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would you quit?

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lets say you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE YOUR job and you come home crying like, everyday cause the environment you work in SUCKS..everyone's a BIG DICK and you get stepped on and made fun of ...would you quit...even though the market in new york is really bad right now???

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I would look for a new job first, but definitely plan on quitting. No one should have to go through that at work. If anything, the experience is telling you it is time for you to move on. The universe is pushing you towards something better, and often it is through adversity that we do. Good luck!

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i second that - definitely scope out your options first... but you should be out of there ASAP. i quit the most horrible job after 5 years of working there and i couldn't be happier. well, maybe if i wasn't sitting at home typing on messageboards, but career-wise i'm much happier :P

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i'd quit...

a job takes up a big portion of your life... if you are miserable at your job... its going to lower your quality of living (mentally).... if the money doesn't outweigh the expense... then fuck it... leave...

lifes too important to waste on something you hate...

then again, what the fuck do i know... i left my job and can't get my life straight enough to find the motivation to get another...

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I wouldnt quit, but I would start looking ASAP. I was fired from the my J O B at the beginning of April/. Since then I found a job that Paid me $10,000 less than my old one. I turned it down cause it would of really finanically hurt me. But since then I havent had any luck finding anything.

And If you think sitting at home is fun, it gets old real fast. Tv sucks and the omternet is not much better. I wish I had anything to do during the day. I try to find odd jobs just to get by. But even those dont come as often as I would like.

GOOD LUCK, and keep to your self at work.

Do you think you would be OK on unemployment? I am getting about $140 less than my work paycheck. It isnt enough but I do what I can.

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You need to line up another job before quitting. I was in the same situation as you and just got fed up and quit one day. I wasn't able to find another job as I thought I would. And because I quite, I wasn't able to collect unemployment.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

lets say you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE YOUR job and you come home crying like, everyday cause the environment you work in SUCKS..everyone's a BIG DICK and you get stepped on and made fun of ...would you quit...even though the market in new york is really bad right now???

yes... only if i had 6months salary in the bank, prospects for a new position, and had the persistance and tenacity to keep up in this jobmarket (if you could even call it that right now)... if you lack any of those then i would continue working at your current place and look on the side... if youve been there longer than six months (i know this isnt very mature and professional however) try and get fired this way you can collect unemployment, make sure its not for negligence or not doing your work...

what do you do???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

yes... only if i had 6months salary in the bank, prospects for a new position, and had the persistance and tenacity to keep up in this jobmarket (if you could even call it that right now)... if you lack any of those then i would continue working at your current place and look on the side... if youve been there longer than six months (i know this isnt very mature and professional however) try and get fired this way you can collect unemployment, make sure its not for negligence or not doing your work...

what do you do???

I merchandise a a few small retail stores that are very quickly growing into a big big money making company, but, like almost every corportate ANYTHING, it's very corrupt internally. Everyone's PSYCHOTIC, backstabbing, miserable and just fucking mean...I come home crying almost everyday and it's very very draining. Something as simple as being on the sales floor cause this TENSION inside me that's like, indescribable!!!

But I have to agree, even though it is extremely mentally draining, I don't have anything backed up or the dough to support myself. And ive been on unemployment before and it sucks. SO many people are losing their jobs UNintentionally, I don't want to put myself in that position if I don't have to. I'm really starting to hate NEW YORK CITY!! BUT that's another fucking storyyyyyyyyy.............

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i really hear what ur sayin... i was there too...

everyone else is tellin you to look for another job and beleive me that would be the smart thing to do.

haha i guess i'm not that smart cuz i def bounced one time... made a big scene ... told off the manager... everything many people always wanted to do but never did

i'll be perfectly honest it was cool until i realized i fucked myself...in this situation you gotta pick the lesser of two evils. Either way it's gonna be a rough road for a lil bit but you already know that. on that note i'm gonna leave you with the best piece of advice i've ever heard:

find something you enjoy... i mean really enjoy and figure out how to make $$$ doin it... there will always be a way but the challenge is finding it

good luck

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Originally posted by crazyfly

i really hear what ur sayin... i was there too...

everyone else is tellin you to look for another job and beleive me that would be the smart thing to do.

haha i guess i'm not that smart cuz i def bounced one time... made a big scene ... told off the manager... everything many people always wanted to do but never did

i'll be perfectly honest it was cool until i realized i fucked myself...in this situation you gotta pick the lesser of two evils. Either way it's gonna be a rough road for a lil bit but you already know that. on that note i'm gonna leave you with the best piece of advice i've ever heard:

find something you enjoy... i mean really enjoy and figure out how to make $$$ doin it... there will always be a way but the challenge is finding it

good luck

Funny thing is.. i LOVE merchandising..went to school for it, got a degree blah blah blah, just to find out once you get into the real world, there are other forces that change the level of passion I once felt for my carreer. But, yea, this is making me rethink my carreer path, and I DEF will be doing something else very soon. I'm just taking things in stride and learning as I go along.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

lets say you ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE YOUR job and you come home crying like, everyday cause the environment you work in SUCKS..everyone's a BIG DICK and you get stepped on and made fun of ...would you quit...even though the market in new york is really bad right now???


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