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i'm leaving cali....


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soon. :(

but i'm so bored........can't take it anymore.......need a new environment to adapt to........i wish i could keep the place but kick out most of the people in it.....i can do without fake south cali bullshit.......i'm gonna miss the view from my house of the beach........and messing with mexicans in tijuana.........and laughing at yuppies in LA......


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:( just going from between cities in the east coast right, i have no idea...but i can't stay in cali anymore, need to finish school elsewhere....

leaving next week actually :boohoo: going to party my ass off till then....:)

but i'll be back...terrorizing the streets of SD and LA .....:D

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does this have anything to do with the DC visit in two weeks? :confused:

i wanna move out there...someday, all these high strung people at work drive me crazy.. i need a change...maybe in a year or two. some place sunny, with nice beaches...thats not FL since I already lived in FL...with good mexican food. :(

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yes, first destination out east is DC....

i hear you also about living somewhere nice....but it seems nowadays that you need a lot of independent money to do that....california sucks right now...no jobs...huge financial crisis....dumbass governor...(thank you gray davis for fucking us up...then blaming it on everyone but yourself)

i live in a very expensive city, and while that's not a problem for me....it is for a lot of people my age. a lot of people i know are actually leaving california after only being here for 1-3 years....

why can't you make your own food btw...homecooked food is always the best....:)

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sitaution is basically the same out here... i think. it really depends on what your area of work is. mine is public health and the best places are Atlanta, DC or SF and LA. I don't like Atlanta at all, I'm in DC, but basically the job market is pretty tight at the moment, again since a lot of the work in the area is government driven and the bush administration has really cut down on spending on health and social services and research....HIV spending, especially, is coming under extra scrutiny.

DC is also pretty expensive. I finally managed to get my own place, a studio right outside DC on the MD/DC line for $900. Kinda makes me miss living in FL that whole much where I could rent a 1br apt, a pretty roomy one at that, in the nice-trendy area of town for $500-$600. I guess it's the same all around :(

I do make some mexican food myself, but just the basics. Like the taco's, enchiladas, and that sort of easy stuff, but it's too much of a hassle to make the more complex sort of stuff, that takes more time and that I miss. :(

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:eek: damn. i used to have a place in georgetown (1 bdr) for $800 a month....

i'm gonna be in alexandria for a bit....nice town, i guess. kind of nice to not really be in the city...although it's awesome, i'm never too comfortable in DC....cameras, cops, and bs everywhere...

i guess that's the case with any city that has some remote opportunities....too bad you can't do the same in all cities, and still get paid the same....

and i hear you about the food. i miss a lot of different styles of cooking that you just can't find out here in cali or the west coast for that matter.

i miss the vibe in the east a bit also...mind you, i love cali and it's my second home, but not to generalize...the fakeness, superficiality, the way people will be friends with you just for a certain time and usually because you party together, hang out in similar class, etc....it gets old. the east has more grounded people, i like the diversity better, and the food and entertainment...much better :aright:

although...the weather i can do without...i hate the east coast in the summer....i'll miss that about cali...the awesome weather and views.

but one thing i know: i would never not move because it's worth doing it to see how the world is, and to grow yourself mentally, physically, emotionally....

definitely worth it. each place has its bad and good. you just do with what you got and do your thing.


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Originally posted by sassa

but one thing i know: i would never not move because it's worth doing it to see how the world is, and to grow yourself mentally, physically, emotionally....

definitely worth it. each place has its bad and good. you just do with what you got and do your thing.


i totally agree with you. last winter almost made pack up my bags and leave, but oh well, every once in a while a person needs a little change of scenery and surroundings. but its cool that your coming over to DC for a while :D

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