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Kissed Robert De Niro last night...


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My boss couldn't go to the American Film Institute's Lifetime Tribute to Robert DeNiro last night, so she gave the tickets to me... the event was pretty fun, and I figured I'd bring back a review. :) I went with my coworker who got absolutely TRASHED and embarrassed the heck outta me, but I'll get to that in a second.

We got to walk down the red carpet, which was particularly daunting. HUNDREDS of photographers lined the side of it, and it was very intimidating... I was all worried about my boob popping out and/or tripping, but only two took pictures (testing the lighting, I'm guessing).

We got inside and hit the free bar... all the drinks were made with Krystal vodka, and I had a sweet Cosmo with two cherries (by special request, the cherries are my favorite part). I looked at the seating list, and didn't know anyone at our table... Turns out they were all very nice folks from Disney/Dreamworks...

Everyone went into the ballroom and sat at the tables... there was a lovely appetizer plate at each setting with a small square of ahi, roasted bell peppers, salmon, bacon-wrapped apple, and avocado leaves (mmmm). I didn't eat much because people kept walking by our table... this little short man with HUGE bushy eyebrows stopped and hugged the woman next to me. Turns out he was Martin Scorsese (sp?), and Robin Williams made fun of his eyebrows (they look like caterpillars trying to reach each other to mate) later on in the evening.

Robert "Bob" Deniro was seated two tables away from us, so everyone came by to pay their respects... Billy Crystal almost tripped over someone, Leonardo Dicaprio was REALLY tall and REALLY handsome (with funky facial hair, but still), Joe Pesci was a very cuddly-looking little man, Jodie Foster was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS in this silky white dress (Robin Williams thanked her for wearing "two napkins"), and Edward Norton looked kinda nerdy.

I finally got up the guts to go up to Deniro... I know it was silly, but he's one of my favorite actors and I figured a) he was in a good mood, and B) I'd probably never have the opportunity to do anything of the sort again. He was greeting people all around him, and I went up and congratulated him on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award (I think Tom Hanks won last years). He thanked me, gave me a hug and we did the kiss each other on the cheek formal bit... *swoon* What a man... he's very quiet, but he has a very intense presence.

Um.... other highlights:

-Robin Williams entire speech... too funny. Comparing Martin Scorsese's eyebrows to Deniro's mohawk (forgot which movie that was in), caterpillars, etc. Commented on the theater looking like it was built by Black & Decker, talked about Deniro looking like Saddam (he had the mustache), etc.

-The FOOD (veal and pasta as the main course, five small desserts... green/white/pink ice cream, crepe, cannoli, flaky yummy pastry thingie with cream in the middle)

-Beyonce's surprise guest appearance (she's no Marilyn, but she did a fantastic rendition of "New York, New York")

-Meeting CLAY AIKEN, AMERICAN IDOL... (this was big for me, my roommates and I voted for him about a million times )

-Pesci, who made fun of the "blondes". There were two tables next to each other (one where Dicaprio was seated) which was just a sea of blonde hair... lots of fake boobs, lots of Playboy bunnies, etc. Pesci said "Is every damn girl in California a blonde? You talk to them and you ask them if they bleach it, and they say no, the SUN makes it naturally blonde. Well, if that's the case, what's up with the dark roots? Did a fvcking CLOUD go by?"

Not highlights:

-Edward Norton's very long and very boring speech

Most embarrassing moment of the night:

My coworker got VERY drunk and VERY loud and VERY obnoxious. So much so, I felt obliged to leave early... as we were leaving, Sandra Bernhard walked by and he pointed at her and slurred, "Hey look, it's Sandra! Hiya, Sandra!" She ignored him and walked by, and as we were exiting together (she was a few steps ahead of us), he shouted out, "SOMEBODY STOP THAT WOMAN!! SHE'S WITH AL-QUAEDA!!!"

I wanted to die.

He then proceeded to go 40 on the freeway and swerv out of his lane, cussing the whole time... I honestly feared for my life, and would have taken away his keys or driven except a) I have no idea how to drive stick, and B) I was terrified of pissing him off. Needless to say, I kept yelling at him ("PEDESTRIAN!" "YOU'RE SWERVING AGAIN!" "YOU NEED TO TAKE THE 101-SOUTH, NOT THE 101-NORTH!"). It was a VERY uncomfortable situation and NOT a good way to end the night (hence my looking somewhat frazzled in the pic above), but all in all, it was an interesting experience.

Heh... okay, that's all, just wanted to share. :D

This weekend I'm going to a forest party thrown by MoonTribe... my first ever here in Cali, it should be fun...

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