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Mdw Braindamage Review!!!!

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Alright kiddies.....quick recap.......friday night merge/xs was the punch in the face......tempts kicked me in the balls saturday.....and sunday surf/tempts/xs buried me 6 feet deep!!!......tempts saturday and surf sundays were by far the best times out in a long time!!!!

Iron brothers.....Digga, stacked, bigtime, bbbbbbus, that kid brad that follows us, and jimmy handshakes.......non-stop adventures all weekend......I couldnt ask for anything more from you guys........I hope the rest of the summer is like how tempts was on saturday.....we all seriously might be permanently retarded by summers end!!!!

Iron sisters......nuff said.....i think you chicas are a bad influence on us.....thanx for the warm treatment to ironsister newbie - sandi......who does fucken double dutch in tempts......ha ha ha.....how can you beat that....

To the rest of the Cp peeps that chilled like rockstars all weekend.....not gonna name everyone......hell of a fucken job all weekend.....it seemed like everyone was on the same page at all times......retarded......good job cpers......hardy golf clap to ya....and see you crackanimals again next weekend!!!!!

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David...these pills still have me all sad...and emotional or that could be the juice...! The stomach is in knots and my eyes are overly sensitive to light...I agree...once again all of our millions and millions of fans were there....supporting us all weekend...

David...Court says "your welcome"...She feels so comfortable around you guys....obviously!

Jimmy handshakes needs to Smarten Up....He should have went to Tempts....love that kih though...very solid Iron Brother.

David the Iron Sister and I are going to Florida this Friday for a quick 3 day vacation....That means no Tempts this Saturday or Surf Club Sunday...Damn...that sucks I heard Moo is DJing....whoops!

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What a fucking weekend....

Stacked... its the pills bro...

I found myself shedding a tear on the way to work today thinking about all the good times we had this weekend...

After smashing my head into an oak tree aside the road, for showing weakness, I got back on the parkway and laughed my ass off all the way to work, thinking about the little antics of the weekend....

Stacked... Court is coming along nicely as an Iron Sister...

For anyone who missed out on the Centerfolds pre-game... hahah.. you missed a fine show...

Tigger and Court made such a entrance at the strip bar, we drank for free and had shots on the manager and the bartenders for our time in the hizzous...

Too many funny things to name em all... double dutch and jump rope had me in stitches Sat and Sun...

The best was having the crowd at XS start cheering us on and gather round to watch the event...

Too funny....

Mad props as before to our newest Iron Sister Sandi...

Its going to be a long summer boyz.... I will have my machinest make up three more iron bars for us to carry around the shore this summer.... I spent about 1/2 the time out this weekend playing bodyguard and beating back the wanna be tough guy model fegs on thier summer cycles, trying to get a quick feel O Tigger...

To the boys...

Digga, Dondero, Stacked, Bigtime, Jimmy, Brad.... What a fucking pack of wild dogs to run with... you guys are definately keepin it real and on point all the time...

We are all going to have some good memories to talk about while sitting aside the fire at night in rehab when we are all grown up...

Digga... did you ever crawl out of that hole I found you in???

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:laugh: .......i'm assuming u mean me.....since i am the only girl on this thread......but i dunno where the jill came from!???!!

.........MISSY was at all over......saw digga numerous times............................................

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Yes...Court is going for a "consultation" today or tomorrow...The sooner the better...It will cost me...but perfection is crucial and vanity is what makes me happy....I just hope she can get an appointment next week.....!

good for her......go get'em courtney!!!...money well spent!!!!

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another great tip off to the summer......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thursday, sharkk bar............................

friday, jenks happy hour / merge / xs........................

saturday, merge / TEMPS................................

sunday, surf / temps

denny stole the words right out of my mouth, as i told him on sharkk bar thursday, "IT DOES NOT RAIN IN TEMPS".......................

saturday TEMPS w/ muh brotha DOndeizlel, siscokid (brad), kelly0616, sandi, (like the beach) bus, tigga, stacked, bigtime, and the rest of the "CREW" too many to name....was def one of the best nights at TEMPS................................digga was runnin on no sleep but the CROWD, and the music was able to keep digga GOING...................

if we can have that much fun when its shitty out, imagine what it'll be like when the "SUN COMES OUT!!!!!!!!!!".................HOLLAAA

more to come later, digga is still half way out the hole, and sill trying to find my retna.......................................

digga is officially trading his dancing shoes in for a paif of moon boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................................

"PARTY LIKE A POP STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"........................

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Originally posted by dogekid

trust me, bobby CRUSHED us.. by far

jellylegs.....wish i could have been there for this event.....but at least billy came by and had storytime with us.......I see the transformation happening jayme.....I cant wait into you are into a full blown mangled mess......I will be right there to kick you when you are down......just kidding buddy......good to see ya out all weekend!!!

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If you guys could of seen Rod sleeping in the car on the way home you would of died. He was twitching, convulsing and had a stream full of drool running down both sides of his mouth.

Thanks for adding me in there Dave you bitch. I will never follow you around you snuggle bear. Just kidding brotha. Had a great time this weekend thanks to my roomies Rod and Dave and the whole crew, Riggs, Stacked, Bigtime and the girls. Saturday night was one of the best in years.

Riggs, I am getting these jackets made for us. Just check out me and Riggs working the ropes. The new Temps Double Dutch Team.

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Originally posted by siscokid

If you guys could of seen Rod sleeping in the car on the way home you would of died. He was twitching, convulsing and had a stream full of drool running down both sides of his mouth.

Thanks for adding me in there Dave you bitch. I will never follow you around you snuggle bear. Just kidding brotha. Had a great time this weekend thanks to my roomies Rod and Dave and the whole crew, Riggs, Stacked, Bigtime and the girls. Saturday night was one of the best in years.

Riggs, I am getting these jackets made for us. Just check out me and Riggs working the ropes. The new Temps Double Dutch Team.

brad...i like when you follow us.....we someone there in case we fall.....j/k bro.....you were a solid iron brother all weekend.....out performed beyond......lets home this continues......and yes double dutch will be one of the most classic moments I have ever witnessed at a club!!!!.......snuggle bear!!!!......ha ha ha.....keep it coming bradford.....it will come back to ya!!!!

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