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Doing Relationship Research


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if anyone cares to answer these questions for me... id greatly appreciate it :) im doing relationship research for school... and id like some other insight on these topics... thanks :D

*What does it mean to desire more/less closeness in relationships?

*Why would someone desire more or less closeness in a relationship?

(the * questions are my topic... the questions below are questions about break-ups that my professor sent to me this morning... if ur bored- please feel free to give some input!)

1) What does it mean to have a broken heart? What are

characteristics of the experience?

a) Does this happen in response to every break-up? If

not, how is a broken heart distinct?

B) What is the best way to cope with a broken heart?

c) What psychological and/or relationship concepts

relate to the experience? (i.e. what might predict

the experience? What might coincide with the experience?)

2) What does it mean when a person is a soul mate? What

are characteristics of the experience?

a) What are common beliefs about soul mates?

B) What psychological and/or relationship concepts

relate to the experience? (i.e. what might predict

the experience? What might coincide with the experience?)

3) Do people stay in relationships longer than they

should? Why? (what purpose does it serve?) What leads

them to finally get out?

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1) What does it mean to have a broken heart? What are

characteristics of the experience?

To feel like that like all effort was waste. It have your trust in opposite broken to the extend that you do not trust a possible sig other and destroy a future relationship.

a) Does this happen in response to every break-up? If

not, how is a broken heart distinct?

No. The detruction of trust and self confidence is the difference.

B) What is the best way to cope with a broken heart?

In the words of gavin rossdale Adrenaline keeps me in the game

Adrenaline, you don't even feel the pain.

Honestly, realizing you gave it your all and there was nothing that you could have done. Then taking what you learned and appling it to your next relationship while timing your time do so because time does heal.

c) What psychological and/or relationship concepts

relate to the experience? (i.e. what might predict

the experience? What might coincide with the experience?)

of a broken heart? Depression, hate, fear of relationships, bitter, jaded, lack of emotion, freedom, self destructive behavior. happiness,etc

2) What does it mean when a person is a soul mate? What

are characteristics of the experience?

You have reached an inter peace by being in the a meaning ful relationship w/ each other. When the material thing have lost all value due to your relationship.

a) What are common beliefs about soul mates? Very few find theirs. Everlasting

B) What psychological and/or relationship concepts

relate to the experience? (i.e. what might predict

the experience? What might coincide with the experience?)


3) Do people stay in relationships longer than they

should? Why? (what purpose does it serve?) What leads

them to finally get out?

The fear of not being together or not being in a relationship.

Self actualization of everything a round them.

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*What does it mean to desire more/less closeness in relationships? closeness to me, (in a relationship) means being inside one another, not physically (although that helps in one way ;)) but to feel one anothers emotions, empathy... if your partners is ill, then are a part of you is ill, if your partner is down then you are down, to vibe off each other, but not only that but just have a clear understanding of each of other, and to be able share your ideas, thoughts, wants, needs and etc. with one another... to have an unspoken or intangable bond...

*Why would someone desire more or less closeness in a


if youre in a relationship and desire more closeness prolly because you feel disconnected from yourself, and the relationship, and feel that if you cannot get closer than you cannot move forward in it... to desire less closeness i have no idea what that would mean or why one would want that but in a physical sense possibly to have some alone time??? or to have their own lil quirks and idiosyncrasies to themselves???

(the * questions are my topic... the questions below are questions about break-ups that my professor sent to me this morning... if ur bored- please feel free to give some input!)

1) What does it mean to have a broken heart? What are

characteristics of the experience? it is the ultimate antithesis of a high... if you or your professor have ever been drunk or high and the next day experienced a hungover or a low, imagine that ten fold or more depending on the relationship and duration of it... love is the ultimate drug, and by far the best one i can think of... it makes colors more vivid, life worth living, friends seem closer, your days seem brighter your nights enchanting and you have this eternal glow (or for the length of the relationship) however on the flipside afterwards... your colors turn black and white, your life isnt worth living, your friends seem distant or nonexistant, your days turn to nights, your nights turn to hell, and your eternal glow is now tarnished...

a) Does this happen in response to every break-up? If

not, how is a broken heart distinct? doesnt not happend in every break because every relationship is different, and not every relationship do you open up your heart, or fall in love or love one another...

B) What is the best way to cope with a broken heart?

get out of your apt, house, whatever it is you live in and do something to take your mind off of everything... write poetry, reflect on yourself, and the relationship and why you feel it didnt work out, how you couldve made it work, apply your new found knowledge towards a new relationship... best way to step all over the pieces, and destroy your heart is to save up all your energy, thoughts, feelings and emotions and make an all out plea to make the relationship work again... man up, take the hit, and get on with your life... a weeping, wallowing, morose individual is not the person your partner fell in love with, and will not want to date one... (subsequently neither will any girl after her so get your act together quick and move on)

c) What psychological and/or relationship concepts

relate to the experience? (i.e. what might predict

the experience? What might coincide with the experience?)

if i or anyone knew the answer to this nobody would break up...

but if i had to guess, laziness, irritability, complacency, nuances in one another building up to a final breaking point, who knows i dont and im just making shit up and guessing...

2) What does it mean when a person is a soul mate? What

are characteristics of the experience? i have no idea do they exist???

a) What are common beliefs about soul mates?

that they complete you... i have no idea i dont even know if they exist...

B) What psychological and/or relationship concepts

relate to the experience? (i.e. what might predict

the experience? What might coincide with the experience?) i would picturing the perfect relationship, then being in it??? i dont know...

3) Do people stay in relationships longer than they

should? Why? (what purpose does it serve?) What leads

them to finally get out? convenience, money, complacency (the same thing that breaks up couples also keeps them together sometimes) imo if the relationship is not working out you should stand up count your gains cut your losses and move on to play another hand, as soon as possible... no point in wasting their time and more importantly your own... you can always get back on your feet after a broken heart, but you cant get back time lost...

beaniebebe, i dont know if any of this makes sense or what youre looking for but i hope it helps... good luck~!

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