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AP: Iraq war killed 3,240 civilians


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Originally posted by cintron

"Saddam ran a dirty war. He put weapons inside schools, inside mosques. What could they do?"


how small minded. you conveniently forget that many of those people were murdered by the us army the "strong and the brave" they are just more puppets who blindly follow the orders of the fatcats in the white house. funny....I found this in the article also.

Doctors at Nasiriyah's Republic Hospital said seven patients were killed in their beds when a shell hit the building April 7. At Baghdad's Yarmouk Hospital, doctors fled when U.S. tanks shelled a hospital building seized by Iraqi fighters. When they returned five days later, 26 patients were dead.

Mind you, we will never know the true number of people who have died. US military would not let that be known. It has been proven in other conflicts in the 20th century that way more people died than what was reported in the media. A similar incident in Indonesia was made into a movie a while back.

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Originally posted by sassa

how small minded. you conveniently forget that many of those people were murdered by the us army the "strong and the brave" they are just more puppets who blindly follow the orders of the fatcats in the white house. funny....I found this in the article also.

Doctors at Nasiriyah's Republic Hospital said seven patients were killed in their beds when a shell hit the building April 7. At Baghdad's Yarmouk Hospital, doctors fled when U.S. tanks shelled a hospital building seized by Iraqi fighters. When they returned five days later, 26 patients were dead.

Mind you, we will never know the true number of people who have died. US military would not let that be known. It has been proven in other conflicts in the 20th century that way more people died than what was reported in the media. A similar incident in Indonesia was made into a movie a while back.

Yeah and it will NEVER be known how many SADAM put in the ground...

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Your post and "intent" may have more credibility if you and Sassa had a track record of posts decrying the hundreds of thousands of innocent people that Saddam has murdered, let alone the countless others who were tortured, raped, dismembered, etc...how many countless others would have met that fate if the US did not intervene

Your intent here is dispicable...once again, ignoring the atrocities committed in Iraq to instead lash out against the US in any way you can

You sicken me......irrespective of politics and views--Iraq and the world is a better place without Saddam dickhead...

ANd once again--since you are obvious anti-war , and are blinded by that---what was the alternative to military action to get rid of this thug----the answer is nothing...it was the right thing to do

You antiwar, anti-Bush clueless wonders are unreal....amazing how blinded and hypocritical you are

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Originally posted by igloo

Your post and "intent" may have more credibility if you (djxeno) and Sassa had a track record of posts decrying the hundreds of thousands of innocent people that Saddam has murdered, let alone the countless others who were tortured, raped, dismembered, etc...how many countless others would have met that fate if the US did not intervene

Your intent here is dispicable...once again, ignoring the atrocities committed in Iraq to instead lash out against the US in any way you can

You sicken me......irrespective of politics and views--Iraq and the world is a better place without Saddam dickhead...

ANd once again--since you are obvious anti-war , and are blinded by that---what was the alternative to military action to get rid of this thug----the answer is nothing...it was the right thing to do

You antiwar, anti-Bush clueless wonders are unreal....amazing how blinded and hypocritical you are

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Originally posted by sassa

how small minded. you conveniently forget that many of those people were murdered by the us army the "strong and the brave" they are just more puppets who blindly follow the orders of the fatcats in the white house.

if that isn't hypocrisy, i don't know what is.

small minded eh?

"the strong and the brave" just "puppets" who "blindly follow" orders of "fatcats"...

I think the reasons i posted are a lot more concrete than your assertions.

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Originally posted by cintron

if that isn't hypocrisy, i don't know what is.

small minded eh?

"the strong and the brave" just "puppets" who "blindly follow" orders of "fatcats"...

I think the reasons i posted are a lot more concrete than your assertions.

she is so lost it is ridiculous.....she will say anything that is anti-US, regardless of how moronic she sound or is..

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Originally posted by igloo


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: can't you ever counterargue ANYTHING without resorting to stupid lame comments? seriously, what is your problem? be an adult and argue like one, otherwise i will never take your words seriously, nor would any right thinking person...:blown:
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Originally posted by sassa

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: can't you ever counterargue ANYTHING without resorting to stupid lame comments? seriously, what is your problem? be an adult and argue like one, otherwise i will never take your words seriously, nor would any right thinking person...:blown:

My opinion on the matter is on an earlier post on this thread jerkoff...

And I could care less what you take serious or not---you have already defined yourself her with your outlandish, hate America views....you are an insignificant dickhead......

your views and statements are repulsive and offensive, and as long as you continue to make them, I will continue to shove them back up your ass...

If you can't deal with it, then refrain from voicing your rotted soul....or perhaps in Sassaland everyone shoud just agree with your bile

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Originally posted by igloo

My opinion on the matter is on an earlier post on this thread jerkoff...

And I could care less what you take serious or not---you have already defined yourself her with your outlandish, hate America views....you are an insignificant dickhead......

your views and statements are repulsive and offensive, and as long as you continue to make them, I will continue to shove them back up your ass...

If you can't deal with it, then refrain from voicing your rotted soul....or perhaps in Sassaland everyone shoud just agree with your bile

jesus, don't you ever stop.
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