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Worst Late Night Phone Call Ever......

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Originally posted by thesandman

Cell rings at 2:15..... KostaP and ML2K3 comming home from Jenks.... Laughing like school girls at Marsha Brady's slumber party.... someone ought to put itching powder in their sleeping bags when they cuddle later......:cool:


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Originally posted by thesandman

Cell rings at 2:15..... KostaP and ML2K3 comming home from Jenks.... Laughing like school girls at Marsha Brady's slumber party.... someone ought to put itching powder in their sleeping bags when they cuddle later......:cool:


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Originally posted by thesandman

Cell rings at 2:15..... KostaP and ML2K3 comming home from Jenks.... Laughing like school girls at Marsha Brady's slumber party.... someone ought to put itching powder in their sleeping bags when they cuddle later......:cool:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You should have recorded that shit....

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First off Dani sorry we didn't meet up Probably this week.

Met up with my wingman ml2k3 at Metro pack my sit in his ride and we decide were gonna head starigt down. On the way contemplating on where to go while indulging in our fat kid desires while slamming down some McDonalds fat we came to the decision that Jenks would be the place for the evening. Upon entering the establishment (nice looking place pretty crowded) The Nerds are on stage. Nice rock songs but like we stated that night I was like a fish out of water. Te girls were far from attractive and the hottest chick in that place prob. wouldnt get a second look at any club. So I find the hottest chick in the place and wasnt even that hot but the best set of lips I have ever seen after realizing we prob have nothing in common I retire to the bar to slam more shots and corona's till intoxicated and drive to seaside after closing this joint. My phone call to sandman was actually inside Jemks. And at 5 am I am woken up by a grotesque voice singing the entire set of the Nerds. After considering drowning myself in the bay in the backyard I ask who the fuck it was on the phone and the reply was, SANDMAN. I wanted to fucking kill him i couldnt fall back asleep and had that nasty voice and music stuck in my mind.

So Chris here's to you.....FUCK YOU my phone is now set to retrict certain callers between certain times. Youre not on the OK list. between 5am and noon on saturday and sundays week nights vary.

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