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Iran rejects US criticism as 'a virus of fear'

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Iran's supreme leader vowed today not to compromise with the United States, and accused Washington of seeking to strip Iran of its values.

Yesterday Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, said that the United States believed that Iran had done too little to sever ties to terrorist groups, including Al-Qaeda, and to forsake nuclear weapons programmes.

Washington, which has branded Iran as part of an "axis of evil" of rogue nations, together with Iraq and North Korea, has accused Tehran of developing nuclear power stations as a mask for a weapons programme that would be illegal under the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

"The US is pressuring Iran in order to make the Iranian Government and nation give in to a superpower," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying by state television and radio.

The Ayatollah said: "Those who are intimidated by the enemy's demands will retreat step by step and finally surrender. But nobody has the right to do so, and the nation will not allow it," said during a meeting with MPs.

He accused the United States of using its "media empire to spread the virus of fear and anxiety among officials", adding that US officials "will not be satisfied until Iran's officials and people cast aside their values."

Meanwhile Russia rejected US objections over Moscow's co-operation with Tehran regarding a nuclear power station.

Igor Ivanov, the Foreign Minister, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying: "We have spoken about the fact that there cannot be any objections with US representatives and those of other countries who expressed their concern on this matter."

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IRAN is next...

What is interesting is what Russia will do. I want to see if they realise that the pennies they are receiving from Iran is not worth it's isolation from the United States, economically and diplomatically... time will tell.

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eh, Iran isnt doing shit to anybody at the moment.

Sure we don't get along with them and we have a history of friction... but there's a large base for political reform happening there and they aren't posing a threat to anyone else in the region... yet...

as to their nuclear program, yeah it might be shady but India and Pakistan have programs too. How far can we go with tearing down a country and threatening violence just to prevent more violence?

I say North Korea should be our focus. Kim Jong is being a boastful bullish upstart of a leader [with a big grudge might I add]... and that's not acceptable when said leader controls access and usage of several nuclear weapons as well as carrying the image of his father on his shoulders... you know... the one who originally started the Korean war.

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Originally posted by cintron

eh, Iran isnt doing shit to anybody at the moment.

Sure we don't get along with them and we have a history of friction... but there's a large base for political reform happening there and they aren't posing a threat to anyone else in the region... yet...

as to their nuclear program, yeah it might be shady but India and Pakistan have programs too. How far can we go with tearing down a country and threatening violence just to prevent more violence?

I say North Korea should be our focus. Kim Jong is being a boastful bullish upstart of a leader [with a big grudge might I add]... and that's not acceptable when said leader controls access and usage of several nuclear weapons as well as carrying the image of his father on his shoulders... you know... the one who originally started the Korean war.

I have to disagree with you a little on the urgency with Iran.. I wish I still had the article of the that scumbag leader saying the SECOND they get a NUKE they would sacrifice all of IRAN for a martyrdom operation! North Korea is feeleing the heat from CHINA and Russia so they will fold eventually.. With Iran they are the grandfathers of terrorism and need to be removed. Like you said the environment in that countries government and society suggest that an implosion is likely, I hope it is true but a liitle help from us wouldn't hurt;)

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Originally posted by cintron

eh, Iran isnt doing shit to anybody at the moment.

Sure we don't get along with them and we have a history of friction... but there's a large base for political reform happening there and they aren't posing a threat to anyone else in the region... yet...

as to their nuclear program, yeah it might be shady but India and Pakistan have programs too. How far can we go with tearing down a country and threatening violence just to prevent more violence?

I say North Korea should be our focus. Kim Jong is being a boastful bullish upstart of a leader [with a big grudge might I add]... and that's not acceptable when said leader controls access and usage of several nuclear weapons as well as carrying the image of his father on his shoulders... you know... the one who originally started the Korean war.


I have to disagree with you a little on this, in that I believe Iran is a greater threat than N Korea, and always has been....

Iran is a major supporter of terrorism, and always has been..including AL-Qaeda, despite the Sunni-Shia differences...there is a book by Rohan Gunartana titled Inside Al-Qaeda that is a must read.....it talks about Iran as the hub of gobal terrrorism, and a major supporter of Al-Qaeda....plus, in details Iran's ambitions, both regionally and against the US and Israel...

In addition, Iran is run by fanactical mullahs (not the bullshit democracy in place)...Just a few months back, Iran stated that "by the grace of God", they will acquire a nuclear weapon, and the moment they do--they will destroy Israel...even if it means the destruction of Iran....according to Iran, this was a worth it, and their God-given duty....frightening

It is true that Iran also has a majority community that wishes for true Democracy and western reforms...I have a good friend from Iran with family and friends still there...the "Axis of Evil" speech was actually applauded by the Iranian "street"....they hope that the US gets aggressive with Iran....IMO, the US needs to take an approach similar to that taken with former Soviet Bloc nations..

But the Iranians and their security and inelligence apparatus is scary...some believe their intelligence services are the best in the world, better than the Mossad....

Of course I believe N Korea is a threat, but I believe a different approach is required, and I believe Iran is a bigger threat....and the US better do a better job in Iraq, cause the Iranian influence there is strong and subversive

Pakistan and India of course is another issue, and every day there is the possibility of those countries going to war...hopefully smart diplomacy can work there...

But Iran is a threat and always has been...don't forget the Beirut bombings, and the Khobar bombings (who many terrorism experts believe was a joint Iran-Al-Qaeda operation)

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good points, guys.

I wasn't aware of the statements by the clerics. Then again, i'm not suprised by it either.

that entire region is a hotplate, and I can definitely agree with the Iranians holding a strong influence in the region. Seeing as they're sandwiched by Iraq and Afghanistan, [previously hotbeds of Anti-US sentiment], it naturally goes to follow that they'd be home to a large amount of radicals... esp. considering Iraq and Afghanistan are no longer safe havens.

I suppose Iran should be dealt with, but I guess at this point, I can't stand another half a year's worth of talk shows, "experts", military and political analysts and televised worldwide protests and flag burnings. It's just at the point where we've stepped on two countries in the past couple years... and we got away with it. Iran is a MUCH greater foe than Iraq and Afghanistan. They have a highly competent military, fanatical leadership and most of all - their political structure and military are both 100% intact.

They won't fold as easily as Iraq did, so it would be a VERY large undertaking to cause a transformation there, even if it's done on the CIA trained-dissident uprisings level.

I suppose i'm just weary of this whole charade. The more terrorists we kill means that the few who are left are the ones who were smart enough to survive... and violent enough to strike back hard. While our actions may decrease the size of the terrorist base, it will increase its potency. Just something to consider.

I for one figure we've already cut into that region enough. Any more and whatever little arab support we have will surely dissolve. We're basically on the edge of a war with arabs and a war with Islam. We may not see it that way but a lot of them do.

If we invade Iran or even exert political pressure for reform, then i think we're asking for even more resentment and trouble in the Arab world. Countries that were previously neutral with us will become adversaries. I just think its not worth the gain.

We have Iraq, we have Afghanistan... containment of Iran should be the answer. That's just my .02

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Originally posted by cintron

good points, guys.

I wasn't aware of the statements by the clerics. Then again, i'm not suprised by it either.

that entire region is a hotplate, and I can definitely agree with the Iranians holding a strong influence in the region. Seeing as they're sandwiched by Iraq and Afghanistan, [previously hotbeds of Anti-US sentiment], it naturally goes to follow that they'd be home to a large amount of radicals... esp. considering Iraq and Afghanistan are no longer safe havens.

I suppose Iran should be dealt with, but I guess at this point, I can't stand another half a year's worth of talk shows, "experts", military and political analysts and televised worldwide protests and flag burnings. It's just at the point where we've stepped on two countries in the past couple years... and we got away with it. Iran is a MUCH greater foe than Iraq and Afghanistan. They have a highly competent military, fanatical leadership and most of all - their political structure and military are both 100% intact.

They won't fold as easily as Iraq did, so it would be a VERY large undertaking to cause a transformation there, even if it's done on the CIA trained-dissident uprisings level.

I suppose i'm just weary of this whole charade. The more terrorists we kill means that the few who are left are the ones who were smart enough to survive... and violent enough to strike back hard. While our actions may decrease the size of the terrorist base, it will increase its potency. Just something to consider.

I for one figure we've already cut into that region enough. Any more and whatever little arab support we have will surely dissolve. We're basically on the edge of a war with arabs and a war with Islam. We may not see it that way but a lot of them do.

If we invade Iran or even exert political pressure for reform, then i think we're asking for even more resentment and trouble in the Arab world. Countries that were previously neutral with us will become adversaries. I just think its not worth the gain.

We have Iraq, we have Afghanistan... containment of Iran should be the answer. That's just my .02

Isn't Geo-political change the goal? I think war is avoidable but

unfortunatley I feel containment will only appease the promblem of a govt which has publicy threaten Isreal and conducted numerous terrorist operations on the US & U.S. interests. You brought up some good points regarding ant-americanism and that it will be fueled by what is perceived as occupation of another muslim nation but is the outcry from the muslim world today that loud regarding Iraq.. I think the world realises that Sadam had to go and with enough attention given to Irananian govt they will suffer the same faith, either by us or internally..

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Originally posted by cintron

good points, guys.

I wasn't aware of the statements by the clerics. Then again, i'm not suprised by it either.

that entire region is a hotplate, and I can definitely agree with the Iranians holding a strong influence in the region. Seeing as they're sandwiched by Iraq and Afghanistan, [previously hotbeds of Anti-US sentiment], it naturally goes to follow that they'd be home to a large amount of radicals... esp. considering Iraq and Afghanistan are no longer safe havens.

I suppose Iran should be dealt with, but I guess at this point, I can't stand another half a year's worth of talk shows, "experts", military and political analysts and televised worldwide protests and flag burnings. It's just at the point where we've stepped on two countries in the past couple years... and we got away with it. Iran is a MUCH greater foe than Iraq and Afghanistan. They have a highly competent military, fanatical leadership and most of all - their political structure and military are both 100% intact.

They won't fold as easily as Iraq did, so it would be a VERY large undertaking to cause a transformation there, even if it's done on the CIA trained-dissident uprisings level.

I suppose i'm just weary of this whole charade. The more terrorists we kill means that the few who are left are the ones who were smart enough to survive... and violent enough to strike back hard. While our actions may decrease the size of the terrorist base, it will increase its potency. Just something to consider.

I for one figure we've already cut into that region enough. Any more and whatever little arab support we have will surely dissolve. We're basically on the edge of a war with arabs and a war with Islam. We may not see it that way but a lot of them do.

If we invade Iran or even exert political pressure for reform, then i think we're asking for even more resentment and trouble in the Arab world. Countries that were previously neutral with us will become adversaries. I just think its not worth the gain.

We have Iraq, we have Afghanistan... containment of Iran should be the answer. That's just my .02

I hear ya, but one thing to remember is there is no love loss between the Arab world and Iran either...I am not pushing for military action in Iran--but I think the US should do everything in their covert power to assist the people of Iran, who overwhelmingly want reform and western-style government...the majority of the Iranian population is under 30, well-educated, and sick of the mullahs..........we need to help

Also, just today, the Chairman of the Arab Council( or other related council) issued a strong statement condemming terrorism, and that every Arab country must do its part to fight terrorism....I think the tide is turning in the ME....a long road yes, but I think we are starting to see changes in thinking in the ME

Ironically, the AL-Qaeda attacks in Saudi Arabia may have been the turning point.......coupled with the region finally respecting the U.S. conviction.....

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