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Why Do You Think The Scene Is Dead

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Silver sometimes i think you sound really cute and i wanna take u home and feed u little tiny Grapes, and make u give me head,

And other TIMES U DONT SHUT UP about webster hall and rick CORBO, i FEEL i need to EDUCATE u on WHY U SHOULD NOT GO TO WEBSTER HALL UNLESS your brining a out of town friend there, lol

Its just VEry Scary there, and i worry about your well being, LOL

As for MS, BITCH, bitch kinda makes sence the internet had alot to do with The dumb fucking kids coming out and shit, i remember when people didnt know where tunnel was, lol

or Where Expo was, or Where LL was, Cause u kinda had to know about it, ucouldnt really read a message board n get directions to it,AND GET ON A LIST


now everyone gets reduced list, it use to be HOUSE list, or A-list, lol

Thinks change,

To say it sucks now is just Dumb, THERE ARE LOTS of kids DANCING ALL NIGHT TO GREAT music EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK in multiple Venue's, MOST of u dont even know about, lol

THEY could close bars at 2 here and we would still have dungens to dance in till 10am, or LATER

NY is no other

u cant get as dark n Deap as u can in gotham kids,




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When I first started going into NYC, to clubs like palladium and expo, I would be so happy and pumped up that I was going( yes I'm going to the Palladium tonite). Now that excitement isn't there, most clubs r just so so---I still have a great time. Walking up the stairs at the pallidium to the 2nd floor and to the left see the lighting guy with his hat on. The first time I saw the whole wall of lightbulbs at the palladium, I was like cool. Junior dropping Kristine's w " One more try" and a ton of others.

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i could list 5 different sick fucking places right now wher eu can here SICK music, and still have a cool fucking crowd, it mgiht not be in a DAMCE CLUB, buts it sure dam close,

u just dont know where to look, and im not telling, LOL

i did that with Vinyl n shit, look at it now, lol

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

You may have been around the block but this does not seem to be your specialty

First off, a RAVE in the "original" sense of the word...has probably never even happend in the US..Your so called "massives" was what was going on in england round 88-90..it wasnt a rave unless there were thousands of people there..

Now, what a "rave" has become is a another story...everyone has their own definition, but with the "original" one - dialectics is right on point..he has been to dancevalley - have you?

The first "raves" in London did not have thousands of people. Thousands of people came after good word of mouth.

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many of you have laid out a perfect example of how the scene is dying, but in an indirect way--you think you're right and you mock anyone who disagrees with you & forget what it all comes down to.

btw, don't bash sinixstar because he's totally right! lol


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the "real rave" quote was from lords of acid... i think she has some cred in her depiction of "the scene" hehe.... as anyone can tell you, raves did not just start out in warehouses or even in clubs named "the warehouse", but they also started in outlaws in the woods outside of london - the earliest reference to a massive i can think of off the top of my head was the "spaced out" sun headline from 1988, marking an attendance of over 11,000. i was 11 years old at the time. and where were you?

rave culture, thanks in part to the promises of transcendance dance music and ecstasy offer, to the universality of music without words, and above all to the increasing global awareness because of the internet and cheap airfare, became the first truly global form of youth culture the world has seen - not the hippies, not rock, these took time to spread around the globe. if you are in a party in amsterdam and are suddenly transported to a party in the czech republic, brazil or tokyo, it would take you a while before you noticed any differences.

the scene as we knew it when i got started in 94 was already derided as being too commercial, with the deathbell of dance music tolling over every party. quite frankly, i don't believe the scene is dead - it may seem that way in new york but around the world its far from the truth. follow the party trail to south beach, israel, goa, thailand, amsterdam, ibiza, cyprus, rimini, scandinavia, the list goes on and on and on.... IMHO the only way to keep the spirit of rave/dance music alive is to embrace both the mainstream and the underground. the mainstream must introduce people to our way of life, to disseminate information quickly, to create the superstars that might intially attract people to the culture. the underground is where the innovation has and music continue to come from.... to stay light-years ahead of the plebians. if the mainstreamers and plainclothes take a dip in our waters and like what they see, then we need to be openminded about them and as i've always said - embrace the newbies. if not well then fuck 'em and we'll still be around kicking.



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the scene isnt dead but economy is the biggest contributor to the scene seem like its dying. Another reason i think the scene is slow right now is that nyc doesnt have a superclub that has great talent like twilo/tunnel did. we have alot of smaller venues thats kicks ass. im a house head so i like vinyl and shelter. Waiting for spirit and crobar to open.

i think fridays with dt is kind of having this problem because alot of the regulars are whining and complaining about the many clueless people killing the vibe in there. it is alot more fun to goto a joint that is jumping than half of them too drugged out or just standing still. The vibe is the party. I agree with others on this board to an extent, newbies that IS NOT into music kill the vibe. if you want to do drugs for sake of getting fucked up, goto factory to hear some good pots and pans. I tend to like vinyl, since majority of the crowd there appreciates music and the steve dash phazon fucking rocks.

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i feel like it's just so BORING, that it's all been done already, and things that could be done again, CAN'T because it's illegal or they're too on top of shit or whatever makes things NOT HAPPEN anymore. lol.. does that make sense??..i miss tunnel. It always seemed like a good example of nyc clubbing. I always felt like i was PARTYING and being creative and learning and creating new experiences and friendships when i was there..It doesn't seem as genuine anymore anywhere. :(

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  • 3 months later...

the scene is dead for many reasons- heres jsut a few

1-uncreative people

2-people in clubs like sheep-just followeres-

3-people dont know how to party-way too many geeks, and uncool people around lmao

4-current music is uncreative and boring

5-people do drugs/alcohol

to the point of unconciousness

6-oversaturations of clubs, dj's, promoters.

7-underground has dissapeared- reason are many, the internet certainly has killed the underground for one

8-partys promoted to death, as the sickest, grandest party of all time- etc etc that kind of shit-basically the biz in inhabited by a large % of assholes

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Originally posted by babbo

the scene is dead for many reasons- heres jsut a few

1-uncreative people

2-people in clubs like sheep-just followeres-

5-people do drugs/alcohol

to the point of unconciousness

6-oversaturations of clubs, dj's, promoters.

7-underground has dissapeared- reason are many, the internet certainly has killed the underground for one

8-partys promoted to death, as the sickest, grandest party of all time- etc etc that kind of shit-basically the biz in inhabited by a large % of assholes

I agree with all of these reasons. But also theres ton of great djs out there who dont get respect or attention depending on where they play. Same with parties theres so many underground parties but you just have to know where thier at. I know of 2 and NEVER PLAN ON PUTTING THEM HERE.

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Originally posted by silverbull

I agree with all of these reasons. But also theres ton of great djs out there who dont get respect or attention depending on where they play. Same with parties theres so many underground parties but you just have to know where thier at. I know of 2 and NEVER PLAN ON PUTTING THEM HERE.

I agree w/ ya man. I dont ever put my private stuff on line regarding party's events etc. there are good dj's of course, but the work and the bs to hear them, etc, usaually anint worht it- there are exceptions of course. the trip is that theres just too much bullshit out there, in the unwashed public lol

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Originally posted by wakeup

to sum it up a bunch of newbies who would of never been involved in the scene until E blew up in 2000, decided i want to try this (E) and venture out to NYC. Most of the people have no respect for the scene, music,people or whatever it might be. Most are nothing but followers, the days of originality such as the club kids are long gone. granted they were whacked but they kept it real. they might of done it for attn. or to stick out but they didnt give a shit. now u have clones who do nothing but follow one another sweating the new hottest MP3 and the in place to be.

I could not have said it better!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by berniec

Fuckin Bloomberg just hates them all and thinks that everyone should be home watching their stocks on his bloomberg Tv network all wkend long.

would be a great thing if the Nikkei and FTSE staggered weekends w/ us so as to enable the markets to be open 7 days a week ;)

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