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So lately I've been feeling a little sentimental about summers gone by. I read someone refer to the people who go to Temps as part of "that generation" and as much as I don't agree that everyone who goes there is that, I definitely feel that I am. Reflecting on things, I've thought first about the music. It's just not the same. Make fun of the Relentless horns all you want, but what today even comes close? Even Whitney's songs today, can't compete w/her classics from a few years ago. Nothing will touch My Love is Your love, EVER! At least in my eyes. Last summer didn't even have a "song of the summer". As for an anthem, I think people latched on to Dark Beat so much cause they were hungry for something like it. Got played out real quick and made it onto KTU much too fast. All these hard beats of today, just aren't FUN!!! I feel like I have to alter my reality in order to grasp them. What happened to songs like This Is the Police and Africa????? The Chocolate track???? That's the Way Love Is....Pick up the Needle??? Waiting For Tonight???? Command and Obey??? Take Me to the Top??? Jersey fist pumps originated somwhere damnit!!!

I don't think I'm alone on this either, given the fact that every week there seemed to be a classics night somewhere this winter. Anyway, I'm just old and don't go out as much, I'm going to go take half a pill and have it do nothing for me and cry my eyes out!!! :(

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Originally posted by jarmenio

I am with you Kermz! July 12th and July 13th Classics night at Tempts!!! See you there buddy! Tsettossssssssssssss

I can't wait!!! :bounce: :bounce:

Goooo!!!!!!!!! Fuckin' Tssssssssseeeeeeeeettttoooossss!!!!

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Originally posted by Kermzy

So lately I've been feeling a little sentimental about summers gone by. I read someone refer to the people who go to Temps as part of "that generation" and as much as I don't agree that everyone who goes there is that, I definitely feel that I am. Reflecting on things, I've thought first about the music. It's just not the same. Make fun of the Relentless horns all you want, but what today even comes close? Even Whitney's songs today, can't compete w/her classics from a few years ago. Nothing will touch My Love is Your love, EVER! At least in my eyes. Last summer didn't even have a "song of the summer". As for an anthem, I think people latched on to Dark Beat so much cause they were hungry for something like it. Got played out real quick and made it onto KTU much too fast. All these hard beats of today, just aren't FUN!!! I feel like I have to alter my reality in order to grasp them. What happened to songs like This Is the Police and Africa????? The Chocolate track???? That's the Way Love Is....Pick up the Needle??? Waiting For Tonight???? Command and Obey??? Take Me to the Top??? Jersey fist pumps originated somwhere damnit!!!

I don't think I'm alone on this either, given the fact that every week there seemed to be a classics night somewhere this winter. Anyway, I'm just old and don't go out as much, I'm going to go take half a pill and have it do nothing for me and cry my eyes out!!! :(

Very well said!! Gave me goosebumps!!:grin2:

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the thing is you're trying to compare classics to songs today..........of course Whitney's classics are better than her songs today simply because they are classics..........when Relentless came out it was a great tune but it wasn't a classic until years after.........that's when it got it stigma. It's all relative to the person I think. In a few years, some of the people that first started going to tempts in 2002 will be looking back and saying the same thing about some of the songs you don't like.

and there are not really songs of the summer because

1) there is much more music out there than 4 years ago

2) there's more people in the scene all with different taste. What you might think is a great song the next person thinks is shit so no one song can take the summer. In '98 there was much less music available to people (due to less technology, less influence from European dance music, etc) so everyone kinda liked the same stuff. Plus back then it was less about the music and more about the scene. Now people scrutinize the music too much.

you're def right, things are different............but you have to speak for yourself..........I personally think a lot of those older songs that people rave about are complete shit from a musical standpoint.........they may get fists pumping but comparing them to songs today, many of them are very primitive.........producers today can make tracks just like that but I highly doubt a song that sounds exactly like Relentless would have the same appeal..........it's not just the sound but the nostalgia attached to the song that makes it great.......that's why people lose their minds in Tempts over it..........it brings you back to THAT time.

I think anyway :)

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Originally posted by Kermzy

So lately I've been feeling a little sentimental about summers gone by. I read someone refer to the people who go to Temps as part of "that generation" and as much as I don't agree that everyone who goes there is that, I definitely feel that I am. Reflecting on things, I've thought first about the music. It's just not the same. Make fun of the Relentless horns all you want, but what today even comes close? Even Whitney's songs today, can't compete w/her classics from a few years ago. Nothing will touch My Love is Your love, EVER! At least in my eyes. Last summer didn't even have a "song of the summer". As for an anthem, I think people latched on to Dark Beat so much cause they were hungry for something like it. Got played out real quick and made it onto KTU much too fast. All these hard beats of today, just aren't FUN!!! I feel like I have to alter my reality in order to grasp them. What happened to songs like This Is the Police and Africa????? The Chocolate track???? That's the Way Love Is....Pick up the Needle??? Waiting For Tonight???? Command and Obey??? Take Me to the Top??? Jersey fist pumps originated somwhere damnit!!!

I don't think I'm alone on this either, given the fact that every week there seemed to be a classics night somewhere this winter. Anyway, I'm just old and don't go out as much, I'm going to go take half a pill and have it do nothing for me and cry my eyes out!!! :(

your not alone, there is definately a staying power to those tracks

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Originally posted by tyco

you're def right, things are different............but you have to speak for yourself..........

I was speaking for myself. And only myself. I was reminiscing about MY summers and felt like sharing my feelings.

Reading all these peoples posts about their weekends so far, got me thinking and maybe a little sad. In no way was this intended to be a thread to debate any musical standpoints. That wasn't what I was getting at. I'm not here to argue w/anyone about which songs are good and which aren't. I find that all to be silly, if I like I song, is that reason enough for someone else to? No.

Now back to my trip down memory lane....

JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unspeakable Joy....when I wake up in the morning gets me outta bed....

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Originally posted by Kermzy

I was speaking for myself. And only myself. I was reminiscing about MY summers and felt like sharing my feelings.

Reading all these peoples posts about their weekends so far, got me thinking and maybe a little sad. In no way was this intended to be a thread to debate any musical standpoints. That wasn't what I was getting at. I'm not here to argue w/anyone about which songs are good and which aren't. I find that all to be silly, if I like I song, is that reason enough for someone else to? No.

Now back to my trip down memory lane....

JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unspeakable Joy....when I wake up in the morning gets me outta bed....

ok cool.........

I wasn't trying to debate either just trying to give some reason why it's not like it used to be. :D

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I remember the time I punched a hole in the wall at Tempts on a Thursday night for no apparent reason.....................

The time I was lifting my buddy up onto the bar with me but yanked him up to high and smashed his head into one of the lights and broke it.

The time my brand new shirt my friend was borrowing (which I never got a chance to wear yet) ended up in the ceiling rafters my night's end.

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Originally posted by Kermzy

So lately I've been feeling a little sentimental about summers gone by. I read someone refer to the people who go to Temps as part of "that generation" and as much as I don't agree that everyone who goes there is that, I definitely feel that I am. Reflecting on things, I've thought first about the music. It's just not the same. Make fun of the Relentless horns all you want, but what today even comes close? Even Whitney's songs today, can't compete w/her classics from a few years ago. Nothing will touch My Love is Your love, EVER! At least in my eyes. Last summer didn't even have a "song of the summer". As for an anthem, I think people latched on to Dark Beat so much cause they were hungry for something like it. Got played out real quick and made it onto KTU much too fast. All these hard beats of today, just aren't FUN!!! I feel like I have to alter my reality in order to grasp them. What happened to songs like This Is the Police and Africa????? The Chocolate track???? That's the Way Love Is....Pick up the Needle??? Waiting For Tonight???? Command and Obey??? Take Me to the Top??? Jersey fist pumps originated somwhere damnit!!!

POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice stuff !!

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