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Surf Club vs. Neptunes

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I hear peeps talking shit about surf that neptunes shits all over it...anyone ever been to neptunes? its in the hamptons...in case u never been, but if u have lemme know wut u think? ive been to neptunes once and surf, a lot...neptunes is bangin' but i def think jersey has one up on them..

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i have been to both and i think that they are two totally different scenes and vibes, neptunes is in the hamptons so the crowd and atmosphere is different its more of a seen and be seen type of thing where as surf is all about the music and having fun. neptunes is a really cool place "look" wise but i would pick surf over it anyday only because its more inviting, fun and laid back. which has everything to do with the promoters and the crowd :D jersey rules :laugh:

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Originally posted by eurolisa

i have been to both and i think that they are two totally different scenes and vibes, neptunes is in the hamptons so the crowd and atmosphere is different its more of a seen and be seen type of thing where as surf is all about the music and having fun. neptunes is a really cool place "look" wise but i would pick surf over it anyday only because its more inviting, fun and laid back. which has everything to do with the promoters and the crowd :D jersey rules :laugh:

im whicha

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Originally posted by wkndwarrior

im whicha

Mike- No Neptunes for us on Saturday since it's supposed to piss all day. Besides, I don't feel like sitting in traffice all weekend. We'll save it for lata.

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Originally posted by piro8

Mike- No Neptunes for us on Saturday since it's supposed to piss all day. Besides, I don't feel like sitting in traffice all weekend. We'll save it for lata.

i hear ya bro.. i wasnt gonna go there this wknd..

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Originally posted by wkndwarrior

I hear peeps talking shit about surf that neptunes shits all over it...anyone ever been to neptunes? its in the hamptons...in case u never been, but if u have lemme know wut u think? ive been to neptunes once and surf, a lot...neptunes is bangin' but i def think jersey has one up on them..

Hamptons is too far to drive.................I don't have the patience. So until I start taking the Cesna out there, I'll stick to Jersey.

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Originally posted by bennyblanco818

I'm from Jersey and I'd have to say Neptunes is way better!

im from jrz too man...but wut do u like about more...the club itself...the crowd....enlighten me..

honestly, i think its pretty fuckin awesome, i just like the crowd better at surf... i think the music is comparable...

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Neptunes has way more energy its mostly all outside. The crowd is good, lots of girls and there alot less meatheads. You gotta see it to belive it! You'll never look at surfclub the same way again!I swear its like temps in the daytime!The party goes all day from like 1 till 7:30

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yea I music at Surf is way better but the energy at Neptunes when I went was pretty sick............but if Surf had a huge outside deck like Neptunes it would be just as energetic..........Surf is pretty much an indoor place, tough to compare.

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I am a brooklyn girl at heart............the Hamptons is cool as hell. but a bit toooooo snooty for me. I like the more laid back crowd.

The hamptons and the shore for me is the same amount of time,

But i'm a shore girl at heart.

Temps sat nite i wouldnt miss it for the world. We came from bklyn, CT and SI for that 3 cars loads:D

Happy MDW Jersey


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Guest philtyb

i have been to both....SC a lot more then Neptunes....

honestly, both have their own personalities and i would recommend checking out both at least once in your life time....Neptunes is a lot more open and the popular time to go is on Saturday afternoons...SC Sundays....energy level at Neptunes is sick as hell, but SC has that same feeling if you were never there before...

if you haven't been to the hamptons, it is nothing like the jersey shore at all....but fun to say the least.....we are planning a trip some time this summer back to the Hamptons for a weekend....

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