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Osaka to Merge to Tempts to Sunnie Hunnie Review

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bigtime........tell everyone how you stuffed your face at surfclub.....ha ha ha......I was like "wheres bigtime at".....shocked to here you were at the buffet stuffing your monkey with burgers and pizza....you slob!!!!.....if u can handle it i can!!!!

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

bigtime........tell everyone how you stuffed your face at surfclub.....ha ha ha......I was like "wheres bigtime at".....shocked to here you were at the buffet stuffing your monkey with burgers and pizza....you slob!!!!.....if u can handle it i can!!!!

Dave dont be jealous b.c my arms are the size of your body.....I had a turkey burger...........Why you always starting with me David? Do you not like me?

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Originally posted by njbigtime

Dave dont be jealous b.c my arms are the size of your body.....I had a turkey burger...........Why you always starting with me David? Do you not like me?

ha ha ha........r u mad at me.....the worst acting job ever at sandbar......trying to act pissed with a grin on your face.....classic!!!!

....and yes stacked my arms do look like silly puddy.....I am searching for arm impants at this very moment!!!!!.....but at least I am still bigger than brad right!!!!

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oh for all those concerned about jimmy handshakes.....he got outta the hospital yesterday and he will be back in action in about 3 weeks......he isnt even allowed outta bed for a week!!!!......he says he will live his weekends through us in the meantime!!!!!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Dave..Bigtime told me that your arms looked like Soft Noodles....BwahhhhhhhH!!!!

Bigtime is this pizza shit true?

Hey Chris. . did "big time" tell you about the bag of animals crackers. . .sorry chris #2 I'm bored @ work. . and had to rat on ya. .. :tongue:

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Yes...Laurie...I was at merge and Chris pulled out some money...with the money came a dozen animal shaped crackers...Most kids smuggle bumps in...Bigtime smuggles food.

I cannot wait to Flex for my millions and millions of fans.

Glad to hear that he made it out of Belmar crackers and all before the gates closed. . . I was worried about that since 3rdflfactoria drove. . . HA HA HA

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