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Problems @ The Gym...

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Originally posted by jy04

look who joined in on all the fun, the UNIRON BROTHER HIMSELF ROD!!! i'll get back to you rod!!.......i actually saw ya at surf though rod, you and your friends look good but we still have something to settle....

let me stay on this carguy topic since someone has begun to get nasty with me......

carguy im not sure if you know but rod and i go to school with one of the guys who work the door at surf brian mccoully!! ask rod he will tell you...let me switch to caps lock so everyone can read and see.....


Ok more importantly Joann- did you see me there? What were your thoughts? I like feedback

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In all seriousness, all shittalking and messing around aside, your friend is gonna be subpinaed to court, so if your lying please come clean, if your friend wasnt the one who threw me out tell me cause if he was, all the happiness and money in his life is OVER, I don't wanna get anyone who wasnt involved into this mess because it's gonna be hell and I dont wanna get someone who had nothing ot do with what happened involved.

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hey carl read my posts thats my boy brian............he doesnt even know who you were, he works outside idiot..................!!!!!!!!

he stamps people, hes not a bouncer....................WAKE UP!!!!!

he's my friend, shes just throwing names around to tell you that she saw you get kicked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by roddigga

carl you jerkoff, thats my boy................he told me he was just standing there, his job is to stamp people on the way in your idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was the BOUNCERS you MO MO.............................

and to get your STORY STRAIGHT FIRST KID cause SURF CLUB WAST THE ONE THAT GOT YOU FUCKED UP...........................


Rod, you have no right, it was the club's negligence, and the security's negigence.

#1 I should have been turned over to the cops, or #2 Someone should have called an ambulance. I should not have been thrown out and allowed to walk free on my own in the condition I was in.

My lawyer agree's with me and it's his recomendation not my idea, to hold them responsible. I though we spoke about this Rod????? WTF??Call or pm me

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All seriousness my friend..

You need to tone it down a bit with this ordeal Carl..

You are a good friend.. just dropping some advice...

This kid Brian isnt the one who gave you any drinks, or got you fucked up... He just works there....

At some point we all have to accept some responsiblity for our actions...

Just dont want you making a fool of yourself here bro...

A judge is going to toss you out on the sidewalk in trial if you try to lay blame for what happened on everyone in the club...

It just wont help the case.. only make things worse...

Bus was also quite involved in the CJ department before switching to focus on Mass Communications...

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You should focus on the fact that something was given to you without your knowledge.. and that you were unable to make proper decisions.. incoherant..

This is quite simply what happened...

The bouncers obviously didnt tell you to drink, or slip anything in your drink..

To hold them responsible is a bit much bro...

As for your lawyer.. Be cautious.. Its not his head if this goes bad...

Of course he is going to shoot for a suit... He wont get paid otherwise...

Just be careful bro.. Looking out for ya...

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Originally posted by carguy19

Rod, you have no right, it was the club's negligence, and the security's negigence.

#1 I should have been turned over to the cops, or #2 Someone should have called an ambulance. I should not have been thrown out and allowed to walk free on my own in the condition I was in.

My lawyer agree's with me and it's his recomendation not my idea, to hold them responsible. I though we spoke about this Rod????? WTF??Call or pm me


You were stupid

If you can't handle your alcohol or whatever you were doing then tone it down alittle

take it like a man and move on.

Now I know why you can never be an Iron Brother

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A few thoughts:

#1. I worked at Surf Club for 3 summers in college...I Bounced and Bar Backed....So Carl..I am biased to what you are doing and a bit upset....I am a strict conservative and believe what you are doing is wrong...

#2. Darb Iron Brothers are really not big drinkers...

#3. Supers Tonight YES? Always a Shady Experience...but Necessary!

#4. Tomorrow shall be so HOT!

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this is unreal... I cant be quiet

are you telling me you dont want to take responsability for yourself. you would rather have complete strangers watch over you. bite the bullet and accepet the pain

its like the fat kids who sued McDonalds for making them fat. ITS FAST FOOD ITS FATTENING!!!! You drink you get drunk!!!

Theres my post for the year!!!

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my appology to rod and throwing his friends name around, though i will get you soon rod trust me!!!...to set the record straight i was not standing next to him...

by the way carl, "HOW'S IT HANGING, OR IS IT JUST HIDING??"

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Originally posted by jy04

my appology to rod and throwing his friends name around, though i will get you soon rod trust me!!!...to set the record straight i was not standing next to him...

by the way carl, "HOW'S IT HANGING, OR IS IT JUST HIDING??"

I would still like your thoughts of me. Did you see me? I like feeback. anything i should work on.....i am serious

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Originally posted by njbigtime

I would still like your thoughts of me. Did you see me? I like feeback. anything i should work on.....i am serious

Bigtime, you were a sleep deprived, malnourished mess on saturday night in merge bathroom w/ no sleep and no nutrients in your body, YET you continued to hit pose after pose ...

first a tight, crisp most muscular followed by a wide sweeping front double biceps pose. Holding minimal water & all was good.

Objectively speaking of course.

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