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ladies i need you oppinion


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i have a question for the ladies here because i know nothing about women or how they think. heres my question: lately mad girls have i dont know have been coming up and talking to me and it always starts the same way. they look at me and smile and say heey i know you, we had class together... then i say which class and we start talking blah blah. theres always alot of eye contact and smiles and then always they grab on my arms. now heres the thing, i dunno if they are flirting or just saying hello. the thing is ive seen them many times b4 and they never said hello but recently all these girls have been introducing themselves to me in the same way. it kinda bugs me out that they all use the same format. now maybe im just dumb and they just want to say hello. or maybe they think im smart (the girls that introduce themselves to me like this were all in classes i rocked) and want me to do their homework or something. or maybe they are flirting and im to stupid to pick up on it. this has all happened like the last month of school so maybe its last minute macking. i dunno, what do you think?

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enjoy the attention!:D but seriously it sounds like they are flirting with you so why dont you flirt back a little but dont come off too strong and "feel" them out you will be able to tell who is bullshiting you and who is actually interested in you. hope that helps you out a little good luck:D

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that why we need friends to point out the obvious most of the time all of us overlook the answer or solution that is right there in front of our faces because we are either convinced that the answer is always so much harder:D ...i hope it all works out and you find the one who is sincere.;) keep me posted!

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they are def attempting to flirt...my friend recently tried to pick up a girl in his class but waiting until the final to do so...he was nervous she would reject him and then have to sit next to her for the semster, so he waited till the end..that why it prob. happening so late.:)

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attempting to flirt! in my opinion, most girls who arent interested dont usually initiate physical contact with someone they dont know that well unless they're trying to flirt. if they only knew you from classes, i doubt they'd come up grabbing your arm and shit. just play it safe and see how things progress and enjoy :D hahaha.

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werd. omg i picked up this chick whos like twice my age. it was my first day workin as security at my school and it was also graduation so they had a party. long story short i got drunk with this latin chick whos like twice my age and bagged the number. more details to cum...after i sober up.

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