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Deep Dish Review


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I would have to say I’m not a huge Deep Dish fan; their sets are kind of hit or miss. last night they brought the goods and then some.. fast and furious best describes their set. even when they slowed it down, where they sometimes tend to get lost. this time around they had everything flowing perfectly, and I had to leave early because I was out of gas. :( my favorite track from their set, what I believe was a remix of Vogue sickkkkkkkkkkk! regarding the sound I'm not sure if it’s the DJ; or issues with the space system. all I know is on the main floor, there where certain tracks, that where dropped where the pitch, was so piercing that people where covering their ears. :eek: there is now a walkway on the second floor, very good idea. they should do it on the main floor too. :D now having access the 2nd floor ,I had the opportunity to actually hear the sound system up there, let me tell you it needs help.:( it’s was way to loud, and again was simply piercing on the ears.

I am no sound guru, but I have heard the space34 system sound better.;) as far as the Terrace Roly as usual had the place rocking. I stayed for part of Oscar's terrace set, all I can say is nobody can rock the main room at space better then Oscar nuff said. ;)

all in all a very good night out.. big ups to my crew Andrew and Danny ! Dan, Biz, Oscar, LP, Marcos, and Roly a pleasure as always. :)

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Guest saleen351

50 bucks is just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much, but yet again, if you fockers pay it, i don't blame space...

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It was my first time visiting the new Space and I have to say that overall that place rocks. The patio was more than what I expected, very big to say the least. The place was packed and yes, it is very difficult to get to the bathroom if you are by the DJ booth in the main room and you are a guy. But fuck it, the bathrooms are nice. Many people that I saw were very dressed to impress and I have never smelled so many different cologne's and perfume's in one night. Does anyone know if they recorded that night? I have a cd of Deep Dish at Space when they came in November I think it was, someone had burned it from a live recording on 93.1.

Favorite track: I don't know the name but if you were there it goes something like this....Dum da da Dum do do, Dum da da do do. Killed it. I also liked the Vogue remix..... ladies with an attitude, fellas that are in the mood. Wazzup! :D:cool:

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"wanted to go..but they were hitting me up for $50 at the door a 7 in the morning. deep dish aint that good..."

Here we go again... We gave out a password for free admission to see Deep Dish on Memorial Day Weekend at a pretty descent club. We gave reduced admission ($20) before midnight for those who didn't have a password. We give you every opportunity to have a descent time without blowing all your cash on the door cover. We give you the best back to back talent week in and week out. We give and we give and we give ... but you show up at 5 am for after-hours and the door man tells you it's $50. One of these days you are going to get it thru your fat little head you must get here on time...specially on a night when Space is the only house club in town and the line reaches South Point Towers!

Que es lo que no comprendes? The later or longer you take to come the more expensive it gets...just like a hooker. Next week Tiesto will be spinning from midnight to 4 am. If you show up at 7 again you will not only be asked to pay a ridiculous amount of money but you will also miss the music... again.:blown:


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spacious

Here we go again... We gave out a password for free admission to see Deep Dish on Memorial Day Weekend at a pretty descent club. We gave reduced admission ($20) before midnight for those who didn't have a password. We give you every opportunity to have a descent time without blowing all your cash on the door cover. We give you the best back to back talent week in and week out. We give and we give and we give... but you show up at 5 am for after-hours and the door man tells you it's $50. One of these days you are going to get it thru your fat little head you must get here on time...specially on a night when Space is the only house club in town and the line reaches South Point Towers!

Que es lo que no comprendes? The later or longer you take to come the more expensive it gets...just like a hooker. Next week Tiesto will be spinning from midnight to 4 am. If you show up at 5 again you will not only be asked to pay a rediculous amount of money but you will also miss the music... again.:blown:


:aright: I agree....

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I see another week of (in load echo) : SPACE DRAMA:

Call this board SpacePlanet! Get over it people. this boaring game is over. if you can make a better club, build it and people will come, if not take what u can get and enjoy it.

If you have a complain about the sound or the lighting or the way you got mistreated. Post it, but don't come here talk shit about a DJ/group is not worth paying $50.00 on a holiday weekend.

I kinda have to agree with Loius, he did give a free ride on this party for all the CP people. I bet one of the reasons it was set for the price to go up later in the light was to make up for all the free/comped people that got in on time.

I may not agree with some technical lighting issues at space. But when it comes to hooking people up, and making money; I agree all the way with louis, he offered something most clubs don't.

I say the best way to hurt a club is by NOT ATTENDING, not complaining.

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Thanks for the password, me and my crew appreciate it. The only thing I had a problem with is that I got there at 11:15 and the line was already at least 100 "deep" (no pun intended). I noticed that the door was being held and luckily I knew some people in the front of the line. If I would have stayed were I was, even though I got there 45min before the list closed, I would have had to pay. That's not cool. I feel for the people that there early and still had to pay.:(

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Originally posted by majinbuu

wanted to go..but they were hitting me up for $50 at the door a 7 in the morning. deep dish aint that good...

OK. It is a well-known fact that cover charges go up on a holiday. Nevermind at the only decent club open at that hour. For the past three years on most holidays, it's normal for Space to go up to $40-$50 after 5 AM. Know why? There's people who will pay it. You didn't, but you're complaining like it's something new...

Not to sound like a bloody cheerleader, but I'm going to back up LP's statements 100%. He gave y'all an opportunity to come in comped...or even if you showed up late, it was $20 till like 1-1:30...some friends of mine came at 1, and they paid $20 a pop...and they're not even locals!

Well, I thought the night was fantastic overall. The boys were on point in the main room. I'll agree about the piercing hights at some points, but it was a rarity, like a guitarist kicking over their amp. Roland had it rocking in the terrace, and Oscar followed up wonderfully. Glad to see the nitrogen system in full effect, too. :)

Left around 8:30, and it was hot as hell out...

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Originally posted by nexusgroove


I see another week of (in load echo) : SPACE DRAMA:

Call this board SpacePlanet! Get over it people. this boaring game is over. if you can make a better club, build it and people will come, if not take what u can get and enjoy it.

If you have a complain about the sound or the lighting or the way you got mistreated. Post it, but don't come here talk shit about a DJ/group is not worth paying $50.00 on a holiday weekend.

I kinda have to agree with Loius, he did give a free ride on this party for all the CP people. I bet one of the reasons it was set for the price to go up later in the light was to make up for all the free/comped people that got in on time.

I may not agree with some technical lighting issues at space. But when it comes to hooking people up, and making money; I agree all the way with louis, he offered something most clubs don't.

I say the best way to hurt a club is by NOT ATTENDING, not complaining.

there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism; if helps to make things better. there is a fine line between just being malicious, and actually having some valid issues and opinions. an astute individual will recognize the same. . ;) as far as the cover and such LP has a valid point, plain and simple.

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What a night last night. Got there at 12:20 or so and saw the crazy line. Knew guestlist was closing at 1 so thought that would be enough time, but I get to the front at 1:05 and its $40 a head and we were a group of three so instead of being comped we paid 120, but you know what who am I to complain, I've been comped so many times at the door at space and had passwords and all that, that to pay that 40 one time although was not expecting to, not 2 big of a deal. Would love to have that money still in my pocket, but regardless got there they gave me the price and if I didn't want to pay it did not have to. We went in and by then deep dish had already started playing. Amazing music by ali to start the night off, man there was a remix of I think its an alternative song, somebody told me titled red and white stripes. Crazy music, then headed to the terrace and roland is playing nuts 2, now this guy was messing around with I don't know how many different mixes of clocks at one point and it just flowed great and then he followed it with that words song. Great stuff by roland, and he prooves again why he is the master of the terrace. Go back to deep dish and sharam is killing the dancefloor with the music and the people are just going wild. Did I mention there were some real real fine women in the place tonight, most showed up in the late hours around 5, but perfect. As far as the sound did not really notice anything wrong with it. Only thing I did miss though was the fog, they never fogged up the main room, which I don't know why. Anyways awesome night and great first experience with deep dish. Thanks to biz for having my name on the list again, but should have listened to you and showed up even earlier then 12:20.

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Originally posted by sobeton

I would have to say I’m not a huge Deep Dish fan; their sets are kind of hit or miss. last night they brought the goods and then some.. fast and furious best describes their set. even when they slowed it down, where they sometimes tend to get lost. this time around they had everything flowing perfectly, and I had to leave early because I was out of gas. :( my favorite track from their set, what I believe was a remix of Vogue sickkkkkkkkkkk! regarding the sound I'm not sure if it’s the DJ; or issues with the space system. all I know is on the main floor, there where certain tracks, that where dropped where the pitch, was so piercing that people where covering their ears. :eek: there is now a walkway on the second floor, very good idea. they should do it on the main floor too. :D now having access the 2nd floor ,I had the opportunity to actually hear the sound system up there, let me tell you it needs help.:( it’s was way to loud, and again was simply piercing on the ears.

I am no sound guru, but I have heard the space34 system sound better.;) as far as the Terrace Roly as usual had the place rocking. I stayed for part of Oscar's terrace set, all I can say is nobody can rock the main room at space better then Oscar nuff said. ;)

all in all a very good night out.. big ups to my crew Andrew and Danny ! Dan, Biz, Oscar, LP, Marcos, and Roly a pleasure as always. :)

Good to hear you had a gr8 time tony sorry didnt show up I was in line but things got complicated and was with a group of people who really didnt want to pay what they were asking for @ the door,I didnt mind but some didnt havee the cash and so we made other plans. DAM and I had a feeling that DD was gonna do real good.Oh well.see everyone on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! peace ot!
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Originally posted by spacious

"wanted to go..but they were hitting me up for $50 at the door a 7 in the morning. deep dish aint that good..."

One of these days you are going to get it thru your fat little head you must get here on time...specially on a night when Space is the only house club in town and the line reaches South Point Towers!

Que es lo que no comprendes? The later or longer you take to come the more expensive it gets...just like a hooker. Next week Tiesto will be spinning from midnight to 4 am. If you show up at 7 again you will not only be asked to pay a ridiculous amount of money but you will also miss the music... again.:blown:


wow... sorry to make you so mad. i was just saying, i wont pay it for DD. (there are other djs i would) no prob with the club. i am fully aware of every oppurtunity i had to get in for free or reduced.

btw i have never paid more than $30 for afterhours...and the line was nonexistant. (walked right in)

also i was not aware that there was an on time at club space. as far as i am concerned, there is at least 5 hrs left of partying....

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Originally posted by spacious

Next week Tiesto will be spinning from midnight to 4 am. If you show up at 7 again you will not only be asked to pay a ridiculous amount of money but you will also miss the music...

who's tiesto opening for?

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Originally posted by spacious

"wanted to go..but they were hitting me up for $50 at the door a 7 in the morning. deep dish aint that good..."

Here we go again... We gave out a password for free admission to see Deep Dish on Memorial Day Weekend at a pretty descent club. We gave reduced admission ($20) before midnight for those who didn't have a password. We give you every opportunity to have a descent time without blowing all your cash on the door cover. We give you the best back to back talent week in and week out. We give and we give and we give ... but you show up at 5 am for after-hours and the door man tells you it's $50. One of these days you are going to get it thru your fat little head you must get here on time...specially on a night when Space is the only house club in town and the line reaches South Point Towers!

Que es lo que no comprendes? The later or longer you take to come the more expensive it gets...just like a hooker. Next week Tiesto will be spinning from midnight to 4 am. If you show up at 7 again you will not only be asked to pay a ridiculous amount of money but you will also miss the music... again.:blown:



Great thread, it needs to be part of an online clubber's manual! :laugh:

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