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where can a nice guy go to meet...


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so im new to miami and i don't really know anyone...i met some peeps at the bbq but no one really that would remember me again...so the ? is where can i meet some women who would just like to hang out...im not lookin to hook up , i'd just like to meet some normal down to earth women who don't constantly whore themselves looking to be with all these south beach guys just for their money...

is this wishful thinking or are the women down here really all they appear to be?

also is there more to miami than the beach clubs/scene?

info and advice appreciated



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That's like asking if there's a place to go downhill skiing in Key West. Finding respectable girls who aren't out for your credit line is a matter of sorting really. There's no "cool girls hangout" as such in this area. With time you'll be able to sort out the real girls from the whores. (intelligent posting on messageboards is a good indication...)

As far as going out at night, the beach/downtown is your best bet for anything dance music related. None of the other municipalities have anything remotely respectable, as they're often crippled by arcane zoning regulations and bored police officers. The outlying districts like Kendall, Hialeah, Pinecrest, Coral Gables, Miami Lakes have zilch, zero, nada to offer for quality nighttime entertainment, other than the typical neighborhood watering hole/bar and grill type of setup. Anytime you see an ad for a "night" out that way, it's 99.9 percent assured to be total crap. Some guy puts some speakers on sticks up, puts on a MoS CD, and calls it "Trance Night at The Outback Steakhouse"....nights out that way cannot compete with the drawing power of the beach and downtown.

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imo getting to know people, in general is very hard in miami. there is really no lounge or real cultural scene. so the best way of meeting people is via a club, work, or school setting. there are some quality ladies out there, but it takes sometime to find the same. imo I would start chilling with some cp peepz. via those relationships you should, be able to find what you’re looking for.

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Originally posted by pod

Some guy puts some speakers on sticks up, puts on a MoS CD, and calls it "Trance Night at The Outback Steakhouse"....nights out that way cannot compete with the drawing power of the beach and downtown.

Really??!! which outback?? i miss those thursday trance nights at outback steakhouse...

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two words: THE BEACH!!!!!:D

but im talking about sand, sun, beer, towels, naked bodies etc...

everyone who's sociallly inclined goes to the beach!!!!!! Plenty of girls who arent even into clubs, to the ones youll be dancing with at night, to the ones that are still up from last nite... they all go to the beach!!!!

and fyi we still remember you dude!!!:idea:

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by beatfriek

two words: THE BEACH!!!!!:D

but im talking about sand, sun, beer, towels, naked bodies etc...

everyone who's sociallly inclined goes to the beach!!!!!! Plenty of girls who arent even into clubs, to the ones youll be dancing with at night, to the ones that are still up from last nite... they all go to the beach!!!!

and fyi we still remember you dude!!!:idea:

Not neccesarily. If you see thoe girls out there duting the week, that means they either do not work, or have nighttime jobs. I think the the more interesting girls, that are worth spending time with are doing more exciting things other than just lazing about on the beach doing nithing but getting skin cancer for the sake of being seen. Look around you Sean, I am ure that you already know at least a couple girls that might be worth hanging out with that DO remember you.

All I say is be very careful, the beach and miami in general is full of two faced people. Good luck in our search. It took me almost a year and a lot of pain to find a nice group of people to hang out with that accept me for who I am.

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there are plenty of places to meet girls in this town. i mean for gods sake the prettiest & smartest girls live in miami. and we love to have fun. dude, go to the beach & to the clubs & the lounges, man - you should even try church. but you have to have confidence in yourself. no girl wants a sap with 0 personality. step up, say something clever, wow - try this be yourself. and as much as you guys don't want to hear this... money y does matter. and sex too. and personality. it is a combo of all theese things not one more than the other. and oh yeah, it also helps if you like the same music as her 9perferably trance\ - j/k).

good luck djs. let us know if you find someone special.

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Money does matter if you're after some gold-digging cum-dumpster. I've met quality girls down here who don't give a hoot about your income...aka real girls...one who would consider a night at home with a bottle of jack, a cheap DVD, and take out from Hung Lo's Buffet A-OK if that's all you could afford...and yes, these girls are as good looking, if not better, than the marvels of materials science that currently sit and bake on the beach during the day.

I'm not saying you can get away with being poor white trash, but at the same time, don't think you have to compete with some guy who feels a bit inadequate so he goes off and buys an H2...you seem like a straight up guy, and there's your edge. Most decent girls I know will dig that over some dude with an AmEx platinum and a (apologies to Saleen) credit Caddie...which is Miami's dirty secret...most of the people you see out don't really have the money.

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one second......


OK WOOO SORRY:rolleyes:

NOW....take it from uncle klubvet. its pretty hard. like some people mentioned above the best (excuse me better) place would be school and where u work. Hopefully you go to like an FIU or work at a place that has women. That way you can sort of get a feel as to how they are because you kinda get to see how they act over more than one day.

you say you want a good girl then let me show you some red flags about her being like POD said a "gold-digigng cum dumpster"

..if she talks about her Louis Vuitton Purses and going shopping and drops the name of expensive labels..stay away... if all she points out all the nice cars on a date and want to go to Joe's and Nobu all the time...NOT GOOD. Places these girls hang at would be Prive, Shore club, Mynt.

if she talks about her family, no baggage with ex's, digs hanging low and going to the movies and just hanging and shes hot...do me a favor jump on it and ask her if she has a sister and give me a call.

also try a gym. not a bad place either and follow some signs i pointed out.

oh yeah and good luck youll need it:blank:

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: hehehehehehehehe

You guys have definitely made my day with all the comments. I never could have fathomed the quantity of informative responses when i initially wrote this post. i really do appreciate it very much and i would like to thank each and everyone of you who wrote with your advice.

On another note im not exactly looking for a relationship, im just wanting to meet some ppl ,preferably women-cause they're usually easy to get along with...and not always trying to compete with you. I've been doing the beach scene since i got here and i was just curious if i am limiting myself to what miami has to offer, only because i don't know any other part of this large city. As for women i've been meeting out...extremely gorgeous everywhere down here. Miami definitely has some of the most beautiful women in the world. it's very discouraging when they think you are trying to hook up with them when just simply saying hello.

unfortunately i don't have the advantage of going to school down here as i have completed my education...and as for work...well i work really long hours with a bunch of married guys and any females here are not approachable as they are almost always $uper$tar$.

well i'll take all of this advice to mind and continue to venture out in this great city. Please say hello to me when you see me out...Im pretty easy to spot since im almost always the only guy by himself in the club:Dstaring at the lights and inspecting the sound system(by force of habbit)

hope to see some of you out

Sean S

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well since weve satisfied djss.......

where can we find...philthy slutty whory, cum guzzling, like it in the eyes, all over there faces, would rahter be on all fours, porn wanting to be in ho's?????

Please be as detailed as u were with the previous:D

oh yah by the way i dont want them to be gold diggers either...........:laugh:

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

well since weve satisfied djss.......

where can we find...philthy slutty whory, cum guzzling, like it in the eyes, all over there faces, would rahter be on all fours, porn wanting to be in ho's?????

Please be as detailed as u were with the previous:D

oh yah by the way i dont want them to be gold diggers either...........:laugh:

Chill Babe....

WAKE UP!!! :eek:

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