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Always comin back . . .


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. . . why is it that it takes people guy/girl so long to realize what they had before. Yea I think I have or someone else has posed this question before. But it seems like a recurring thing in my life and I don't get it. When people become part of my past they usually stay there. I mean I never seek them out to talk to them or rekindle shit. But for some reason it happens to me quite often. What can this be due from? I mean people I haven't seen or spoken to in months or years will suddenly pop up from the past. What is a valid explanation for this? Was I on their mind? Did they some how see the light and were like shit I fucked up before and I want to try again? What is it?

Zisjustlostandconfused:confused: :confused: :confused:

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lol, i am going through this situation right now but i am the one going back after her...i was so stupid for dumping her in the first place and i know i want her back. i have to say it was nice being with her and i want that feeling back again but i do know that i may not happen.

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Yea but why does it take you guys so long to realize? :mad: Seriously, I find this in guys don't know about girls in general, but personally and from my girlfriends, they never go back. Could it be women are just smarter than men?:tongue: and when we got something good we know it from the beginning?

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Yea but why does it take you guys so long to realize? :mad: Seriously, I find this in guys don't know about girls in general, but personally and from my girlfriends, they never go back. Could it be women are just smarter than men?:tongue: and when we got something good we know it from the beginning?

No, because this same thing happens to a girl who keeps leaving me for a while, and then coming back.

So in a sense, this transcends basic gender roles. I feel it deals more with what the person is doing (how busy their life is) and how much issues/drama they surround themselves with. Like, if a person has lots of drama, it will take them longer to sift thru that drama and realize what's the deal...

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

People never know what they have or how good

they had it until is gone. Maybe there is more to this

guy/girl if he or she keeps coming back into the picture..

yea but its so frequent, not just with one person ya know. Its recurring for guys in my life anyway:blown:

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...there's a reason the term "hindsight is 20/20" was coined...it reminds us to try to focus in on the moment, the now...as difficult as that may be...its only natural to get caught up in illusions and mirrors during relationships...you just learn to deal with them better as you get older and more experienced - or not deal with them...either way, a lot of times people do what they shouldnt - sit back and reflect on the past - and this leads to "what ifs"...bad idea...but again, it happens...so just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DEAL WITH IT Z!!!....:tongue:

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Fuck OFF phattie :rolleyes::mad::tongue: I admit Ireflect on my past sometimes, but shit why bother calling the person and seeing how they are doing. I may think about it but don't follow through. How awkard is that convo? Sometimes it isn't but other times the person is prob thinking um ok wtf does this person want:laugh:

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...i usu think of my past relationships when i am alone and lonely...but i've learned to not act on those thoughts as i know my perspective is skewed...but being lonely causes many men to act in such a way...there are a few that i know fortunate enough to be in a healthy, positive relationship - see tasty - but for the most part, humans never seem to be satisfied and are constantly thinking about shit theyre better off leaving alone...

...so Z...when are WE gonna get back to listening to freestyle and eating Tai food...you still owe me dinner biotch...;)

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Originally posted by fkornre

lol, i am going through this situation right now but i am the one going back after her...i was so stupid for dumping her in the first place and i know i want her back. i have to say it was nice being with her and i want that feeling back again but i do know that i may not happen.

I feel ya I am in a tangled situation too. I broke up with my g/f like 3 months ago but we were still like hooking up(i thought she was still secure with me) then all of a sudden she is interested in this guy(sorta an old friend of mine). As soon as i heard this I realized how much I loved her and have been battling it for the last two weeks. My situation is a little complex because she says she wants to give me another chance if things don't work out with this guy, so we still hang out. The thing is as the days go on I can see her starting to change around me, just how she speaks and acts. She is starting to drift and there is nothing I can do. I really don't know why it took me so long to realize this, I guess its just I never thought about the future with her, and now that I don't have the chance I think about what it could of been. She treated me great, we went out all through high school, I could trust her, and she truley did love me at one point. I was blinded to alot of this because I just wanted to see if there was someone else out there that could possibly be better. I always thought she would still be interested in me and now she seems not to be. I think it takes people time to realize what they lost when you realize you may never see them again. Therefore I now tell people right up front what I feel because you never know what will happen tomorrow. The only prob with that is that now the person thinks they have the upper hand on you, which also sux. I also, think that after thinking after you loose someone you kind of do see a "light". A lot of the things you thought were important seem to be replaced with things you took for granted like, good conversation, trust, and understanding.

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Originally posted by liquidflow

I I think it takes people time to realize what they lost when you realize you may never see them again. Therefore I now tell people right up front what I feel because you never know what will happen tomorrow. The only prob with that is that now the person thinks they have the upper hand on you, which also sux. I also, think that after thinking after you loose someone you kind of do see a "light". A lot of the things you thought were important seem to be replaced with things you took for granted like, good conversation, trust, and understanding.

I definitely agree with the first line. Well actually all of it. Sometimes you do want to tell a person you meet everything you feel, but then its hard cause u don't want them to have the upper hand. But if it feels right then I think you should tell. Plus if they do think they have the upperhand do u really want to be with that person anyway?

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Originally posted by fierydesire

I definitely agree with the first line. Well actually all of it. Sometimes you do want to tell a person you meet everything you feel, but then its hard cause u don't want them to have the upper hand. But if it feels right then I think you should tell. Plus if they do think they have the upperhand do u really want to be with that person anyway?

Yeah, I was a little late. I told her her how I really felt and she was like, "this would of been great a couple months ago, but now I gotta give this guy a chance". She def. has the upper hand now after that because she is like, "well im going out tomorrow, but If i dont have any other plans(going out with this other guy) I will give you a call tomorrow". I say fuck that because I use to do that too her, now its the other way around. I guess what goes around comes around, but I would of never passed it around if I knew how much it hurt people.

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