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l ..LMFAO ATTN the wanna be hackers at CLUBITUP.COM

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Loook bra's i know you guys are doing reallllly bad and .. shit i never even herd of you guys till we got this... but soo funny..

Next time you try to send a virus to red plow why dont you embed it within the email .. or maybe get somthing new.. Or maybe MAKE ONE YOURSELF YOU f'n CHEAPOS!



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They could actually be dicks and sending you a virus, although this is very unethical and not too likely.

What most likely happened is that someone masked or "spoofed" clubitup's email address. It's actually pretty easy to spoof someone else's email address.

I don't know exactly how to do it myself, I have a general idea, I'd just need to research it a bit, But I could very easily send out KLEZ infected emails coming from a spoofed R E D P L O W.com domain.

Probably came from someone that just hates the guys that run the website and they want to tarnish their name. Not that I am defending them in any way, I think their website stinks.

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Originally posted by imnakedritenow

This is very hard to do nowadays especially to a hotmail.com address...... I just thought this was really funny....

Actually Billy, you'd be surprised just how easy it is to do. Spammers use this technique constantly to spoof the origin of where their messages are coming from. If you can a spam-filtering program and utilizes RDNS lookups you can check this out.

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yes it is easy to do.... I checked for this right away.... it pointed to the same address it came from..... so the source was from them.... but in all fairness.... Klez is a email worm so it might have been sent without them knowing.....

Email spoofing is the practice of changing your name in email so that it looks like the email came from somewhere or someone else.

Spoofing is generally used by spammers as a first defense against people finding out who they are. It's also used by general malcontents to practice mischievous and malicious behavior.

Spoofing can be a legitimate and helpful tool for someone with more than one email account. I spoof regularly from my ISP-provided email.

For instance, you have an account, yourname@isp.net, but you want all replies to go to yourname@purplemonkeys.com. You can spoof yourself so that all the mail sent from the isp.net account looks like it came from your purplemonkeys.com account. If anyone replies to your email, the reply would be sent to yourname@purplemonkeys.com.

This is also helpful if you temporarily use a Web-based email account but want the replies to go to your regular email address.

Remember that spoofing anyone but yourself is absolutely and undeniably illegal. You should not ever spoof anyone else, not even in fun.

To change your email identity, go into the mail preferences of your email client, or Web-based email host. Look for fields about identity. They will normally default to your email address and your name. You can change them to whatever you want.

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Originally posted by imnakedritenow

yes thanks for sending it.....

what did it.... what put u over the edge....

was it the thread i made for u on

R E D P L O W . C O M


The only virus I know how to send is buying a plane ticket for some crack whore HIV infested bitch. Thaats what I consider sending a virus...

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