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Explosion Rocks Central Jerusalem


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Explosion rocks central Jerusalem

15 dead in suicide attack;

2 Hamas militants killed in Israeli retaliation


JERUSALEM, June 11 — An Israeli helicopter fired missiles at a car in Gaza City on Wednesday, killing two senior Hamas militants and five other people, witnesses and doctors said. The air strike came an hour after a suicide bomber blew himself up on an Israeli bus in Jerusalem, killing at least 15 passengers and wounding nearly 70. The attacks followed several days of Israeli and Palestinian violence that appeared to have all but halted recent progress in the Middle East peace process. President Bush condemned the suicide attack in the “strongest possible terms.”

WITNESSES SAID AN Israeli Apache helicopter fired two missiles at a car on the main road in the Shajaiyeh neighborhood in eastern Gaza City.

Massoud Ramadan, 65, who was wounded in the attack, said after the missiles hit the car, crowds gathered to try to help the casualties, and “another missile attack took place,” causing more casualties. Ramadan said he was hurt in the second attack.

Flames leaped from one of the cars, and it was turned into a pile of scorched metal, witnesses said.

Among the dead were Hamas activists Tito Massoud, 35, and Soffil Abu Nahez, 29.

The Israeli helicopter attack followed a suicide explosion that rocked downtown Jerusalem at the end of the workday. The explosion left 15 dead and dozens wounded. Paramedics and police reported that 15 people were in serious condition.


The strike occurred on Jaffa Street, Jerusalem’s main thoroughfare in the commercial heart of the city, near the Mahane Yehuda outdoor market which has repeatedly been targeted by Palestinian militants in the past. The attack was carried out by a man dressed as a religious Jew, police said.

The blast blew out windows and tore a large hole into the left side of the red-and-white bus, peeling back its roof. The bus had just left Jerusalem’s nearby central bus station when the explosion occurred.

“I heard a blast ... Then I heard people yelling and running in the direction of the explosion, screaming ‘attack,”’ said Ofir Alon, who witnessed the bombing from a nearby street corner.

The bombing “is a message to all the Zionist criminals that they are not safe and that the Palestinian fighters are capable of reaching them everywhere,” said Mahmoud Zahar, a leader of Hamas.

A Web site, which is linked to the militant group and regularly publishes its official statements, said that the Jerusalem bombing was carried out by Hamas’ Izz-el-Deen al-Qassam military wing.

Hamas’ spiritual leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, told Reuters that the attack was in revenge for Israel’s botched attempt to assassinate senior Hamas leader, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, on Tuesday. “The response is continuing,” Yassin said.

Bush, who a day earlier upbraided Israel for the attack on Rantisi, condemned the Jerusalem bus bombing and urged all nations to cut off financial assistance to terrorists and “isolate those who hate so much that they are willing to kill.”

“For the people in the world who want to see Mideast peace, I strongly urge all of you to fight off terror,” the visibly angry president said as he boarded a helicopter in Chicago.

Sharon spokesman Ranaan Gissin said the breakdown in the peace effort was “definitely not by any fault of ours.”

“We have gone beyond anything that the other side has done in order to show our goodwill,” he told CNN. “But we don’t see any real response on the other side of taking even the smallest steps to stop terrorist activity.”


Before Wednesday’s wave of violence, Israel defended itself against the rare U.S. rebuke for its attempted assassination of Rantisi in Gaza.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered aides to turn over intelligence to U.S. officials to back accusations that Rantisi, the public face of the radical Islamic group Hamas, had been coordinating attacks on Israelis.

“This information is intended to show that Rantisi was not just a ticking bomb but a factory of ticking bombs,” a senior Israeli security source said.

Newsweek: Can 'road map' be saved? President Bush said the attack did not promote Israel’s security. “I’m concerned the attacks make it more difficult for the Palestinian leadership to fight off terrorist attacks. ... I regret the loss of innocent life,” Bush told reporters in the Oval Office as he met Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Tuesday.

“I am determined to keep the process on the road to peace,” Bush said. “And I believe with responsible leadership by all parties, we can bring peace to the region — and I emphasize all parties must behave responsibly to achieve that objective.”

The strike against Rantisi was widely criticized in Israel, including by politicians who generally support targeted killings; Israel has carried out dozens of such attacks in the past 32 months in its campaign to prevent bombings and shootings.

“I think it was a mistake,” said former Prime Minister Shimon Peres of the opposition Labor Party. “The problem is not how to fight terror. We have been doing that for three years. The issue is how to let this new thing (the road map) be born despite the difficult labor pains.”

Hamas spokesman was an easy mark


Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas denounced the missile strike on Rantisi as terrorism, appealed to the United States to intervene, and said he would keep trying to reach an understanding with Hamas and other militias that oppose the peace plan.

Last week, Hamas broke off talks with Abbas on laying down arms and, along with two other militias, killed five soldiers in shooting attacks over the weekend.

Abbas opposes the idea of a crackdown on the armed group, saying there is no substitute for dialogue and that he will not risk a civil war.

Egypt’s intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, arrived in the West Bank town of Ramallah on Wednesday for another attempt to negotiate a truce, despite the growing violence. Suleiman renewed an earlier Egyptian proposal that Hamas and the other militants agree to a one-year truce. The armed groups have rebuffed the offer in the past.

Suleiman met with Abbas and veteran Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for about two hours and asked Arafat if he wanted Egypt to continue trying to mediate the truce talks. Arafat said yes, according to Nabil Abu Rdeneh, an aide to the Palestinian leader.

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It never ends...so sad. And especially in this time when both political sides are trying to finally establish peace, with the help of US. :(

Palestinians are jeopordizing their chance at getting their own state...that's another sad thing

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Originally posted by Ruph

It never ends...so sad. And especially in this time when both political sides are trying to finally establish peace, with the help of US. :(

Palestinians are jeopordizing their chance at getting their own state...that's another sad thing

I had some sympathy for the palestinians but after the latest atrocities it's starting to diminsh.. I am def not praising or condemning Isreal but I wouldn't blame them for getting MID- EVIL on Hamas's asses..

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Originally posted by Ruph

It never ends...so sad. And especially in this time when both political sides are trying to finally establish peace, with the help of US. :(

Palestinians are jeopordizing their chance at getting their own state...that's another sad thing

the problem with the two groups is that retaliation is a common way of life there, revenge.......

this is retaliation for their rocket attack on a hamas member, but since civilians were also killed, this was their comeback.

it's so sad. but the problem is that this is lopsided. the extreme israelis are already in the government. the palestinian extremists are the "terrorist groups". these are the two groups that will ultimately decide what's going to happen. moderate people have either been killed, jailed, or exiled.

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Originally posted by sassa

this is retaliation for their rocket attack on a hamas member, but since civilians were also killed, this was their comeback.

You're saying that since Palestinian civilians were killed, that was the reason for today's attacks on Israeli civilians? I think not. Palestinian groups attack whoever they want..whether a soldier, civilian, child, whoever...they don't sit there and say to themselves "hmm since our civilians were killed, we're going to attack Israeli civilians in return." No..they always just go out on a suicide mission with one thing in their mind...and that is to kill as many as possible.

it's so sad. but the problem is that this is lopsided. the extreme israelis are already in the government. the palestinian extremists are the "terrorist groups". these are the two groups that will ultimately decide what's going to happen. moderate people have either been killed, jailed, or exiled.

No need for the quotation marks around 'terrorist groups' because that's what they are...they purposely attack civilians and try to kill as many as possible..that's a fact..and everyone knows it.

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Originally posted by Ruph

You're saying that since Palestinian civilians were killed, that was the reason for today's attacks on Israeli civilians? I think not. Palestinian groups attack whoever they want..whether a soldier, civilian, child, whoever...they don't sit there and say to themselves "hmm since our civilians were killed, we're going to attack Israeli civilians in return." No..they always just go out on a suicide mission with one thing in their mind...and that is to kill as many as possible.

No need for the quotation marks around 'terrorist groups' because that's what they are...they purposely attack civilians and try to kill as many as possible..that's a fact..and everyone knows it.

hamas issued a statement saying they would take revenge for that attack- that's exactly what happened in jerusalem....:blank:

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Originally posted by Ruph

You're saying that since Palestinian civilians were killed, that was the reason for today's attacks on Israeli civilians? I think not. Palestinian groups attack whoever they want..whether a soldier, civilian, child, whoever...they don't sit there and say to themselves "hmm since our civilians were killed, we're going to attack Israeli civilians in return." No..they always just go out on a suicide mission with one thing in their mind...and that is to kill as many as possible.

No need for the quotation marks around 'terrorist groups' because that's what they are...they purposely attack civilians and try to kill as many as possible..that's a fact..and everyone knows it.

what about purposely and indiscriminately dropping bombs in crowded civilian areas?

Or shooting boys for throwing stones?

Many innocent Palestinians have been killed by the IDF - there is no way in hell that the IDF is innocent in all of this.

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Originally posted by sassa

hamas issued a statement saying they would take revenge for that attack- that's exactly what happened in jerusalem....:blank:

"Hamas issued a statement"? Hamas is nothing but a low life terrorist group...since when are they issuing statements..and who is listening to them anyway.

This is the problem with the Palestinian people...terrorist groups are speaking for the people...and Arafat's office is no better. Abu Mazen should be the one speaking for the Palestinian people, "issuing statements" and deciding when/if to retaliate or not. This is never-ending. Sad.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

there is no way in hell that the IDF is innocent in all of this.

Never said they were. Just want to see the shit stopped already. I thought that there would be immediate changes since Abu Mazen became the PM..but i don't see shit happening.

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Question - do you guys consider the ANC a terrorist organization? Do you think the era of apartheid would have ended without the efforts of the ANC?

Do you really think that if all these three terrorist organizations (hamas, etc) were destroyed or dismantled that Israel would say "Oh, ok, let us give back this land to the Palestinians, and move out completely"?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Do you really think that if all these three terrorist organizations (hamas, etc) were destroyed or dismantled that Israel would say "Oh, ok, let us give back this land to the Palestinians, and move out completely"?

So are you saying that the terrorist groups are helping the Palestinians in some way? Which way is that? Just one example.

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it's so sad. but the problem is that this is lopsided. the extreme israelis are already in the government. the palestinian extremists are the "terrorist groups". these are the two groups that will ultimately decide what's going to happen. moderate people have either been killed, jailed, or exiled.

by qouting terrorist group are you suggesting hamas should be considered a political body? If you are that is pretty sad:rolleyes:

For the record I think both sides are to blame, but regardless a terrorist group should never have any kind of political role. Call me crazy but that's just my opinion

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Originally posted by skince55

by qouting terrorist group are you suggesting hamas should be considered a political body? If you are that is pretty sad:rolleyes:

For the record I think both sides are to blame, but regardless a terrorist group should never have any kind of political role. Call me crazy but that's just my opinion

Again, my point with the ANC - they were a terrorist group.

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Originally posted by skince55

by qouting terrorist group are you suggesting hamas should be considered a political body? If you are that is pretty sad:rolleyes:

For the record I think both sides are to blame, but regardless a terrorist group should never have any kind of political role. Call me crazy but that's just my opinion

did i ever imply that in my post? NO. so get off my nutsack.

reread what i wrote. :rolleyes::blown:

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did i ever imply that in my post? NO. so get off my nutsack.

Okay, so why did you qoute terrorist group? It was a simple question. I think its funny how you comment to some people that they should stay on topic and talk less smack, yet you are telling me to get off your nutsack for asking you a simple question.

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Originally posted by skince55

Okay, so why did you qoute terrorist group? It was a simple question. I think its funny how you comment to some people that they should stay on topic and talk less smack, yet you are telling me to get off your nutsack for asking you a simple question.

it depends on what you consider a terrorist group. the bush administration are terrorists masked in saville row suits and family bought college degrees........

to each their own.

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it depends on what you consider a terrorist group. the bush administration are terrorists masked in saville row suits and family bought college degrees........

Okay, that doesnt really explain why you qouted terrorist groups when refering to Palestinian extremists, but whatever. And It kind of does imply you don't consider palestinian extremists as terrorist groups but I would be a moron for thinking that, right?:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by skince55

Okay, that doesnt really explain why you qouted terrorist groups when refering to Palestinian extremists, but whatever. And It kind of does imply you don't consider palestinian extremists as terrorist groups but I would be a moron for thinking that, right?:rolleyes:

if you consider yourself a moron, who am i to stop you.

i never said they weren't terrorist groups. i also think jewish settlers, especially in certain settlements, are terrorists. but thank the media for not exposing their acts of violence. of course that goes back to one thing, but i won't discuss that here.

nice sig by the way, makes him look more like an idiot.

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Well you are obviously not going to answer my question as to why you qouted terrorist groups when referring to palestinian extremists. You just keep responding with who other than the Palestinians you think are terrorists. Thank you for avoiding the question. I see why igloo has no patience with you

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Originally posted by skince55

Well you are obviously not going to answer my question as to why you qouted terrorist groups when referring to palestinian extremists. You just keep responding with who other than the Palestinians you think are terrorists. Thank you for avoiding the question. I see why igloo has no patience with you


are you igloo's new mascot btw? you seem to like it down there by his nuts....

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huh? are you igloo's new mascot btw? you seem to like it down there by his nuts....

You preach about staying on topic and not talking shit but you continue talk shit. Hypocrite much?? You really are a fuckin retard. :blown:

Oh yea and keep avoiding that question

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Originally posted by skince55

You preach about staying on topic and not talking shit but you continue talk shit. Hypocrite much?? You really are a fuckin retard. :blown:

Oh yea and keep avoiding that question

that's because you irritate me.
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