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I am finally done with fucking high school

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Uhm.. High school was fun!! get drunk, throw kiddie parties,free books, and the classes were a joke...

Damn, wait till college... Especially a hard teacher that gives u an exam the next day with a 5page essay, and six books totaling 400$... you think thats impossible, i had that my freshmen year for ENC 1101


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Originally posted by tranzwhore

change your name

hell no

i like what i am.i have to know ,where i came from.

if people judge me by my name,then let em judge me like that.

because people who knows me well, know that i dont smoke up anymore.

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here's a heads up for ya - some friends from HS will never actually "graduate" - they'll still be petty and dramatize everything. That's when you find out who your real friends are. sad but true. probably the reason most people never miss highschool - i know i don't.:D

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

You took the TOEFL? Where are you from? I thought you were from queens or something (unless that now merits taking a TOEFL?)

poor kid has probably never left queens. that's enough to merrit for him to take the TOEFL. :laugh:

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Originally posted by weed247

i live in jericho.long island.

i never lived in queens and dont plan to live in queens.

i know, i realizedthat when you said it the first time. so i said i *thought* you lived there. but that doesn't answer the question about the TOEFL.. where are you from? (if you don't mind my asking. i'm just curious)

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