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I think it helps if either you do a good intro and don't ask a lot of stupid nonsense shit right away or you will be bashed, two you have to speak up and don't be intimidated by whomever throws smartass remarks at you or three if someone introduces you to the board it helps as well and you are sword liked a bit from the get go, but again the ones who introduced me post like once every 4 months now them being (Naomi1 & Soldado)..


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I remember a classic no-no-introduction from some guy who wrote something like "hi, this is me, I'm here, I want to party, how do I get on the guest lists for the clubs? what do I get from writing here? what's in here for me?"

Just go for it and have fun...for example, look at Nexxusgrove, Candyroll69 and Absolutv...sincerely, I don't know where the fuck this martians came from and now they're highly celebrated local institutions of perdition and mental relaxation across the nation of cheek-ee-cheekation, you know what I mean?

Or do like I do...always offer fruit baskets and tuna sandwiches...people love tuna sandwiches, right?


Come on, you know you want it, don't you? ;)

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Originally posted by funketeer

I remember a classic no-no-introduction from some guy who wrote something like "hi, this is me, I'm here, I want to party, how do I get on the guest lists for the clubs? what do I get from writing here? what's in here for me?"

Just go for it and have fun...for example, look at Nexxusgrove, Candyroll69 and Absolutv...sincerely, I don't know where the fuck this martians came from and now they're highly celebrated local institutions of perdition and mental relaxation across the nation of cheek-ee-cheekation, you know what I mean?

Or do like I do...always offer fruit baskets and tuna sandwiches...people love tuna sandwiches, right?


Come on, you know you want it, don't you? ;)

what? :confused:

lay off the pipe dude. :smoke:

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Can't say this is the most stimulating music discussion board either. I don't see a lot of discussion about music production or much else besides club/DJ reviews, but at least everything is nicely organized to keep non-music discussion out. There a hell of a lot of ego with yous guys, but also a lot of joking and having fun. Nobody scares me. People like saleen are pure entertainment. He can rip all he wants, I'll just rip back :D Some people are just bullys whose bark is worse than thier bite...I should know! I wasn't even using this board until someone decided to inform me I was banned, you know to put me down, I guess to make themselves feel better. I had to check, once I got my password e-mailed to me!! I wasn't... of course I had to join in after that...Dumb bitch!


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Originally posted by tranzwhore

nexus always throws me off with his booby girls!

lex still thinks nexus is a chic!

I thought so too, but a few posts made it easy to notice :D I love japanamation boobies..bring it on!

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Imagine me! I came on here letting my husband have it for some personal stuff he was posting all over CP. I must have come across as a bigtime biatch. But I'm not, and people that come on here just have to be more confident in themselves and their opinions.

Who cares if Saleen or anyone say something retarded about what you write, because you can bet at least one person will.

That doesn't make you a bad person, or them either. They/We just want to have fun and be pains in the asses. People need to lighten up and get a sense of humor going.

I've attacked a few people, doesn't mean I don't like them (all except one...and we all know who that is).

Everybody I've met so far, I've liked. Very nice people.

So just post away and enjoy! :D

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

Everytime I talk to someone new about CP, and this is what they say; " Yeah, I'm registered, but I don't post. It's the same 15 people talk have the balls to post on CP, I am scared that I might say something wrong that the 15 people are turn on me and kill me".

:nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity:

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