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Heres the REAL deal with METRO LOUNGE.......

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Ok, i just wanted to let you guys know what the REAL deal is on whats happening with our home Metro Lounge.I hear LOTS of rumblings about whats going on and even MORE rumblings of who "thinks" they are jumping into our "grave" so to speak........ well SORRY GUYS, did you really think we would let it be that easy?:D

Heres the deal, we are currently closed for renovations. At the now legendary location of Metro lounge, in september will be an ALL NEW VENUE!!!!!



This venue will be the first of its kind in NJ, a true NYC style RESTURANT & LOUNGE. It will not be a lounge trying to be a club, it will be a LOUNGE in every sense of the word trying to be a resturant lounge. It will be trendy , it will be sexy, and i promise you it will be a SIIICK place to chill, eat, drink, and meet BEAUTIFUL WOMAN......7 nights a week!!! The music format and entertainment will be something that should have been done before that has MASSIVE appeal, but NO one has done it the right way. We know that we will. It will feature UNIQUE entertainment presented in a way that has not be presented before. We will put our own SPECIAL spin on nightlife once again as we did 5 years with the orginal Metro Lounge.Once again, the town thinks they threw us a curve ball, which we will knock out of the park. CONSTRUCTION STARTS THIS WEEK!!!


You didnt think we would forget about you guys, did you?

After the most incredilbe 5 years a nightclub could ever dream of having, we have, what we feel is a responsibilty to nightlife in NJ, and we will continue that responsibilty........

The owners of Metro Lounge/Merge currently in dealings for what would be the BIGGEST clubs to ever open in jersey. Keep in mind that these things take time so.........they WILL have a new nightclub opening in the near future........but,......what about september????

NOT TO WORRY...........

we will,

100% percent, with out a doubt have A METRO LOUNGE FRIDAYS party staring in SEPT!!!!

Whather it is in own OWN new club, or we move the party to an "UNDESCRIBED" NEW home for our friday night party, we will have a friday night party, IN BERGEN COUNTY.....IN SEPT!!!!

And if it is in someone elses location, we are bringing....







and everything else that it is we do.

Remember guys,a party is 4 walls, its what you do within those 4 walls that makes or breaks that party. WE WILL NEVER DISSAPOINTE YOU!

So thats the deal

NEW LOUNGE opening in sept @ the fomer location of METRO LOUNGE

METRO LOUNGE FRIDAYS in sept in either our own New club, or we will take someone elses club and make it the BIGGEST friday night they have EVER SEEN........

I just wanted to you guys to hear the truth from me about metro. As you guys know, Metro holds a very special place in all our hearts and lots of our customers and the people behind Metro. Also remember, what was created at Metro, was CREATED, we will do it again it what ever venue we go to.......i will give you guys all the details soon......thanks! Not to worry.......


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hey george as we all you are a master of the english language. this is proven by your spelling of sceane maybe its scene thats fourth grade spelling. How about that undescribed place? dont you mean undisclosed. this is just considering you bartend for a living. you better hope that place never shuts down, because the hiring potential for illiterates isnt to good, but let me know if it happens we need a new janitor.

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Originally posted by mooseknuckle

hey george as we all you are a master of the english language. this is proven by your spelling of sceane maybe its scene thats fourth grade spelling. How about that undescribed place? dont you mean undisclosed. this is just considering you bartend for a living. you better hope that place never shuts down, because the hiring potential for illiterates isnt to good, but let me know if it happens we need a new janitor.

Maybe spelling and grammer aren't his forte (sorry i cant find the e with the suaree over it) he's got a myriad of others and this I can say as is personal friend, but you my friend, are the big loser here for tracking is post and taking the time to correct his grammatical errors.

By the way, your first sentence is a fragment, and makes no sense what so ever. Maybe you sould secure that janitor position before it slips through your fingers buddy:laugh: :blown:

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maybe you are one of the ones that were hopeing to jump in our grave, is that why you took something the wrong way?

I am a bad speller i admit.No reality check needed I DEFINITLY dont think i am better than anyone else, so i really dont understand why you would have said that (in relation to my post). Ask ANYONE on this board that knows me (and theres alot), i am a pretty decent guy, at least i try to be. Since you claim you know Kosta, dont hide behind a new screen name that you just HAD to register RIGHT NOW to let me know what a bad speller i am, let him know your gripe, or even better, let me know.............Sorry i am such a bad speller......

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If it is true that Joey's has been sold, u guys need to open on friday's I need a place to go. Someone said that joey's might close for a couple of months to remodel, does anyone if it is true that joey's has been sold and will close in the fall to remodel. P.S. I don't feel like going to the city.....

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Originally posted by mooseknuckle

hey george as we all you are a master of the english language. this is proven by your spelling of sceane maybe its scene thats fourth grade spelling. How about that undescribed place? dont you mean undisclosed. this is just considering you bartend for a living. you better hope that place never shuts down, because the hiring potential for illiterates isnt to good, but let me know if it happens we need a new janitor.

Hey moose, nice first post on the board.... this board is full of assholes and its nice to have a new one join the pack.

Most of us don't use spell check b/c its a message board not a senior thesis...:blown:

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Originally posted by mooseknuckle

i've always like you kosta dont ruin it. this was just posted to give he who thinks he is better than others a little reality check.

AS I do for all my friends I am sticking up for George. I have enough friends I dont need anymore.

First of I could give 2 fucks about who likes me and who doesnt. MY FRIENDS WILL TELL YOU THAT. My friends like me for me not for what I do or dont do and If sticking up for another friend will "ruin it" fuck you and yo momma too.

George is a very close personal friends of mine he has been nice to me from the day I met him and our friendsip has grown closer over the years. I consider him one of my best friends and would do anything for him and all of my friends so his battle is my battle. As far as your ignorant comment that he thinks he is better than others you are sadly mistaken. He is a very humble and caring person. And 100% of the people that know him will agree.

In closing I'd like to know who this is and there is no need to publicly state it and if you want I wont tell George or anyone else, but I think you need to check yourself before making slanderous comments about people that you dont know too well.

I know there are a ton of people that dont like me but I admit I AM AN ASSHOLE. I have my moments I am nice at times but I am a grumpy fuck that is full of hatred and animosity and It grows inside me everyday. Better yet dont tell me who you are because my sniper list is already toooo long!!!!:blown:

Have a day:)

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Originally posted by alexx

why did metro close in the first place?

Summer time, renovations, bigger and better plans to re-create and revolutionize the New Jersey nightlife scene as they did 5 years ago when Metro first opened!!!!

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Originally posted by ml2k3


maybe you are one of the ones that were hopeing to jump in our grave, is that why you took something the wrong way?

I am a bad speller i admit.No reality check needed I DEFINITLY dont think i am better than anyone else, so i really dont understand why you would have said that (in relation to my post). Ask ANYONE on this board that knows me (and theres alot), i am a pretty decent guy, at least i try to be. Since you claim you know Kosta, dont hide behind a new screen name that you just HAD to register RIGHT NOW to let me know what a bad speller i am, let him know your gripe, or even better, let me know.............Sorry i am such a bad speller......

George please dont waste your time with clowns like this let me handle them!!!! You are better than people like this!!!! hahahaa now his panties are really in a bunch.

PS George there will always be haters and jealous motherfuckers in life just roll with the punches. Do you really give a flying fuck about this tool's first post to bash you?? Ive had plenty of these types. he probably does your lawn and Is pissed it takes im 3 days to finish the mansion!! Hey at least he was on MTV Cribs even if he was ridin the lawn mower!!!!!!

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