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Originally posted by djdanielwoo


you really need to just shut the f*#! up.... the saturday night dj is not bad at all..... i have been there on saturdays so i know what the dj does..... he does the room right 110% ...... maybe you should go to the doctor and get a good ear cleaning.... as far as rude attitude is concerned that is just not right.... im pretty sure that if a girl asks for a song ....it is played sometime during the night...... but all in all if its that bad , go somewhere else and analyze that dj cause obviously u dont go out for fun....

If yu were there last saturday it sucked. No one danced, everyone left at 1, it sucked. It really sucked. Big time sucked with capital S. You work at roxy for 2 weeks and think you're an expert. If Saturday was so great they wouldnt be changing it to 18 and over for guys and girls. Oh great now we get to hang out with 18 year old high school guys. That is desperation move to increase attendance.

analyze that.

uun daa too jah

And the room still sucks. Have him take lessons from the thursday dj. Mix lessons, Music selection lessons, and personality lessons. Not for nothing but no one likes a crab ass dj wannabee who never worked anywher and thinks he is junior vasquez. Despite the yuppys, Morristown still beats Hopatcong.

one positve tho:

I think you are a smooth mixer and you work the effects box with the best of them.


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Originally posted by sandstormer


ok on a scale of 1-100

heres how i rate you

(since it seems the only thing you can do and understand is COMPARE venues that are

A) in two different towns and counties

B)complain about the thigs that dont meet YOUR standards)

1-100 rating is

You completely bore me

by completely showing your ignorance is unmeasurably asstouding

your lack of proper ediquette is comparable to that of an infant-always shitting and nothing but whining comming out of the mouth-

i would continue to downtrod your infitessimal mind and its lack of processes but

you cant even relate to the proper ways to disciss subjects on a public message board

again i interject and submite my advice for you to


and get REAL you dick head

come on!!!

in ur profile it says

Biography jimmys haunt 3 rooms, 3 djs!!!

what a looser you are looking like now

JIMMYS__ OMG is that what you call a club?

im not even going to go there with it

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Lets analyze this post:

Originally posted by sandstormer

...And the room still sucks. Have him take lessons from the thursday dj. Mix lessons , Music selection lessons, and personality lessons...


one positve tho:

I think you are a smooth mixer and you work the effects box with the best of them.


anyone else see someone contradicting themself here? ;)

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Originally posted by sandstormer

If yu were there last saturday it sucked. No one danced, everyone left at 1, it sucked. It really sucked. Big time sucked with capital S. You work at roxy for 2 weeks and think you're an expert. If Saturday was so great they wouldnt be changing it to 18 and over for guys and girls. Oh great now we get to hang out with 18 year old high school guys. That is desperation move to increase attendance.

analyze that.

uun daa too jah

And the room still sucks. Have him take lessons from the thursday dj. Mix lessons, Music selection lessons, and personality lessons. Not for nothing but no one likes a crab ass dj wannabee who never worked anywher and thinks he is junior vasquez. Despite the yuppys, Morristown still beats Hopatcong.

one positve tho:

I think you are a smooth mixer and you work the effects box with the best of them.


funny u said that cause i sure as hell didnt...... for one thing just because i worked at roxy for those 2 weeks NO i dont think i am an expert, never have never will but i do think i can tell a few things apart.... it seems though that u have a personal thing against the sat. night dj and if u dont like it dont go... simple as that... stick to thursdays and u should be good to go.....

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These posts about Tonic and there dj's are the dumbest things, and how come everybody that slams tonic has positive things to say about morristown(i have been reading this broad for a while and i don't ever remember morristown being a cp hott spot).

Morristown has two big bars/clubs(Tiki Bar, Jimmys). I would say the tonic hatters are coming from one of those places. The people bashing know about clubs, u can tell by there posts. Most customers who don't like a club would probley just say the place sucked, music sucked the end, and not go into to detail like the tonic bashers making it certain that it is someone with in the nite club business.

Last nite @Tonic in the house was a Wed dj @ tiki bar and a bouncer from jimmys so if i see negative posts i got a pretty good idea were it is coming from. How come nobody ripped the saturday dj(steve r) last week when he worked our ktu party on friday, when the room was packed and the place was going nuts.

I am leaning toward thinking the tonic bashers are coming from jimmys(because some of the same bashers bash tiki). Now I have couple of good friends @jimmys and trying to keep my cool about these posts. If want to post so bad post good things about your club, do it the right way. You guys really don't want me to start up on jimmys do u(things will get ugly).

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Originally posted by thewave

will get ugly).

and we all know that you are one UGLY MUTHER F HAHAHA:laugh: :blown:

attn toBERNIEC

yes there is TOTEL contradiction there-

in fact from my previous studies- that post looks like he lost train of thought and alomst put his foot in his mouth so TRYIN to change it was the next attempt

again i say

Just shiut the F up cause really no one cares-

whats the matter with you DIK Heads? is the only thing you can live on is feeding yourself DRAMA on a day to day?

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Originally posted by djdanielwoo


you really need to just shut the f*#! up.... the saturday night dj is not bad at all..... i have been there on saturdays so i know what the dj does..... he does the room right 110% ...... maybe you should go to the doctor and get a good ear cleaning.... as far as rude attitude is concerned that is just not right.... im pretty sure that if a girl asks for a song ....it is played sometime during the night...... but all in all if its that bad , go somewhere else and analyze that dj cause obviously u dont go out for fun....

what are you and the saturday dj lovers or something?

Tonic review:

Thursday: 18 to drink, 21 to drink more........both rooms packed. Cheesy mtv music in the back room, good house in the front room.Hot girls..

Saturday: Back room packed with cheesy mtv music, some hot girls...........front room totally empty, 10 peeople at most. No one dacning, crowd seemed bored.

Maybe they can rent the front room out for storage space or put pool tables on it or those machines where you wack the gopher heads and win prizes.

so much for the spa, tanning salon, haircutters, crackden, wart removel, celluite suction giveaways.

And by the way,....................saturday sucked, 10 people in the clubl............7 elevn had more people.

If you wanna go and take a ride wit me

We three wheelin in the four with the gold cv's

Oh why do I live this way?

(Hey, must be the DJ)

taste it or waste it

i think ill go somewheres else and paste it

©2002 sonic the hedgehog, white rabbit promotions.com

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Originally posted by sandstormer

what are you and the saturday dj lovers or something?

Tonic review:

Thursday: 18 to drink, 21 to drink more........both rooms packed. Cheesy mtv music in the back room, good house in the front room.Hot girls..

Saturday: Back room packed with cheesy mtv music, some hot girls...........front room totally empty, 10 peeople at most. No one dacning, crowd seemed bored.

Maybe they can rent the front room out for storage space or put pool tables on it or those machines where you wack the gopher heads and win prizes.

so much for the spa, tanning salon, haircutters, crackden, wart removel, celluite suction giveaways.

And by the way,....................saturday sucked, 10 people in the clubl............7 elevn had more people.

If you wanna go and take a ride wit me

We three wheelin in the four with the gold cv's

Oh why do I live this way?

(Hey, must be the DJ)

taste it or waste it

i think ill go somewheres else and paste it

©2002 sonic the hedgehog, white rabbit promotions.com

Oh Sandstormer, you poor incredulous soul... r u upset because you didn't win a spa giveaway????... NOT TO WORRY.... Since you are obviously there every Saturday Night check this out...

This Saturday, 7/12/03, Tonic along with Essential Sun of Hoaptcong, will be giving away free tans!!!! Grab your ticket at the door!!! Good Luck to Everyone!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by njdivacb

This Saturday, 7/12/03, Tonic along with Essential Sun of Hoaptcong, will be giving away free tans!!!! Grab your ticket at the door!!! Good Luck to Everyone!!!!!!!

this is even better!!!

This saturday 712/03

free stuf at the door as long as you come in with a normal and respectable attitude

(this only applies to sandstormer)

how u been sweety- see ya thursday- got some peeps (newbies) heading in with me- drinks?

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

this is even better!!!

This saturday 712/03

free stuf at the door as long as you come in with a normal and respectable attitude

(this only applies to sandstormer)

how u been sweety- see ya thursday- got some peeps (newbies) heading in with me- drinks?

Hey... Doing good! How about yourself??? Would love to meet your friends and have a few drinks!

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Originally posted by reaserena

i dont know what hot girls your talking about because my face isnt on it.. :tongue:

:laugh: i got your hot girls in a pic too

but they dont have a face-

they just have one eye each:laugh: :blown:

wassa matter?

you didnt see me lookin? guess im getting better at it

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Thanks Liqid...let's touch base thursday. I'll be in the City most of the day.

Hi, Serena....nice tuh meetchya ;)

And thanks for the compliment! How come you get to see me, but I don't get to see you? :(


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Originally posted by thewave

These posts about Tonic and there dj's are the dumbest things, and how come everybody that slams tonic has positive things to say about morristown(i have been reading this broad for a while and i don't ever remember morristown being a cp hott spot).

Morristown has two big bars/clubs(Tiki Bar, Jimmys). I would say the tonic hatters are coming from one of those places. The people bashing know about clubs, u can tell by there posts. Most customers who don't like a club would probley just say the place sucked, music sucked the end, and not go into to detail like the tonic bashers making it certain that it is someone with in the nite club business.

Last nite @Tonic in the house was a Wed dj @ tiki bar and a bouncer from jimmys so if i see negative posts i got a pretty good idea were it is coming from. How come nobody ripped the saturday dj(steve r) last week when he worked our ktu party on friday, when the room was packed and the place was going nuts.

I am leaning toward thinking the tonic bashers are coming from jimmys(because some of the same bashers bash tiki). Now I have couple of good friends @jimmys and trying to keep my cool about these posts. If want to post so bad post good things about your club, do it the right way. You guys really don't want me to start up on jimmys do u(things will get ugly).

I guarantee this is not coming from my camp

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Originally posted by dtrave

I guarantee this is not coming from my camp

dtrave- dont even worry-

im well informed on who these ppl are-

its funny i know them and they never met me-

sometimes its nice having a face no one sees-

call me Mr Behinde the scene

and YOU are not even being looked at-

so whats the deall? you comming thrusday or what?

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Originally posted by reaserena

um... i am confused! tony? i dont know what ya look like....

eric, what ya talking about boy.... i never said anyone was cute.... besides myself of course! :tongue:

awwwww....don't skerrred.


How ya like me now?!


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