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Armin aftermath

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Alright, another late post...

What did y'all think of Armin's performance? (for those that went last weekend @ Spundae). This being my first Armin gig, I didn't even realize he was on until much later. But he droped some wicked tracks. Oldies...but DEFINITELY goodies!!! A quick re-cap of the night:

-arrived ~11:30, and had to park 5 blocks away in some alley across the street :mad: I suppose I should be lucky just to get in at all

-started the night off with a Heiny and the nastiest Bacardi 151 I ever had :puke:

-got a good buzz going and started to boogy :bootysha:

-swam my way up front to get a glance of Armin, and take in the hypnotic music

-shaked hand with some random chick while making my way upstairs. weirdest thing...if I wasn't drunk outa my ass, I would've followed up with a "How you doin? "

-stayed till the lights came on. Stumbled my way to my car, and witness some ass smash into the telephone pole

All in all, it was a good time :aright:

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We arrived at 10:00 and to our surprise there was no line. That's right, NO LINE. For prepurchasd ticket holders, that is. So far so good. The one complaint we had was the security guards rudely demanding that we empty our pockets before walking thru the metal detectors. Is it really necessary to be rude? I mean, we're patrons trying to enjoy ourselves at a danceclub, not suspected gang members entering high-school property. But Dave Cole's hug and smile as he took our admission tickets made it all better. (background: Awww ).

The minute we entered Spundae's packed patio it was nothing but good vibes: smiling faces, happy chatter, and the sound of bass exuding from the club. Once I walked into DJ Remi's set I knew I was set-up for a funfilled evening. Aside from dancing my toosh off, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by friends, and even made some new ones along the way.

I walked onto the dancefloor roughly around 10:30 and didn't walk away from the madness until 3:30! THANK YOU REMI AND AVB!!

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glad you guys had a good time :D !!!

tequiza - when you say "smash into a telephone pole" i'm assuming you mean while in a car :( ; am i right, or was this just a drunk person walking into one (i'd sure prefer that it be the latter)?

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Originally posted by weyes

glad you guys had a good time :D !!!

tequiza - when you say "smash into a telephone pole" i'm assuming you mean while in a car :( ; am i right, or was this just a drunk person walking into one (i'd sure prefer that it be the latter)?

lol..yeah, it was a car accident. the fool just swerved right into the pole. He had a blank look on his face as if no knowing what had happened...sigh..kids these days.

And whats up with rumors of Spundae banning cameras? I left mine home with that in mind, only to see flashes going off all over the place Think I might have accidently jumped into some people's kodak moments. So if you see a dorky asian guy with face red as a lobster making a unwanted cameo in your pic - I appologize :tongue:

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Originally posted by ~surreal~

Were you drinking too that night? :laugh:

Hellz yeah! That shot of burning 151 got me buzzed for good while.:biggrin: while I was stumbling around aimlessly, people mistaking me for a dance guru. lol...I love the spundae atmosphere:laugh:

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