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Bush's Willing Executioners

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Mon Jun 23, 5:06 PM ET


By Ted Rall

America Betrayed by Cowardly Citizens

PITTSBURGH--Today's version of the heroic Nathan Hale would fall to his knees, beg for mercy, and swear fealty to the British crown. A 21st century Patrick Henry would no doubt argue that homeland security trumps personal liberty. Benedict Arnold would make the rounds of the TV talk shows, lauded as an "heroic pragmatist." In a land of wimps, the dimwit is king--such is the dismal state of post-9/11 America.

As George W. Bush's aristocorporate junta runs roughshod over hard-earned freedoms, as his lunatic-right Administration loots $10 trillion from the national treasury, as his armies invade sovereign nations without cause, as he threatens war against imagined enemies while allowing real ones to build nuclear weapons, those charged with standing against these perversions of American values remain appallingly, inexplicably silent.

We have become a nation of cowards, and I am ashamed.

Where are the Democrats? Under our two-party system it is their patriotic duty to represent the opinions and beliefs of their constituents, who are mostly liberal. That responsibility becomes an urgent necessity when the GOP, in firm control of all three branches of government, abandons a proud tradition of conservatism in favor of outright fascism. With the exception of a few principled men like Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), leading Democrats have made little or no effort to stymie Bush's agenda, launch a real investigation of 9/11 or appoint a special prosecutor to go after the WMD scandal. To their eternal dishonor 82 Democratic Congressmen and 29 Senators voted for the invasion of Iraq (news - web sites)--this despite the pleas of millions of demonstrators. Among the nine leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, only two have made opposition to runaway militarism a staple of their stump speech.

Easily spooked and even more easily fooled, Democratic leaders are neither leading nor acting like Democrats. Thirty years of political duck-and-cover has brought them to the brink of irrelevance. Far more damning, they have abandoned their rightful role as loyal opponents.

Where is the left? The radical theoreticians who provided the intellectual rationale for opposition to the Vietnam War--Ralph Nader (news - web sites), Noam Chomsky, et al--are touring the nation's universities, each pushing books and promoting their personal "brand" to youthful idealists. Former leftist Christopher Hitchens, who so desperately wanted to fit into the new paradigm that he endorsed attacking Iraq, has been reduced to insisting that weapons of mass destruction will turn up someday. Probably.

Unlike Saddam, Bush needn't cut out his opponents' tongues. They're keeping silent on their own.

It may be naive to pose the question, but where are the principled Republicans? Not long ago, conservative leaders trudged down from Capitol Hill to tell an embattled Richard Nixon that he could no longer count on their support. Now the moderate, fiscally responsible Republicans one might expect to stand up to Bush's fiscal depredations--men like John McCain, Bob Dole and George Pataki--remain mute as their party and nation are hijacked by fanatics. Bush's rich man's welfare will cost the average U.S. citizen $500,000 over the next decade--isn't that the kind of government waste Republicans are supposed to deplore?

Partisan politics are so dead that the American resistance is entrusted by default into the unlikely hands of the same intelligence establishment that poisoned Fidel's cigars. Every day brings startling revelations from angry CIA (news - web sites) and Defense Intelligence Agency spymasters: despite what Bush said over and over again, there was never any proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the trailers Bush claimed were mobile chemical weapons labs were no such thing, and Colin Powell (news - web sites) presented, in the UN, evidence on Iraq that he privately considered doctored and unreliable. The recent DIA leak of a November 2002 analysis shows that intelligence experts believed that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) would never use WMDs--even if he had them--unless "regime survival was imminently threatened." The Iraqis would use them only "in extreme circumstances," the report said, "because their use would confirm Iraq's evasion of UN restrictions."

Where is the outrage? Even though it's painfully clear that Bush lied about the WMDs, even though daily ambushes of American troops indicate that the war is far from over, a CBS News poll shows that 62 percent of Americans still support Bush's con job on Iraq. "The president is 99 percent safe on this one," says Newt Gingrich.

Protestors who demonstrated against the war before it began ought to be energized by the WMD scandal, but the streets of Washington are quiet. Editors who parroted the Administration's lies, given the chance to redeem themselves now, downplay the latest Slaughtergate news. An army colonel e-mails, urging me to keep asking questions, yet confesses, "I'm keeping my thoughts to myself and waiting until I retire to get the hell out of here." Daniel Goldhagen's controversial 1996 book "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" pointed out an obvious truth: that the Nazis could never have triumphed, retained power or gotten anything done without the explicit complicity of the people they ruled. Therefore, Goldhagen argued--and thoughtful people agree--the failure of the German people to resist Hitler made them just as guilty as he was.

How will history judge us?

(Ted Rall is the author of "Gas War: The Truth Behind the American Occupation of Afghanistan (news - web sites)," an analysis of the underreported Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline project and the real motivations behind the war on terrorism. Ordering information is available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.)

Stop him before he kills again...

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Originally posted by normalnoises


Mon Jun 23, 5:06 PM ET


By Ted Rall

America Betrayed by Cowardly Citizens

PITTSBURGH--Today's version of the heroic Nathan Hale would fall to his knees, beg for mercy, and swear fealty to the British crown. A 21st century Patrick Henry would no doubt argue that homeland security trumps personal liberty. Benedict Arnold would make the rounds of the TV talk shows, lauded as an "heroic pragmatist." In a land of wimps, the dimwit is king--such is the dismal state of post-9/11 America.

As George W. Bush's aristocorporate junta runs roughshod over hard-earned freedoms, as his lunatic-right Administration loots $10 trillion from the national treasury, as his armies invade sovereign nations without cause, as he threatens war against imagined enemies while allowing real ones to build nuclear weapons, those charged with standing against these perversions of American values remain appallingly, inexplicably silent.

We have become a nation of cowards, and I am ashamed.

Where are the Democrats? Under our two-party system it is their patriotic duty to represent the opinions and beliefs of their constituents, who are mostly liberal. That responsibility becomes an urgent necessity when the GOP, in firm control of all three branches of government, abandons a proud tradition of conservatism in favor of outright fascism. With the exception of a few principled men like Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), leading Democrats have made little or no effort to stymie Bush's agenda, launch a real investigation of 9/11 or appoint a special prosecutor to go after the WMD scandal. To their eternal dishonor 82 Democratic Congressmen and 29 Senators voted for the invasion of Iraq (news - web sites)--this despite the pleas of millions of demonstrators. Among the nine leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, only two have made opposition to runaway militarism a staple of their stump speech.

Easily spooked and even more easily fooled, Democratic leaders are neither leading nor acting like Democrats. Thirty years of political duck-and-cover has brought them to the brink of irrelevance. Far more damning, they have abandoned their rightful role as loyal opponents.

Where is the left? The radical theoreticians who provided the intellectual rationale for opposition to the Vietnam War--Ralph Nader (news - web sites), Noam Chomsky, et al--are touring the nation's universities, each pushing books and promoting their personal "brand" to youthful idealists. Former leftist Christopher Hitchens, who so desperately wanted to fit into the new paradigm that he endorsed attacking Iraq, has been reduced to insisting that weapons of mass destruction will turn up someday. Probably.

Unlike Saddam, Bush needn't cut out his opponents' tongues. They're keeping silent on their own.

It may be naive to pose the question, but where are the principled Republicans? Not long ago, conservative leaders trudged down from Capitol Hill to tell an embattled Richard Nixon that he could no longer count on their support. Now the moderate, fiscally responsible Republicans one might expect to stand up to Bush's fiscal depredations--men like John McCain, Bob Dole and George Pataki--remain mute as their party and nation are hijacked by fanatics. Bush's rich man's welfare will cost the average U.S. citizen $500,000 over the next decade--isn't that the kind of government waste Republicans are supposed to deplore?

Partisan politics are so dead that the American resistance is entrusted by default into the unlikely hands of the same intelligence establishment that poisoned Fidel's cigars. Every day brings startling revelations from angry CIA (news - web sites) and Defense Intelligence Agency spymasters: despite what Bush said over and over again, there was never any proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the trailers Bush claimed were mobile chemical weapons labs were no such thing, and Colin Powell (news - web sites) presented, in the UN, evidence on Iraq that he privately considered doctored and unreliable. The recent DIA leak of a November 2002 analysis shows that intelligence experts believed that Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) would never use WMDs--even if he had them--unless "regime survival was imminently threatened." The Iraqis would use them only "in extreme circumstances," the report said, "because their use would confirm Iraq's evasion of UN restrictions."

Where is the outrage? Even though it's painfully clear that Bush lied about the WMDs, even though daily ambushes of American troops indicate that the war is far from over, a CBS News poll shows that 62 percent of Americans still support Bush's con job on Iraq. "The president is 99 percent safe on this one," says Newt Gingrich.

Protestors who demonstrated against the war before it began ought to be energized by the WMD scandal, but the streets of Washington are quiet. Editors who parroted the Administration's lies, given the chance to redeem themselves now, downplay the latest Slaughtergate news. An army colonel e-mails, urging me to keep asking questions, yet confesses, "I'm keeping my thoughts to myself and waiting until I retire to get the hell out of here." Daniel Goldhagen's controversial 1996 book "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" pointed out an obvious truth: that the Nazis could never have triumphed, retained power or gotten anything done without the explicit complicity of the people they ruled. Therefore, Goldhagen argued--and thoughtful people agree--the failure of the German people to resist Hitler made them just as guilty as he was.

How will history judge us?

(Ted Rall is the author of "Gas War: The Truth Behind the American Occupation of Afghanistan (news - web sites)," an analysis of the underreported Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline project and the real motivations behind the war on terrorism. Ordering information is available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.)

Stop him before he kills again...

:laugh: :laugh: Ted RALL :laugh: :laugh: the guy is a joke and a bag of speculation, ZERO FACTS.....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

:laugh: :laugh: Ted RALL :laugh: :laugh: the guy is a joke and a bag of speculation, ZERO FACTS.....

:laugh: :laugh: Rush Limbaugh :laugh: :laugh: the guy is a joke and a bag of speculation, ZERO FACTS.....

That's right, keep dismissing the truth as lies and conspiracies and keep accepting the lies of the government as creditable.

And all this from you with nothing to back your words.

My my. You truely are a lost cause.

I guess that New York smog got the best of you. There must be something in that smog that keeps you blinded from the truth.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

:laugh: :laugh: Rush Limbaugh :laugh: :laugh: the guy is a joke and a bag of speculation, ZERO FACTS.....

That's right, keep dismissing the truth as lies and conspiracies and keep accepting the lies of the government as creditable.

And all this from you with nothing to back your words.

My my. You truely are a lost cause.

I guess that New York smog got the best of you. There must be something in that smog that keeps you blinded from the truth.

Granted Rush Limbaugh is extreme for some (not me) but he is on point with all of his liberal bashing. Ted Rall said the Bush administration dropped the twin towers so we can go to war with afghanistan to take over a pipe line.. Look you may not know alot about economics and finance but do you realise how much economic activity was lost when the WTC was attacked?? 10X the amount we would make from that gas pipe in afghanistan... that's why he is a fluke I have seen him on Bill Maher def has a chip on his shoulder like he got beat up as a kid by a republican ...:laugh: He even :laugh: proposed to develop lower manhattan into low income housing :laugh: That's another reason the guy is a loon..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Granted Rush Limbaugh is extreme for some (not me) but he is on point with all of his liberal bashing. Ted Rall said the Bush administration dropped the twin towers so we can go to war with afghanistan to take over a pipe line.. Look you may not know alot about economics and finance but do you realise how much economic activity was lost when the WTC was attacked?? 10X the amount we would make from that gas pipe in afghanistan... that's why he is a fluke I have seen him on Bill Maher def has a chip on his shoulder like he got beat up as a kid by a republican ...:laugh: He even :laugh: proposed to develop lower manhattan into low income housing :laugh: That's another reason the guy is a loon..

oh please!!! you actually believe what you wrote??? what's the perfect alibi but to pretend you didn't know what was going on (which can't be possible, this is the most powerful state in the world right now...) and allow thousands of innocents to be killed....how fucking lazy and stupid would the US military and special services to NOT know and react to the attacks? that is pure bullshit.

but again, even if the facts were staring at you dead in the face...you'd still refuse to believe it and continue to allow yourself to be blinded by the propoganda of the american government. typical.

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Originally posted by sassa

oh please!!! you actually believe what you wrote??? what's the perfect alibi but to pretend you didn't know what was going on (which can't be possible, this is the most powerful state in the world right now...) and allow thousands of innocents to be killed....how fucking lazy and stupid would the US military and special services to NOT know and react to the attacks? that is pure bullshit.

but again, even if the facts were staring at you dead in the face...you'd still refuse to believe it and continue to allow yourself to be blinded by the propoganda of the american government. typical.

Can somebody please translate this? I am not fluent in lizard yet

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Originally posted by sassa

oh please!!! you actually believe what you wrote??? what's the perfect alibi but to pretend you didn't know what was going on (which can't be possible, this is the most powerful state in the world right now...) and allow thousands of innocents to be killed....how fucking lazy and stupid would the US military and special services to NOT know and react to the attacks? that is pure bullshit.

but again, even if the facts were staring at you dead in the face...you'd still refuse to believe it and continue to allow yourself to be blinded by the propoganda of the american government. typical.

Please put that conspiracy book down and pick up a macroeconomic textbook in between your deep sea scroll lectures and learn something about how this economy works....

YouR speculation is driven by your hatred of this country so stop speaking about conspiracies cause you look foolish... Ask your self this question how much revenue would an american company, not the govt receive from that pipeline?? Then compare that to the loss a 10 trillion dollar economy made up of thousands of companies, stalled for a week experienced.. Can you see your lunacy???

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Originally posted by sassa

oh please!!! you actually believe what you wrote??? what's the perfect alibi but to pretend you didn't know what was going on (which can't be possible, this is the most powerful state in the world right now...) and allow thousands of innocents to be killed....how fucking lazy and stupid would the US military and special services to NOT know and react to the attacks? that is pure bullshit.

but again, even if the facts were staring at you dead in the face...you'd still refuse to believe it and continue to allow yourself to be blinded by the propoganda of the american government. typical.

Oh God--shut up....just shut the fuck up already you moronic shitbag......seriously, you are a fucking dickhead

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Originally posted by igloo

Oh God--shut up....just shut the fuck up already you moronic shitbag......seriously, you are a fucking dickhead

Take your own advice, chicken little.

Originally posted by sassa

but you're obviously fluent in moron.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:aright: :aright: :aright:

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Originally posted by sassa

but you're obviously fluent in moron.


Calm down lizard girl. I have no idea what you were trying to say. Maybe if you worded your shit better I wouldn't have to ask for a translation.

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Originally posted by skince55

Calm down lizard girl. I have no idea what you were trying to say. Maybe if you worded your shit better I wouldn't have to ask for a translation.

It's pretty to translate moron to English, MORON!!

Now shut your cunt..... HO!!

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Originally posted by normalnoises

That's right, keep dismissing the truth as lies and conspiracies and keep accepting the lies of the government as creditable.

u might be ACTUALLY telling the truth...but since u always tell one side and never anything positive, people dismiss what u say...and also that ur a prick and no body likes u...talking to people in that manner that u do, will never get them to open their eyes, but rather shut them...so does all a favor...find a nice Samuel Adams Boston Lager beer bottle (cold or room temp.whichever u prefer) and sit on it...like u always say, there is nothing more refreshing then a nice micro brewed beer bottle up ur arse...

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Originally posted by normalnoises

It's pretty to translate moron to English, MORON!!

Now shut your cunt..... HO!!

That made sense:laugh: :laugh:

Before you you reply back to this post with any name calling reply to the one I wrote about having a meet up. You seem to be overlooking that one, pussy.

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