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Originally posted by absolutv

please dont hurt me tranzwhore

i love trance...:shake:

tranzwhore has shown me the light...

its about 6 inches & emits neon green.

are you talking 'bout my green laser? cuz I gave up glow sticks at least 2 years ago! ;)

and with a name like absolute v....i mean c'mon! sounds like you're edgar v's #1 fan.

let's be friends and scare the newbies together!


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Originally posted by tranzwhore

are you talking 'bout my green laser? cuz I gave up glow sticks at least 2 years ago! ;)

and with a name like absolute v....i mean c'mon! sounds like you're edgar v's #1 fan.

let's be friends and scare the newbies together!




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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by tranzwhore

and with a name like absolute v....i mean c'mon! sounds like you're edgar v's #1 fan.

That or a LUSH.

And if Saleen came knocking at my door in THAT get up, I would have to call animal control.......

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Originally posted by diabolique007

I give kudos to the fact we can talk freely here about partying, another board I frequent, hallucination.com, is very strict about it...

As far as partying is concerned, you know Hallucination doesn't allow drug talk. Hallucination doesn't need that heat up especially when they are associated with parties. You should know that, girl! ;)

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I give kudos to the fact we can talk freely here about partying, another board I frequent, hallucination.com, is very strict about it...

Originally posted by meng

As far as partying is concerned, you know Hallucination doesn't allow drug talk. Hallucination doesn't need that heat up especially when they are associated with parties. You should know that, girl! ;)

I respect that rule, and understand why... I'm just saying it's nice to be open and relaxed about it here, since this board is not affiliated with a record label that throws parties

mmmK :idea:

however...HAllucination is SO much better than most boards, they take music seriously there, and I've met some amazing people who have defintely enriched my experience as a Hallucination fan

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Originally posted by diabolique007


I give kudos to the fact we can talk freely here about partying, another board I frequent, hallucination.com, is very strict about it...

I respect that rule, and understand why... I'm just saying it's nice to be open and relaxed about it here, since this board is not affiliated with a record label that throws parties

mmmK :idea:

however...HAllucination is SO much better than most boards, they take music seriously there, and I've met some amazing people who have defintely enriched my experience as a Hallucination fan


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