NJ, the name of the place was REDWING campgrounds...............................

i woke up one mornin and my family was gona, i was in the middle of the woods all by myself, with no water and no food, i lives out in the woods for days, i was not able to sleep b/c at the time it was impossible for me to sleep bymyself.................

to make a long story shorti i managed to stay awake for 6 days, till i was rescued by a POLISH famile that took care of me and helped me find my parents........................................

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aaaaah.. its 7am... so nice to see the sun come up for the third day in a row...

only two more hours before i have to be at work...

roddigga - that's a really crazy story... hard to believe that your parents would just leave you in a forest by yourself...

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